Chereads / Is this A Dream Or Reality / Chapter 2 - A new beginning

Chapter 2 - A new beginning


Austin - like?

Anna - well like u can join my party? Or some other party that u love . It's your choice. Oh and call me Anna. *As she smiled*

Austin - "what will I do? Thers no one i know here tho I just meet these two" well i decided to join your party.

Elizabeth - oh i see u found two new member?

Anna - must be my Lucky day...

Elizabeth - i think i like this one *as she rub Austin cheek*

Austin - *as he just blush * " oh my God that's one big pillow"

Anna - stop it will u.. stop doing that to our adventures *as she push her away draging them both in her personal room* now that we are here .. I'll go get the stuff you'll need .

Lilly - Austin are u ok?

Austin - ye-yeah I'm fine .

Lilly - thanks for join the same party as me.. Anna is a sweet girl . But she didn't have much of an adventurers joining her party.. it will mean a lot to her.

Anna - *as she went back with a magic ball with her* place your hands here .

Lilly - *as she do so* like this...

Anna - oh a mage .. that's great *as an adventure ID popped out * this is your adventures I'd try not to loose it . *As she look at Austin* now it's your turn sir

Austin - *as he slowly do so and nothing is happening* uhhhh what's wrong?

Anna - i don't know it should have reacted? *As the magic balls break in to two as they both stay silent*

Austin - I'm so sorry for breaking it.

Anna - i-its fine *as she stay silent again*

Lilly - that's strange? What happened Anna?

Anna - i don't know.. that never happened before..

Lilly - what about his adventure ID?

Anna - i uhhh I'll figure it out letter..

Lilly - so we're done here ? *As Anna nod as she stood up and pull Austin up walking out*

Austin - i promise I will pay for it ..

Elizabeth - *as she went in* what's all the noice is about Anna as she see the magic balls was broken* what happened here? How did that thing break?

Anna - i uhhh I'm clueless..

Lilly - don't blame yourself too much. U didn't know that would happen

Austin - but she seems mad ..

Lilly - it's getting late I'll head home *as she went towards her house*

Austin - *as he also went towards the castle* see ya

Lilly - that's not the direction of East?

Austin - i have something to do this way..

Lilly - ok see ya tomorrow.. *as they both went home*

Sammy - is he still out there?

William - yeah .. i hope he's not lost or anything..

Valentina - *as she drag Austin in* look what I found.. sneaking around.

Sammy - where did you found him?

Valentina - uhhh around my house..

Austin - i didn't know that was your house..

Valentina - *as she Shake him around* that's not a reasonable excuse..*as he those him in* next time you'll be dead *as she went away*

William - *as he pull Austin up* did u really sneak around her dome??

Austin - i didn't know it was her dome..

Sammy - u were out late .where were you?

Austin - i safe a girl. Join a guild ..

William - i do believe that u join a guild, but i do not believe that u safe a girl..

Austin - we even had tea together..

William - what?!

Sammy - *as he just laughed* c'mon it's time for dinner.. *as they all went to the dinning room*

William - you drinking tea with a girl i still can't believe it.

Sammy - i think u are jealous William? *As he laughed as he see Austin was spacing out* hey are u ok . U didn't touch your plate. Is something wrong?

Austin - o-oh.. it's just . When i touch the magic ball.. it didn't reacted at first..

Both - at first? *As they both curiously look at Austin*

Austin - the ball break at half..

William - at first u said u have a tea with a girl and now this .. did u do something else??

Sammy - you really are jealous at some point William *as they all laughed*

Sammy - *as it was early morning as he was walking around seeing Austin practicing his sword skills* i was not hoping to see him up this early... *As he walk away again and after a few hoursbas he see Austin packing stuff as he went to Austin* hey what are u doing?

Austin - i uhhh was going to tell u about this.. i was hoping to go out living my life like a real adventure..

Sammy - i uhhh that's your choice. Did William know about this?

Austin - yeah we talk about it last night. He uhhh say it's fine .*as he just smile*

Sammy - if your going to head out you'll be needing some money to start off.. wait here I'll go get u some * as he head off*

William - *as he see Sammy* hey there .. where are u going?

Sammy - i was going to get some money for Austin?

William - as he smile* ummm he already head off ...

Sammy - that boy .. *as he went back and see a letter that Austin left as he pick it up and in the letter* "thank you so much for looking after us for all this time.. I've never felt or know what a perent love is but i think i felt it with u. I'm really happy for it. As an adventure should do . I'll always love u as a father.. p.s Austin" *as he stay silent for a minute as he cry a little* that boy...

William - *as he was watching as he walk away looking a bit sad to* "u better stay safe idiot"

Austin - *as he reach the guild again as he see Anna* hey I'm here ..

Anna - welcome back.. *as she smile* and don't be sad about yesterday.. it's fine and Lilly is waiting for u inside c'mon in..

Lilly - *as they both walk in* took u pretty long to get here ..

Austin - ummmm i did some work on my way here .. *as Anna bring a new orb* what's that?

Anna - well we didn't able to read your skills.. so try again *as she smile as Austin slowly put his head on it * oh your a fighter and ... *As she can't see there's another skills but she can't read it* uhhh i don't know what this other skills is..

Austin - a fighter.. awesome i finally get my adventure identity. So am i allowed to go out talking a quest?

Anna - yeah ?

Austin - yes let's go check the quest *as he went out looking at the notice board* how about this one??

Anna - *as she walk out with Lilly* don't rush things .. your rank is too low to take that quest ??

Austin - what am I allowed to do now?? *As Lilly smile a little*

Anna - if u want u can go out doing chores and stuff?

Austin - will that make my rank go up fast to get to kill a demon animals??

Anna - maybe .. *as Austin went out * he's a strange one inded..

Lilly - that's what make that boy cute *as she just giggle around*

Austin - *as he reach a farm* hello anyone Home?? *As he walk around the farm trying to fing the owner*

Man - *as it was an old man * yes young man?? What brings u here??

Austin - I'm here to help .. i see u put a quest out so I'm here for that.. *as he say with a smile*

Man - oh an adventurers.. c'mon fallowed me *as he take Austin to a feild* i need help with this field to be ready for a rice fields..

Austin - yes .. I'll get the job done *as he get prepared and helping the man after a few hours on helping the old man*

Man - thank you so much young man.. here your reward.. *as he try to give it to Austin*.

Austin - uhhh no need to give it to me sir . *As he just smile*

Man - are you not an adventurers?

Austin - yes I'm an adventurers. But i can't take your money. Think of it as I'm helping you *as he smile and walk off*

Man - what a nice and kind hearted young man

Austin - time to head back... *As he realised he went out to live alone and didn't get any penny* "GOD!!!"

Jack - *as he was walking by and see Austin on the group as he slowly went to him* "I wonder what's wrong with him ?" Hey is that u Austin?

Austin - *as he look up while there was tears on his eyes* JACK!!!!

Jack - h-hey what's wrong?? Your freaking me out.. tell me what happened?.

Austin - *as he explained his situation* and i need to borrow your cash to get a in to stay for a few days ..

Jack - u could have just say it.. without making that face .. but i didn't bring any cash with me right now..

Austin - so I'm going to stay the night outside...

Jack - don't worry i know a good place for u to stay in.. c'mon fallowed me.. *as they both went towards jack told about*

Sammy - i wonder whats Austin doing..

Valentina - u worried too much .. he'll be fine.

Sammy - for a stupid brat to went out without any cash with him .

Valentina - yeah he will have a hard time . But he'll be ok and where is his friend.. was it William?

Sammy - yeah.. he is out on a mission.

Jack - *as they reach it* well this is the place...

Austin - are u sure they would let me stay .. knowing I'm pretty Brooke right now?

Jack - just come on ... *As they both went in*

Lillia - welcome to Harper in... *As he see Jack* oh Jack what brings u here so late at this time.

Jack - *as Austin was behind Jack a bit embarrassing* well my friend here need a place to stay.

Lillia - is he a shy one *as she say with a giggle noice*

Jack - well he's pretty brock . But dont worry hell pay up when he finished some mission..*as he just smile*

Lillia - your saying his an adventure without any cash.. I'm having my doubt. *As he stare at Austin*

Jack - *as Austin look away* well it's his first day.. so let him stay will u

Lillia - well if u insist..

Jack - well good luck *as he pet Austin and went out* good night.

Lillia - *as she chuckled* so u better not let Jack lie about u..

Austin - i promise i won't let that happen.. *as she gave him a key for his room and he quickly run up*

Lillia - wait . If u still didn't have any dinner.. well he's gone ..

Emmy - who was that? A new customer? *As they both talk about Austin*

Austin - *as he was in his room * i won't let u down Jack *as he slowly getting on the bed slwoly sleeping*

Lillia - *as she try to wake up Austin* hey wake up...

Austin - *as he slowly wake up* what time is it?

Lillia - *as she smiled* c'mon it's morning already.. *as she walk out* c'mon down .

Austin - oh right a new journey *as he slowly get up walking down* did u need me for something??

Emmy - here Lillia make this for u.. *as she was about to head out*

Austin - but i didn't have anything to pay for this??

Emmy - u can pay us anytime u want .. *as she walk out*

Austin - what a kind hearted people *as he dig in and after a few hours he went to the guild* i wonder whats for today quest?

Lilly - goodmorning *as she was standing behind Austin*

Austin - oh good morning Lilly. How was your dream *as he was blushing a little*

Lilly - it was great.. *as she smile* any quest that peek your interest??

Austin - i will take this..

Lilly - it say to collect some medicine in the jungle.. if u want i can accompany u??

Austin - it's fine.. it's just to collect medicines.. *as they both keep on talking and in the end they both went and after a few months has passed and he been taking lots of quest Ranking up to Diamond rank adventure*

Sammy - *as he was going home on there mission with William*it's good to be back home ..

William - yeah it is.. *as he yawn* i wonder how's Austin doing this past month*

Sammy - well i hope he's doing ok . There's rummor that an adventure refunded to take a reward from the poor..

William - yeah your guessing is right.. it's Austin..

Austin - *as he was at the in resting* what a wonderful day it is to take a break...

Lillia - *as she knocked* aren't u going out ??

Austin - no I'm taking a break today? Anything wrong?

Lillia - i was wondering if u could help me get some stuff from the shops?? *As she was blushing a little*

Austin - i don't mind.. let me get ready *as he stretch around and fallowed Lillia*

Emmy - *as she see both of them going out* good luck on your date...

Austin - *as he look back* what???

Emmy - *as he just smile* nothing...

Lillia - well we would need a few *as she tell Austin what they were going to buy*

Austin - wow that's a lots of stuff to buy.. *as a kid bumped into Austin and he look at the boy* are u ok kid u should have look where u were going??

Boy - *as he look at Austin staying silent for a while and he stand up* I'm fine .. *as he just walked off*

Lilly - *as they buy all of the stuff they needed and Lilly store it away in her storage magic* i think we got all of it.. *as he looked Austin was a bit confuced* what?

Austin - if u had that.. why did u bring me along?

Lilly - i uhhh *as she just smile* if u keep on laying around you'll get all fatty... *As they head a man shouting "stop that theft"* *

Austin - *as he looked around as the same boy bumped into him again* oh are u ok boy ..

Man - *as the man reach the boy grabbing his arm's* I'm going to kill u .. *as he Shake the boy around*

Austin - hey that's a mean way to treat a little kid for a adult like u.. *as he stop the man taking the boy away*

Man - a thief like this don't deserve to live.. they keep on stealing.. look at that dirty clothes and miserable looks.. *as the boy look away crying a little*

Austin - do u think it's his decision to be born this way.. what will u do if u were in his shoes?? If u help them they won't steal from u..

Man - *as he was staying silent for a while not knowing anything to say* well a thief is a thief.. or are u going to pay for what he stole..

Austin - if i do so will u let this madness go away?? *As he look at the man*

Man - y-yeah..

Austin - how much??

Man - all that he have stolen from my shop... It will be... 5 gold coins

Austin - *as he look at and he only have 3 gold coins* uhhhh can I pay another 2 gold coins Latter?

Man - pay up or that boy will be mine or I'll take him to prison..

Lillia - here Austin *as she gave two gold coins to Austin as he gave it to the man and he walk off*

Austin - c'mon up *as he offered the boy a hand and he pull him up and walked away as the people wishper *

People - "the rumour were true"

Kid - th-thanks for saving me from that man..

Austin - why were u stealing?? U know stealing is not good..

Kid - what else should I do.. my mother is having a feaver we can't afford any medicine or food.. its the least i can do..

Lillia - umm can u take us to your mother?

Boy - *as the boy nod as he take them to his house to the slum* were here.. *as he slowly get in to his house*

Lilly - *as they both walk in to* "what a though day for this boy"

Boy - mom I'm back .. *as he went to his mother as he brings a few wanter and the bread to his mother*

Mother - *as she can barely stood up* e-eat some my child..

Lillia - is it a Pinellia illness??

Boy - yeah..

Lillia - how long have it been?

Boy - a few months...

Lillia - we need a strikeb plant's?

Austin - u mean that plant..

Lillia - go buy it from the medicine store ..

Austin - i know where I can get it.. *as he quickly run off*

Boy - ummm miss why are u doing this for us?

Lillia - i don't even know.. it's just I'm happy to see him like this *as she just smile*

Boy - do u mean his your boyfriend.. ?

Lillia - n-no his not my boyfriend h-hes my friend *as a few hours has passed and he went in bringing a few strikeb* oh your finally back..

Austin - yeah .. here *as he gave it to Lillia*

Lillia - *as she bring the boy with her as she show how to prepare the medicine* that's how u do it ok . Your mother will be better in a few days.. *as she smile*

Boy - *as he hug Lillia* thank u so much.. when i grow up I'll be a fine man and i will repay everything u did to me *as the boy was crying a little*

Lillia - well were going to head off now . No more stealing ok *as she smile and they both went back* poor little boy. . it's getting late let's hurry up *as a few minutes past as they both walk in to the in*

Emma - *as she smile as she look at them* how was your date?? *As Lillia was blushing as Austin was confused*

Austin - date?? U really love jocks Emma *as he laughed it away*

Lillia - ye-yeah stop jocking around will u.. *as Austin head to his room* don't embarrassed me like that sis..

Emma - why not? I know u like being with him.. *as it was the next day as Austin was at the guild*

Lilly - so how was your day off ??

Austin - it was great *as he just smile it off*

Anna - so u know about the tournament?? *As Austin was confuced again*

Austin - what tournament??

Anna - *as she hit Austin head * stupid.. stay updated will u. I'm talking about the tournament that will be heald on five more days ...

Austin - and??

Lilly - your so funny when your this confuced.. it is a tournament that.. to see if the country have a strong mage or knight adventure..

Austin - yeah and the person that will be on this will be lucky. *As he just smile*

Lilly - *as she stop Anna from hitting Austin again* calm down will u. She's trying to say you'll be on this tournament and a few more guild members.

Austin - will it make the other adventure mad that I'm the one who's going to be on this tournament.?

Anna - don't worry .. *as she just smile it off* well u better get prepared..

Lilly - well i can help u out if u want ? *As she said with a smile *

Austin - ummm yeah I would like to know how to defend myself from magic attack.. *as they both head off to a forest getting ready to fight* I'm ready when you are??

Lilly - *as she inchant the magic words as she attack Austin with a fire magic* I'm not going to hold back.

Austin - *as he barely doge it as he keep charging in to Lilly as she keep on attacking as one of Lilly attack hit him as he flew off* ahhh!!!

Lilly - I'm so sorry *as she run towards Austin as she heal Austin* h-hey wake up..

Austin - *as he coughed* that hurt like hell .. *as he just smile*

Lilly - your so stupid to charge in like that.. *as she gasped a little* some greater mage would use a stranger spells and kill u ..

Austin - but when u say the magic words .. would it be easy to knock u out while your saying the magic words??

Lilly - true .. that's what make us vurnirable on a close combat...

Austin - again..*as they both stand up getting ready to fight again*

Lilly - this is for you *as she chant as Austin quickly charge in as she quickly pin Austin down* oh yeah I forgot to tell u some mage learn a few defence *as she giggle*

Austin - *as he coughed a little* i was just careless

Lilly - let's call it a day *as they both stand up and they both head off*

Austin - oh i forgot something.. u go on ahead *as Lilly was abit confuced as she head off as Austin head towards the boy house and brings something to eat as he put it in there door step as he knock and went off *

Boy - *as he open the door as there were a few food and stuff on there door step * mom someone just put some stuff here ??

Mom - must be some kind guy .. it's not nice to refuced someone kindness *as the boy bring it in*

Lillia - so i was wondering? Why we only have one room.. tho we are a hotel for an adventure??

Emma - well i don't want to get in to too much trouble. It's fun to look after one person.. that u have a crush on.. *as she blush as Austin just walk in* speaking of which here he comes

Austin - what? Are u two talking about me ? *As a few day had passed as Austin was training with Lilly day after day as it was the day of the tournament*

Lillia - your up pretty early today??

Austin - *as he smile* well today is an important day..for me

Lillia - hmmm? U mean the tournament??

Austin - yeah I've been selected among the adventures *as he look at Lillia as she was a bit mad* wh-whats wrong??

Lillia - u didn't bother telling me that *as she chased Austin out* u big dummy..!!!

Austin - I'm sorry it won't happen again *as he run off to the guild*

Emma - what's with all the noice? *As she look at Lillia*

Lillia - that big dummy!! *As she mumble around about what Austin tell her*

Emma - *as she giggled * if u want we could go and watch ??

Lillia - I'm not going.. *as she pout and walk in*

Emma - well I'm going to watch him *as she smile and went off*

Austin - *as he was sitting in the guild* "am i really a dummy? Why didn't tell her about this?".

Anna - hello??? Austin.. *as she wave at Austin* wake up!!

Austin - wh-what??! Don't scream like that .

Elizabeth - oh this is our new ruckies on the tournament!?

Anna - yeah he'll do fine .

Man - *as he was with his friends* hope he won't drag us down *as they all laughed and went out*

Anna - don't mind them. No need to win it's your first day so don't put too much burden to yourself.

Austin - I'll try my best.. *as he just smiled*

Elizabeth - *kiss in his cheek* good luck