Chereads / Dark Empire / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Official Meeting

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Official Meeting

Ashlyn got to her apartment, though she was living alone, it was big enough for up to two people. Specifically newly married couple. A one LDBK room— one living room, one dining room, one bathroom, one bedroom and one kitchen. Entering her bedroom, she took off her clothes and kept it on her big size bed fit for three people.

Going to her bathroom, she took a quick shower, came out and searched through her wardrobe. Laying her eyes on a blue flair gown, she picked it and put on. Gracing her neck with a blue pearl necklace and her wrist with a matching bracelets, she applied minimal make up showcasing her natural beauty.

Letting her deep black hair loose, it flowed seemlessly down her back and she crowned her outfit with a not too high black heels. Moving towards her long length mirror, she admired her reflection as a satisfied smile appeared on her lips.

Taking a deep breath, she took her small black purse with her phone and car keys tucked in safely before leaving her room. Leaving her house after locking her door, she entered her car and drove off heading to the Chen's company headquarters.

Gliding her car safely on the road, she took her phone and dialed a number. "Are you done at the office?" She asked immediately the call connected and she heard a reply.

"Yes. Let me guess, you're not yet at the company?"

"No, not yet. Meet me there, I'll wait for you." She said and immediately ended the call after hearing an 'okay'.

Arriving at the C. G. C headquarter building, Ashlyn parked at an available parking spot and turned off the engine of her car. Dialing the same number she called before.

"Where are you?" She asked and Clara answered, "On my way. I'll be there in approximately five minutes."

Ending her call, she looked at the rear mirror, "I guess I have no choice if I want to make him pay. Just you wait, I'll make you regret the day you left." She whispered to her self and sighed.

Pushing the unwanted thought to the back of her mind, Ashlyn put her phone back in her purse, she came down from her car, locked it and tucked the key safely again.

Walking gracefully towards the entrance of the building, she met Clara. "You're here on time..." she said.

"And you're eight minutes late." Clara retorted with furrowed brows.

Shrugging off Clara's words, "Let's go." Ashlyn said and continued her steps.

Entering into the company's building, Ashlyn and Clara were greeted with a sight to behold. The first floor was a large open space with high ceilings and a modern design.

The reception desk was made of sleek black granite, and at the other end there were several comfortable chairs for people to sit in while they wait. The walls were painted in light neutral color, and it was adorned with a few pieces of modern art. The floor was made of polished stone, and there were large floor-to-ceiling windows that let in plenty of natural light.

"Didn't expect less from the Chen's." Clara whispered and Ashlyn nodded in agreement.

Walking to the direction of the receptionist space. Just behind the counter, the receptionist stood smiling at them politely. "Hello! How can I help you both?"

"We have an appointment with your CEO." Clara replied.

"Your names please?" The receptionist said and Clara answered.

Dialing a number on the telephone she held the handle closer to her ear and spoke. "Sir, two people are here looking for you. They said they have an appointment with you."

"What are their names?"

Answering the question according to the information Clara provided her with, the receptionist heard a reply from the other line. "Let them in." and she replied respectfully, "Okay sir." Before the call ended.

"Please, come with me." She said, ushering Clara and Ashlyn to follow her. She led them through the hallway into the elevator to the highest floor of the building.

As the elevator doors opened, "The CEO is in his office waiting for you. The one at your right." The receptionist said and Clara nodded with a smile, "Thank you." she replied before stepping out of the elevator with Ashlyn behind her.

The floor was occupied by only two offices on both sides facing opposite each other. Opening the door at their right, Ashlyn walked in with Clara following behind her.

Meanwhile, Skyler and Camilla were seated having their conversations. Immediately they heard the sound of the door opening, they turned their heads there.

"Welcome, we've been expecting you." Skyler said in a friendly manner as Ashlyn and Clara approached them with a sweet smile both plastered on their face.

Stretching out his hand for an handshake, "I'm Skyler Chen, the CEO of C. G. C and this is my sister, Camilla. Vice president of the company." He said and Ashlyn stretched out her own hand, accepting his handshake.

"I'm Ashlyn Pedro and she's my assistant." She said, skipping out her position. She did not mind about her position right now neither was she here to introduce her title. All she came here for was the meeting and nothing else.

"Have your seat please." Skyler said while ushering them a seat after their introduction.

"Thank you," Ashlyn replied and sat down on the couch with Clara seating next to her.

"Do you want something to drink?" Camilla who sat down quietly all this time, she asked.

As she saw Ashlyn, she stayed quietly observing her physical features especially her facial features and she smiled to herself. "I think she's perfect for brother." Camilla said inwardly with a mischievous grin.

"No, thanks. We're okay." Ashlyn declined with a smile, sounding polite.

"Well, since that's settled, without wasting time, I think we should go into the reason for this meeting...." Skyler paused, waiting for a comment from anyone. Seeing everyone being silent, he continued, "I guess you already have a clue on why I requested for this meeting?" Looking straight at Ashlyn trying to observe her expression, he dropped his words. "Our company will like to partner with yours."