Chereads / Is this A Dream Or Reality / Chapter 3 - The Awakening Power

Chapter 3 - The Awakening Power

Austin - *as he was blushing* don't kiss me like that!!!

Elizabeth - if u win I'll do more *as she chuckled and walk away*.

Lilly - seem like u are loving that? *As she was behind him*.

Austin - n-no i didn't love that at all

William - *as he run in hugging Austin* how have you been??

Austin - *as he laughs and hug back* i didn't expect to see u here .. what are u doing here??

William - well captain Sammy send me here on guard. And i notice that your taking part in the tournament so I'm here to welcome u . And who's this? *As he look at Lilly*

Austin - this is Lilly and Lilly this is my childhood friend William..

Lilly - oh hi there sir William.

William - wait is this the girl u talk about back then .

Austin - yeah.. *as he just smile*

Lilly - what? What are u talking about....

Sammy - *as he walk in* oh i didn't thought you'll be here already William..

William - captain? I didn't thought u would be here to.

Lilly - uhhhh I'm confuced about your connection with this stuff Austin?

Austin - well this is captain Sammy. He's the one who thought me swords skills..

Sammy - c'mon the tournament is starting soon go to your waiting room.. *as Austin went as they all wave *

William - c'mon miss I'll take you to your seat .*as they allow went talking to each other*

Austin - *as he was in the waiting room looking a bit nearvas* " this is a bit exciting and i don't know what to do here while I'm waiting for my turn" *as they were a few mixed species of elf and Demi human and stuff and the tournament start*

Lilly - i wonder when will it will be Austin turn?

Anna - don't worry he will be out soon *as she just smile*

Lilly - there's captian Sammy and William..

Anna - u mean the two royal knight by the king?? *As she nod* uhhh how did you know them ?

Lilly - well Austin said... William is his childhood friend and captian Sammy teach Austin his sword skills.. i think his from a royal family..

Anna - no, on his information.. Austin is from the slum city. *As it was Austin turn* oh it's his turn..

Lilly - with who ?? *As they both get excited*

Austin - *as he slowly get out on the arena* " this is so embarassing".

Lillia - yay Austin!!!! *As they quickly look at them while Lillia was chearing up Austin*

Escanor - *as he walk out as the crowd chear up* "this is going to be a quick match" I'm sorry boy.. I'll make this quick.

Austin - "is he mocking me ". What??

Escanor - *as he look around waiving* thank you.

Lilly - is he the top 4 from the previous tournament??

Anna - y-yeah.. poor Austin..

Escanor - well here we go *as he change in attacking Austin* let's just make this quick..

Austin - "why the hell is he so strong" *as he was struggling to defend* "they said elfe are good at magic and his already this strong with swords skills, how am I saposed to defend from his magic*

Escanor - *as Austin was gasping heavily* i didn't thought you would last this long ...

Austin - thank u for the compliment..

Escanor - *as he started to chant a spells absorbing the mana around him* i dint have time for this so I'll end it with this..

Austin - "I'm so dead .. should i doge or run " *as he gasped as escanor realeased his attack as Austin blocked it as it make Austin flying as he hit the wall and fallen down in the ground* "i can't feel my body.. " *as he see escanor celebrating his victor already*

William - oh no.. Austin??

Lilly - n-no Austin.. is he ok Anna do something??? *As they see Austin struggling to get back up as Lillia and Emmy shouted his name as she also shouted to*

Escanor - oh.. u still can stand .. *as he laughed as he slowly walk towards him* pitiful humans should neal down before us..

Austin - don't call us pitiful *as he rage and in a blink of an eyes he was infront of escanor as he punch him in his face and he went flying away hitting the wall hard *

Escanor - "h-how ca-can he defeated me?" *As he falls down fainted*

Austin - *as he was the winner as he just smile standing still* "i win"""

Lilly - he win he win *as she laughed and hug Anna*

Anna - *as he look at Austin Still standing still* why is he still standing still?? Is he knocked out like that ?? *As a medical team rush in as they brings him to medical room and the match was the one they talk about more then the other match*

Howard - that's surprisingly a good attack.. was he the one u train with William?

Sammy - yes my lord . He is.

Howard - was that magic he just use ..

Sammy - i think it is..

Howard - i thought he is just a swordsman??

Sammy - no my king. On his adventure card his skills are unknown.. the swords skills are just the things he learn .

Howard - your saying his skills are unknown.. intresting.. *as the match keep on going*

Lilly - hope he will be ok *as she was sitting beside Austin with Anna*

Anna - don't worry his strong he'll be ok..

Lillia - *as she walk in seeing Lilly and Anna* uhhhhhh who might u be?

Emma - did u found Austin room? *As she also see them as she stay silent confuced* u must be the Healer that look after Austin?

Anna - no I'm his caretaker on the guild and this is Lilly his guild members more like a friend.. and you two must be his close friends to???

Emma - u can say that.. well I'm Emma the owner of the inn he stay at and this is Lillia my little sister??

Lilly - "so he have two girls beside him always" nice to meet u.

Lillia - "why didn't I know he went in an adventure with a girl always" same goes for you . *As they all sit around Austin bed talking*

Escanor - *as he knocked and walk in* uhhhh am i in the wrong room?? Is this not the one i fight with room?

Anna - your in the right room.. what brings u here? U recover pretty quickly.

Escanor - well we got the best medicine.. i heard his condition so I came and checked to see what's his condition are.. *as he just smile*.

Emma - your pretty nice depending on the tournament

Escanor - uhhh u can say that like an in-game personality *as he take out a small packege on medicine* here give this to him and he'll be ok

All - how kind of u..

Escanor - seems like his a lady killer *as he laughed* but i didn't thought he can use magic..

Anna - *as they all blush a little* well so did i . It's a surprise for us to..

Escanor - his skills are unknown so i was not expecting any other skills except the swords skills.. hope he get well soon *as he walk out*

Austin - *as a few minutes past after they gave Austin the medicine and he slowly wake up as he look around seeing all of them* uhhhh am i dead?

Anna - don't be stupid will u.. *as a few more days past as Austin was out on an adventure while the other people were in the town celebrating Austin win on the tournament*

Austin - *as he was at a forest getting some fruits* hope they won't be mad knowing I'm not there *as he just talked to himself as he appeared on the gate as the guard see him*

Guard - why are u out here should u be in there *as a huge blast destroy everything in its past without any traces as Austin was staying still being shocked*

Austin - wh-what?? I must be dreaming?? *As he just neal down * I'm dreaming.. this is a dream *as a tears fall from his eyes* n-no this can't be happening no... *As he just scream*

Johnny - my work here is done .. the boss will be happy to know this. *as he laughed*

Demon - u could have hold back a little

Johnny - well I'm sure he'll be dead on that blast *as they both went back*

Man - *as a few hours past as he reach Tryon capital as they keep on running as they reach the gate* sir should there be a gate here ??

Escanor - *as he see Austin on the ground as he run to him* hey are u ok?? *As he didn't respond back* Austin snap out of it what happened here??!!

Austin - *as he slowly look at escanor* tell me this is a dream is it? It can't be real.

Escanor - search everywhere look for survivors!! *As he look at Austin seeing how empty he is* "I'm so sorry that were too late". Austin??

Austin - i-its a dream this can't be r-rea... *As he was out cold*

Escanor - Austin!! Austin!!! *As a few minutes past as they reported back*

Man - no sing of Survivor sir.. it's like it's been wiped out of the map..

Man² - who could have done this.. why would they do this.??

Escanor - it's probably Johnny.. he's the only one capable of doing this kind of desaster.. let's head back for now. Well go back here if there's any other survivors here.. *as they all went back to the elfe village*

Nathan - escanor how is he any good news?

Escanor - no my king .. he's still out cold.

Nathan - it's been days .. he must have been shocked..

Escanor - why would they send there High ranked demon there . What are there aim?

Nathan - that's a good question.. could it be related to something the demon King afraid of.

Austin - *in his dream as he see all of his friends and William standing infront of him as he just cried* I'm so glad your ok i have this dream that u were all gone *as he run towards them as he was about to hug them as they were blasted away like it happens before* n-no .. *as anger take in as he started to rage * SOMEONE TELL ME THIS IS A DREAM !

Nathan - *as they were still discussing about what the demon up to as a man run in* what's with the rush?

Man - I'm sorry my king but it's an emergency.. sir Escanor plz followed me ... To the medical room *as he run as escanor fallowed him*

‌Escanor - i wonder what's wrong? *As he was closed to the medical room as he feel a strange magic and it get stronger every second he was closed to the medical room * this can't be right *as he run in seeing Austin being held on to his bed with there highest mage* what's going on here?

Girl - there's something in him being awaken .. we need to stop it before it's awaken or it will be the end of us all..

Nathan - *as he walk in* what's all with the noice ? *As escanor take him to safety* i want to know what's with all of this??

Escanor - pls my king done leave this place until I'm back *as he went back as a few elfe guard him* "I'm so confused what's going on here " *as he went back in as he cast a spell helping the other as he was sucked in to Austin memory* wh-what?? Where am I?? *As he look around confuced*

Austin - *as he chocked escanor as he laughed* i will kill everyone!!

Escanor - *as Austin eye were all red as he can see the turst for blood * w-wake up this is not u?? Snap out of it *as he try to punch Austin as he catch his had * this is not how your friends wanted u to be?

Austin - *as he chocked Escanor* these pitiful humans don't deserve this world?

Escanor - *as he was taken away in Austin past* wh-what where am I??

Man - *as he bring a kid with him which is Austin while he was just a child* sir i bring him as u command?

Escanor - is this your doing. I'm confuced what are u trying to make me see?? *As he look at the kid * wa-wait that kid look familiar?? Is it Austin??

Howard - good begin the test ?? *As he walk out looking at them from the corner*

Man - *as he chain up Austin* don't worry boy it will be over quickly.. *as he smile and went away*

Austin - l-let go of me .. i want my mom and dad *as he said it with a crying voice*

Man - *as he injected a medicine in Austin* let's check how well you can take it... *As Austin started to scream in pain and agony*

Escanor - *as he try to puch the man as it didn't do anything* s-stop this your killing the kid!! Stop!!!

*As he just stand there as they tormented Austin after a few minutes he snap out of it waking up*

Nathan - Escanor are u ok?? *As he was standing infront of him *

Escanor - wh-what happened.. *as he look around still a bit confuced*

Nathan - when you try to stop Austin u just stand still like your soul was taken away.. what exactly happened??

Escanor - *as he started to remember what he went through on Austin memory* i- it's nothing.. where is Austin anyway?

Nathan - he's fine for now . He's over there . *As he just smile* well everything seems to be back to normal. *As he went back to his throne*

Carmalia - brother?!! *As she run in seeing Escanor* i heard the news so i came here as soon as I can ..

Escanor - *as he just smile as a tears fall from his eyes a little* u worry about me too much

Carmalia - what exactly happened. Is that tears *as she giggle*

Escanor - o-oh *as he wipe it away* "what a painful path u been having" just go back to our house.. I'll be back home soon.

Carmalia - is this the human that beat u on the tournament??

Escanor - don't remind me of that will u.. c'mon let's head back the Healer said he'll be ok *as they both went home *

Austin - *after a few hours he slowly wake up* wh-where am i?? *As he slowly sit up seeing an elfe girl*

Girl - *as he quickly went to him* don't get up yet.. anything u need ..

Austin - I'm fine... Don't worry about me

Girl - ok ?? *As he went out taking what he ask for *

Austin - *as he lay back down * "i will surely get your vengeance to who ever destroy our happiness. Even if it's God I'll kill the person no matter what"

Girl - *as she just smile * I'll be here if u need anything..

Escanor - *as he walk in looking at Austin * it's good to see you getting better.

Austin - are you the one who took me here??

Escanor - yes .. i-

Austin - thank you I'll repay u someday..

Escanor - Austin i - .. *as he stay silent for a while* u didn't have to hide your sadness .. I'm sorry for being late .

Austin - it's fine it is what it is now . We can't change the past now. I remember that I can use some magic. Did your people have a strong mage that can teach me .

Escanor - yeah we have a few . You better rest up first.

Austin - i didn't have time to rest *as he struggle a bit getting up * I'm fine now take me to this mage your talking about *as escanor take Austin as they started training day after day*

Valentina - *a few days earlier as she was where the capital were* wh-what happened? Don't tell me I'm late to inform everyone??

Man - *back at her mission on a far far away capital as he was killing demons* haha u take the bait.

Valentina - i don't care if it's a bate or not I'll remove your kind from this world.. *as he quickly cut the man head off*

Man - *as he was barely a life* Jonny is already there . Bet he already wipe that capital out from the map ...

Valentina - *as he crush the demon head* stop bluffing.. *as he see a file as she open it as there were an old top secret experiment taken a past years ago* what how did they have this kind of secrets?? *As she keep reading as she read Austin file* " this can't be right.. how didn't Know anything about this, did the demon already have been targeting Austin?" . *As she quickly run out rushing back to the capital* "the king have so much to explain"..*as she was where she at now and sence a fade presence as she checked* "could this be a survivor of the attack " *as she look around and head off where the sence took her*

Leo - *after a few days he still keep striking down Austin* don't let anger take control of u. If u let that happen u won't be a great mage .. *as he keep dogin Austin attack* i Know u have the potential in u. Just get away from the anger and you'll seces.

Escanor - *as he was watching Austin from a far side* " I'm worried about him. What will his decision will be after this,"

Carmalia - hey brother.. I've seen u always watching that human learning. I thought u hate human??

Escanor - i uhh his different.

Carmalia - i didn't see any difference in him . All I see is a greedy and wanting powers to rule over other.

Escanor - your just seeing it's cover try to read what's inside before u put people personally.

Carmalia - true . But brother how come you care for that human . I once heard that you said you'll beat every human u see.*as she just smile*.

Escanor - well it's different now. Do me a favor will u *as she look at him* after this i think he'll try to head out looking for vengeance.

Carmalia - are u saying I'll accompany him through out his journey?..

Escanor - yeah.. i know he'll push u away cuz he lost everything. But i want u to accompany him .

Carmalia - if you care about that human so badly. I will brother don't worry *as she just smile it off*..

Leo - c'mon boy.. i know u can do it. Don't try to hide your power against me *as he laughed enjoying the fight* i know u even created your own magic...

Carmalia - wai- what did he just said??

Escanor - yes he did say it..

Carmalia - intresting..

Austin - *as he was able to pin Leo down* "i finally did it" thank you for teaching me..

Leo - there's really nothing i can teach you from the start *as he stand up smiling* u just need a guide to open your path to magic. But one advice. Magic can be dengerous if it's weild with anger try to concentrate it and you'll become the greatest mage .. *as he smile walking away*

Escanor - congratulations my friend.. *as he walk in with his sister as Austin was staying silent* so what are u going to do for now?

Austin - I'll head out looking for that person that kill evryone, after I kill him i can die pice fully.

Escanor - oh.. are you going alone?..

Austin - yes. Don't think about joining me.. *as he walk away trying to pack some stuff up to head out now*

Carmalia - is he trying to head out now.. do i really have to accompany him?? *Gasp softly*

Austin - *as he was packing some stuff he'll be needing for a few days as an elder of the village come * why are you here?

Elder - i see that your trying to head out now . The vengeance u seek won't do any good..

Austin - thanks for the advice *as he ignored him as he walk past him*

Elder - i see your that hurt . But don't let anger take control of u. I'll pray for your safe journey..

Austin - *as he was walking out from the city gate he heard someone calling his name as he look back it was carmalia* your House is that way.. *as he ignored her continue walking*

Carmalia - *as she soon catch up* u know I'm not going anywhere.. even if u try to kick me away *as she say it with a smile*.

Austin - i don't care about what your trying to do. Don't fallowed me i don't want any company this is my problem alone .

Carmalia - u know u didn't have to hold this burden all on your own. *After a few days had past as Austin keep ignoring her while she keep trying to get close to Austin while Austin sometimes show his kind side as they reach the nearest city as they book a room*.

Girl - one room two bed?

Austin - no we want a different room... *As he walk away*

Carmalia - God sometimes his so stubborn.

Girl - uhhh are u two lover or something that has a fight over love ??

Carmalia - no it's something else. *As she smile taking a different room*

Austin - *as it was late night as he can't sleep * "i wonder what will u do William if it's was me that die in that day?". *As someone knocked on his room door a he check and it was carmalia* what do u want?

Carmalia - i can't sleep would u mind if I sleep in your room?..

Austin - no *as he try to close the door as she quickly run in laying in his bed * get out of my room will you..

Carmalia - nope . U can sleep here *as she giggle petting the other side *

Austin - *as he went away laying down on the floor* "God can this day be over soon." *As it was midnight as he was sleeping*

Carmalia - I wonder why my brother is so worried about this human?.

Escanor - *as he wake up from the same nightmare again as he sit up* why did I always have that nightmare. Is it trying to tell me something.