Chereads / Dark Empire / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Nightmare

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Nightmare

Vincent lay under the scorching sun on the unforgiving ground, covered in cold blood—his blood. Around him was a pile of bodies laying lifeless on the ground and his life seemed to hang by a thin thread of consciousness.

He felt his heart shrinking at every passing second that ticks. "Finally..." He muttered with a smirk on his face and looked up at the sun, his body became numb, and then he woke up.

It was all a nightmare. Vincent woke up drenched in his sweat despite the cold night breeze and the air conditioner regulating his room temperature. He still felt affected by the nightmare.

His expression was stoic and his complexion, pale. Slowly getting out of his bed, he walked into his bathroom, stood at the front of his wall mirror and turned on the tap.

Right now his mind was running in chaos but his calm composure was enough to fool anyone even his reflection. He cupped his hands under the running tap, letting them get filled with water before washing his face.

Vincent stared intently at his reflection and his eyes flickered from black to red then returned normal real quick. "I'm running out of time." He said and this time his expression changed to an unctuous smile.

After he was done in the bathroom, he left and his feet led him to his living room. Inside his large living room, well painted in white colour and the walls decorated with picture frames of different kind.

Vincent sat down on his white couch facing directly to the furnace. His eyes shone the reflection of the flames and he crossed his legs together. He was wearing a black robe that made him look like a king, revealing his masculine broad chest, his lean body felinely graced itself.

Back at the C.G.C headquarters. After the meeting, Ashlyn and Clara left the company building. Walking towards their car, Clara spoke. "Did you really have to do it that way?"

"They accepted it right?" Ashlyn answered with a question.

"You know that's a one sided deal." Clara said, recalling the terms Ashlyn gave the Chen's earlier. In summary, she had told them she didn't want them meddling in her company's affairs while she supports them in anyway she can.

Immediately Ashlyn heard Clara's words, she halted in her steps, and Clara also noticing her, she stopped. Turning, she faced Ashlyn. "Why did you stop?" Her voice filled with concern and curiosity.

"Can you just trust me, Clara? I've always listened to your advice but just this once... I have to do things my way."

Hearing Ashlyn words, Clara acknowledged the truth in them. Sighing, she smiled, "I trust you Ash... Do what you want. I won't tell the chairwoman about the meeting but just promise me you'll be careful."

"Thank you." Ashlyn couldn't help but feel relieved at the outcome.

Even though, Clara was her assistant, she was firstly her bodyguard which reported everything to the chairwoman. After claiming the seat of the company's CEO, Ashlyn made Clara her personal assistant, relieving her of her first duty. Though, the sense of protection and responsibility was already buried within Clara, she still accepted a different role and showcased her initial role only at intervals.

The two women both continued their steps to their cars. "Are you going back to the office?" Clara asked as Ashlyn reached her car.

"No, I'm done for the day. See you tomorrow."

Clara heard a straight forward reply before chuckling softly, "You never change, do you?"

Unlocking her car, Ashlyn heard Clara's question and only gave a smile as an answer before entering her car. Seating comfortably at the drivers seat, she inserted her key and kicked start her car engine.

Clara stood on a spot as she watched Ashlyn car go out of sight. "I think I really need to side with the chairwoman in picking a blind date for you." She muttered before entering her own car and driving off.

Meanwhile, inside Skyler's office, another different scene was playing. Camilla was trying to control her anger as she spouted out her words haphazardly. "Who does she think she is? Why would she give such terms?" Turning to her brother, "Skyler, why would you accept such terms? you know it's not in our favour right?" She asked curiously.

"Will you calm down?" Sighing, "It's very much at our advantage... The only disadvantage is that we're being off limits from her company's board and honestly I don't care." Skyler answered but her curiosity was even more piqued.


"We have a lot attached to us right now. Not been involved in their policy won't affect us in anyway and besides, we have their full support so there's no need to worry."

Hearing Skyler's brief explanation, Camilla finally understood why he accepted the terms. Even though she still had a doubt, she could only drop it down and focus on the big picture. Accepting his answer, she manage to calm herself down and shifted their conversation to another topic.

"I noticed the way you stared at her..." Hesitating for a while, she looked at her brother's eyes. "Do you like her?" Camilla asked with a smirk.

Skyler heard Camilla's question and he felt her words choking him. He was caught off guard by her question and started coughed trying to balance his self.

After a minute of his act, he regained his composure and cleared his throat. "Why the question?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"C'mon brother, it's just a simple question that you can answer with yes or no. So why get worked up over it." Camilla was grinning mischievously, her voice carried hint of sarcasm and curiosity.

She was curious as to what will be her brother's answer and sarcastic as her nature. Though from a noble family, she was a playful and cheerful soul who could get angry and after a minute still joke around just like now. To the people around her, her personality was special but to her, she was only acting normal.

Repeating her question once more for an answer, Skyler gave her the answer she wanted to hear. "Yes, I like her."

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