Chereads / Dark Empire / Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Coward

Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: Coward

With a devilish smirk on his face, "Who sent you?" Vincent asked. "Answer me, who sent you?" He yelled when he didn't get an answer.

"God please save me." The man prayed silently. He knew that he was at the middle between life and death but if he could escape then he would deem himself invincible. If he had known that this was the man he was sent to kill, he wouldn't have accepted the job. It was a suicide mission.

Thinking about it in this situation, he's really hopeless. "Why did I ever meet this man?"

"No, he's not a man. He's a monster." The man screamed in his head. "What is your name?" He heard Vincent voice.

Staring directly into his eyes, "What is your name?" Vincent asked again, his voice a mixture of anger and intimidation.

"Ra... Raul... My name is Raul." The man answered in fear and he heard the next question. "Who sent you?"

"Luis Yong." He answered forgetting to breathe.

Hearing that name, Vincent face darkened and his veins popped up. He had guessed it but considering that he was someone with many enemies, he wanted to be sure first.

"Choose your death? A bitter or a sweet one? Vincent asked but before Raul could say anything, he held his neck and snapped it in one strike.

"I thought you gave him a choice? Why in a haste?" Diego asked from the corner he was silently watching from.

"He wasted my time." Vincent said in a husky voice as his teeth and nails started returning to normal. Turning around, He walked towards Diego.

"Tsk tsk! you didn't even give him time to choose." Diego mused inwardly.

"Are you going there?"

Vincent heard Diego's question immediately he stood at his front. Ignoring his question, he opened his palm and Diego gave him a handkerchief which he used to clean the stains of blood on his hand.

Giving the handkerchief back to Diego, Vincent started walking to the door. Opening the door wide, "Don't tell Alfred about anything that happened here." Vincent said and exited the warehouse to where he parked his car.

Despite acting composed, he was boiling in anger and his mind was thinking irrationally. Entering his car, he accelerated with high velocity to a place known in his mind.

Vincent arrived at the front of a big expansive gate that was wide opened. Coming out of his car, he put his hands in his pocket and walked through the gate into the Luxurious mansion.

As he entered, laid at his front was the private road that winded it way of the mansion landscape. To both side of the road, a large field filled with colourful flowers was being taken care of by workers in the field.

Looking straight ahead, Vincent started walking. Every step he took, the breeze decides to resonate with him. His calm aura exuded intimidation to the workers working on the field and the air around him was chilly.

Few meters away from the mansion, Vincent eyes fixed on the man who just walked out of the mansion. "Do you have to be so troublesome?" Luis said as he stood at the front of his door.

He was wearing a grey robe that revealed most of his frontal upper body, tall in height but could not be compared to Vincent height. His face had a little resemblance to Vincent but a younger look and his body build was almost similar to Vincent.

He possessed the same Aura Vincent was giving out but his demeanor was friendly with a smile on his face. Though he was calm, he was still irritated by Vincent present.

Walking further without answering Luis question, Vincent stood less than seven meters away from Luis.

"Don't you ever get tired of sending someone after me?" Vincent finally spoke.

"Tsk tsk! what a pain in the ass! And here I was thinking you would already be dead." Luis sneered.

Hearing Luis words, a mocking laugher escaped Vincent lips. "Are you now pathetic to think that someone like that could kill me?" He asked in between his laughter. "I think you're taking me lightly now."

Sighing, Luis leaned backward on the door and closed his eyes. "I thought you were weak." His lips curved in a smirk immediately he said those words. He knew they were enough to make Vincent attack him but right now, he was ready to defend himself if any attack would come.

Just as he predicted, those words had an effect. He knew how much Vincent hated to be called weak but then, he underestimated him. Expecting an attack from Vincent but instead he got a reply.

"I guess you're still a coward that keeps on running away." Vincent retorted also with a smirk on his face.

Two men being thrown their most hated words, who will react first. For Vincent, he hated being called 'weak' and for Luis, he hated being called a 'coward'. Vincent, able to control his self, he held back but it was a different case for Luis.

Luis opened his eyes immediately he heard Vincent words. "How dare you?" He rushed towards Vincent and grabbed him by the neck using his two hands with anger erupting from him.

Seeing Luis action, Vincent laughed maniacally for a brief minute. He knew that Luis won't be able to control his anger and this was what he wanted— Not to attack first. Though, he had all the right to attack first since he was the one they tried to kill but yet he didn't want to.

"Just like always, you're still impatient." Vincent said, unbothered by Luis grip around his neck.

"Shut up!" Luis yelled angrily. "What do you know about being patient? I've been patient enough just waiting for the day you die." His voice filled with hatred.

Hearing Luis words, Vincent face turned serious before opening his mouth to speak, "Then kill me now if you're tired of waiting."

"I'll gladly do that, with all pleasure." Ending his last words, he released his grip on Vincent's neck before landing two punches on his face using his both hands.

The punches came fast that Vincent couldn't dodge, Or rather, he could dodge but decided not to. The force on Luis fist made Vincent take two steps backward. Noticing the blood coming out of his nose, he used his finger to clean it.

Closing his eyes, he tried feeling the pain for a few seconds before opening his eyes again. Looking at Luis with his sharp gaze, he sighed, "Don't blame me for your death."

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