Chereads / Dark Empire / Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: Who sent you?

Chapter 5 - Chapter 5: Who sent you?

Camilla had an amused smile on her face when she heard her brother's answer. She knows her brother too well and for him to say a word like that then he was definitely serious.

"Tell me, should I help you out or...?" Her voice sounded as an hint to what she really wanted to say. Confirming her brother's words was one thing and knowing his intentions was another thing. Waiting patiently for an answer, Camilla heard his reply.

"Help me with what?" Acting dense while going with her flow, "I thought you were complaining just few minutes ago?" Skyler jeered.

"Tsk tsk! You're such a fun spoiler!" Camilla hissed and stood up. "Anyways, I'm off." She said and started walking towards the exit with a smile on her face. Raising her hand in the air to indicate a wave, she heard Skyler telling her 'bye' before she left the room.

Sighing immediately Camilla left, Skyler leaned his back backwards on the couch. Now he was alone, the picture of Ashlyn popped on his head and he smiled while remembering it.

Taking his phone on the table, he dialled a number. "I need you to look into someone for me." Skyler said in an authoritative voice immediately the call connected through. Hearing a response from the other side of the call, he spoke again. "Ashlyn Pedro, the CEO of the P. G. C."

"Okay sir." This was the only short reply Skyler heard before he ended the call.


Ashlyn got home very tired. Parking her car, she walked to her front door and inputted the numbers for her passkey to unlock her door. Closing the door after entering inside, she headed straightly to her room, threw her purse on the bed and sat down.

Inhaling and exhaling out, she took off her heels before letting herself fall to her back on the bed. Running her fingers in her hair to the back, she mused. "Oh God! Today is definitely not my day."

She fixed her eyes on the ceiling with nothing on her mind, probably something but it was non important. Staying in that position, suddenly she heard her phone vibration for an incoming message. Turning her head and putting her hands to work, she lazily took her phone from her purse and as she tapped on her phone screen, "Hey baby girl, let's meet at the club tonight." the messaged opened fully and she read it but her face turned sour immediately she laid eyes on the sender of the message.

"Why?" She sent a reply and got an immediate response. "What do you mean by why? I'll be waiting for you by 8:30 tonight. Be there on time."

"I'm not going anywhere tonight."

"C'mon, don't be like that. You've been so busy since and barely have time for us to hangout. You know it's not fair."

"Oh! but it's fair when you tell mum everything right?"

"Ash, I can explain. Your mum was at my neck, I couldn't hold on for long. We have a lot to talk about so please just come.... (a pleading emoji at the ending.)"

Receiving that last message, Ashlyn could not help but sigh. Though, she was a bit pissed at the start but now she became calm. Typing her reply, "I'll see you tonight." She adjusted herself on her bed, with her phone already placed on the top drawer near her bed, she closed her eyes and tried focusing on falling asleep.

Meanwhile, the hours unfolded differently for Vincent. Still seated comfortably while staring at the furnace, a thought came to his head but he pushed it away when he heard a familiar voice. "Good afternoon sir, sorry for disturbing you." Bryan said.

Bryan, a middle age man of integrity and sincerity. He was Vincent butler and has been working for Vincent since when he was 32.

With a respectful tone he said, "You have a call." He stretched his hand, handing over Vincent phone and bowing down after Vincent had took it. He left the living room.

Tapping the answer button on the screen, Vincent held his phone to his ear. "Can't I have some rest?" His voice filled with irritation.

Ignoring Vincent question, the caller replied, "You shouldn't have left in the morning when I told you to wait. Anyways, we found him."

Those last words were enough to put a smirk on Vincent face. "Don't touch him till I come." He said before ending the call.

Standing up from his seat, he went into his room, changed into a simple outfit. A black fitted trouser, paired with a black long sleeve shirt that's buttoned from down to up, leaving only three top buttons unbuttoned, revealing a hint of his broad chest.

Vincent walked to his garage, selected a black sleek car, entered and started the engine. Driving out of his house, he calmly glided his car through the city road for twenty- eight minutes before arriving at his destination and stepping out of his car.

Inside an empty warehouse, dimly lit and spacious. A man dressed in a black sharply ironed suit, well fitted, leaned his back on the wall with his hands folded together around his chest while his black eyes were locked on the door like he was expecting someone any minute, and of course he was.

Vincent opened the door and his eyes immediately landed on the man. Ignoring his gaze, he fully entered the room and closed the door.

"Where is he, Diego?" Vincent asked with a plain voice.

Diego Alex, the man's name. Hearing Vincent question, he shifted his eyes to a spot in the room without uttering a word.

Following Diego's gaze, Vincent saw what he wanted. Taking a step, his entire being was clothed in the darkness and only his piercing golden eyes blazed brightly.

His teeth started elongating and his nails getting long in claw-like curve that it could cut through air. He stood in front of a man who was tied firmly to a chair and his hands chained together. The man's body was covered in bruises, deep wounds and blood and even his face did not escape brutality.

Seeing the man's body, Vincent face darkened, "I told you not to touch him till I come." He said and turned towards Diego, shooting him a hard glare.

"What? I didn't do anything. The boys already gave him a good beating before I called you." Diego raised his hands trying to defend himself. Though, it was not needed but knowing Vincent too well, he might punish the boys later.

Hearing Diego's excuse, Vincent turned his head again and focused on the man at his front who stayed almost unconscious.

Scanning the man's body with his eyes, Vincent held the man's chin and raised it up making their eyes able to meet. "Who sent you?" The question came out as he stared deeply into the man's eyes.

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