Chereads / Dark Empire / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Promise?

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: Promise?

'I don't want to get hurt like you were. Father left you... No, he left us and it really affected you. You felt helpless, had sleepless nights for months just because you loved him.... You gave him your all but he paid you back with pain. I can't, and I don't want to pass through the same thing you went through.'

Speaking in her head, Ashlyn just couldn't voice out her thoughts. Keeping her reason to her self, she answered Mrs Pedro question. "I'm sorry mum, I have my reasons."

Hearing her daughter's words, Mrs Pedro knew it was her turn to comfort her daughter. Hugging her tightly, she placed Ashlyn head on her shoulder and started stroking her hair gently.

Staying in that position for a minute, Mrs Pedro provided the warmth her daughter needed before opening her mouth to speak. "It's okay, everything will be alright, okay? Whatever your reasons are, you should know you're not getting any much younger. You'll be twenty-five in just two months from now, try to think about it." She said with voice filled with concern.

Acknowledging the truth in her mother's words, Ashlyn sighed, "I know mum, I'm not yet twenty-five so let's not rush."

Hearing her daughter's words, Mrs Pedro pushed her back gently. Looking into her eyes, "Tsk tsk! you spoiled brat, that's the same thing you told me before you turned twenty-four and now you're saying it again. Arrrgh! What an ungrateful child." Mrs Pedro said jokingly and It earned her a giggle from Ashlyn.

"Don't worry, mum... I won't say the same thing when I'm thirty." Ashlyn playfully said and cupped her mother's cheeks with both hands. "I'll look for another word to say when I'm thirty." She teased and Mrs Pedro hit her forehead lightly.

Embracing her mother once again, "I love you mum. Thank you for always being here for me." She released those words and Mrs Pedro smiled before saying, "Don't you think you should reward me for that?"

Pulling out from the hug, "Why do I feel like you're pulling one of your strings again."

Hearing her daughter's words, she smiled mischievously, "Come over tonight let's have dinner."

"I would have love to, but you know... I have a lot of things to do."

"You won't live with your mother in her house, you won't come and visit, and now you won't have dinner with me. Don't you know it's lonely living alone?" Mrs Pedro complained.

"Mum, I thought you said you were fine living alone?"

"Yes, but that's because I thought you would visit me often."

"Ahh!" Ashlyn placed her hand on her face and slide it up to her hair, running her hands to the back as she released her frustration.

"I'll come and see you this weekend."

Mrs Pedro face brightened up with a smile as she heard her daughter's words. Wanting to get more assurance, "Promise?" She said and Ashlyn nodded with a smile.

Happy about the outcome, Mrs Pedro stood up from her seat, "Now I can leave. Take care, okay?"

"Sure, I will. Take care too." Ashlyn replied and planted a soft kiss on her mother's cheeks, "Bye mum." She added and Mrs Pedro smiled.

Taking her purse from the couch, Mrs Pedro walked out of the office satisfied with herself.

Immediately her mother left, Ashlyn took a deep breath, moved towards the couch and sank into it before closing her eyes.

"Ash, I saw your mum just leaving." Clara said, shortening her name as she walked into the office.

Clara Shawn, Ashlyn personal secretary and bodyguard. She was wearing a black business suit, sharply ironed and fitted. Her hair was tied up into a bun style and her lips were shining with a touch of neutral lipstick. Her neck was adorned with a silver necklace and her wrist a matching bracelets.

"Yes." Ash replied without opening her eyes."

"What's wrong?" Clara asked concerned and Ashlyn replied, "Nothing."

"Are you sure?"She asked but continued when she heard silence. "Well if you say 'Nothing' then I think you should be ready for your meeting."

Hearing Clara's words, Ashlyn opened her eyes in surprise. Seating up, "What meeting?" She asked.

"Wait, don't tell me that you forgot you're supposed to have a meeting with the CEO of the Chens group of company?" Clara said and folded her hand on her chest.

Hit by a realization from Clara's words, "Shit! I forgot." Ashlyn sighed frustrated. "What time is the meeting?"

"In the next one hour." Clara answered.

Standing up, "Why does it have to be today out of all days?" Moving towards her desk, she took her phone and put it in her bag. "Take care of the things in the office." She said and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going to?" Clara asked.

"I'm going home." Ash replied before leaving the office.

Scoffing, "She's never going to change." Clara said and moved towards the desk. Looking at the mess created by Ashlyn, she sighed and started arranging the desk.

Meanwhile, at the Chens group of company (C.G.C), Inside a well spacious office, well painted and furnished. Frames were hung on the wall, awards arranged neatly on a shelf and at the center of the room, three long arm couch were placed round the center table.

"Why did you choose the Pedro's Company?" Camilla asked her brother while seated comfortably on one of the couch.

"I think that's the best company to partner with. The company have bloomed without measures and it was ranked fifth most successful company in this country. Just last month, their CEO was awarded the youngest CEO in the country. So it will do us well, a lot good if we go into partnership with them." Skyler explained briefly.

"Hmm, I see.... Their CEO must be someone hardworking. I heard she is still single." Camilla said, hinting her last word.

Understanding what his sister meant, Skyler laughed, "You never cease to amaze me, do you?" He said in-between his laughter. "Are you going to become friends with her now so you can pair me with her like always?"

Camilla heard his words and she rolled her eyes, "Whatever." She shrugged off his words and he laughed again.

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