Chereads / Unwritten Tale - Screw The Story. I Write My Own Tale. / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 – What the hell-

Unwritten Tale - Screw The Story. I Write My Own Tale.

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 – What the hell-

"Yes, boss. But without the necessary funds I won't be able to complete the project."


"But I can't do it without them and you know that. Hello?"


"Fucker! He hanged up!" 

The one who said that was a man in his thirties that was wearing glasses.

(Everything went to hell after the old boss died and his son took over. He isn't anything fuking seriously and get easily manipulated by the greedy and incompetent higherups.)

(I fuking spend 10 years in this company and that brat manage to somehow ruin it all in less than half a year. How?! Just how incompetent is that fuking brat?!)

"Few of the mayor project was completely neglected and literally abandoned. People quieted because of that brat management and now I don't even have funds to fuking continue the project itself." – said the man while slapping the desk.

"Fuck this. I guess should probably quit that company just like the rest before I get dragged down with them."

"I really liked that working in that company."



"Well, since I didn't receive the funds, I literally can't work. They can't blame me in whatever way possible."

"And I will probably make my resignation tomorrow as well.)

(So, I literally have a free time now.)


(Should I look for any new jobs on the internet?)

(No. Right now I'm fuking pissed by this stupid boss. I should relax for the bit and take it easy.)

"Hm? Oh right!"

(I haven't' read that for a while. I was so busy with the work that I had almost no time for myself.)

[Unwritten Tale]

[It's a novel about another world. Stories about another world or getting transferred to another world is common these days.]

[The story doesn't have much impact on the start but it later gets interesting. At the beginning the story wasn't that interesting, it focused mainly on the main character and who he was. The story changes completely after an unknown army of monsters invaded kingdom that main character lived in. He somehow survived that, but he was unable to know who or what was that.]

[The main character wasn't somebody with skill or a hero. He was just originally a young boy that wanted to became a knight when he grew up. As story progress more clues were found about the invasions origin and more interesting characters were introduced.

(The story was very interesting to say at least. The first chapter was released online 3 years ago. It quickly gained attention and popularity and I've been reading ever since. It even got its own game.)

(I bought the game and it was well made. I had fun playing it. If I remember correctly, I think it got even nominated to the game of the year category.)

(I always like reading fantasy novels or games. It always helped me calm down from my work or whenever I had very stressful day.)

(I didn't had time to read any because of how many problem new management made and all. Fuckers made we work over time every day. Cleaning up their mess every time.)

(Well, there is probably some catching up to do, so there will be probably few chapters for me to read.)



"That is weird? Only 2 chapters? The previous chapter was released 7 months ago. Did author took a break? Well, he is humans as well and needs to rest. Anyway, both of them were released 3 days ago? That is recent?"



When the man tried drinking from his mug, he realize that he already drank everything inside of it. 


The man got up and walked towards the kitchen with his mug in hand. After getting to the kitchen. Then man beginned looking through shelf, only to stop moments later.


"Fuck. Its empty. Just my fuking luck."

(Tch. I just want to fuking relax and just drink my coffee. Why is this day so shitty.)

"I guess I will go any buy one from the coffee shop. It isn't that far really."

The man dress up and left his apartment and headed outside.



After noticing that it was bit dark, the man looked up into the sky and noticed several clouds gathering.

(Is it going to rain? Well, I'm not walking somewhere far, so it shouldn't be a problem.)

When man stopped looking up and looked in front of him, he saw a man in the hood charging straight at him while caring a knife.

"Wh- "

Before man in the suit could react, the man with the knife stabbed him right in the chest.

The man in the suit tried doing something, but the man with the knife stabbed him several more times until the man in the suit fallen on the ground.

The man with the knife quicky begin searching through the man clothes and pockets, stealing his phone and the wallet, before moments later running away.

(W-what? Who? A mugger?)

The man tried lifting himself up, but instead he coughed up a lot of blood and fallen once again on the ground.

(F-fuck… Me….)

(It hurts.)

(I can't even speak.)

(Fuck me. This day is shitty.)

(I …. just…. wanted….to…...drink….my…. coffee...)

The man vision slowly fated to black while he continue bleeding on the floor.




(What? Soft?)

After feeling something soft, the man quickly opened his eyes, only to see an unfamiliar ceiling on top of him.

(Is this….. Is this a hospital? Did I lost conscious and ambulance got me in time?)

The man looked around and noticed a flowers, a closet fillet with clothes.


(...Em…...Okay? The walls looks fancy. There is some sort of closer with some clothes that are definitely not mine. And I just noticed that this bed isn't the hospital one but a fancy one.)

(This is definitely not a hospital.)

(Where the heck I am?!)

The man tried to get up, but as soon he tried to move away the blankets, he saw a hands of the young child.

(Em... What? Why…... Am I imagining things or is my arms smaller than usually?)


Man grabbed his shirt and revealed his chest.

(There is no wounds, bandages or even a scars? And my torso looks like that of the child?!)

(This is weird???)

(Okay. Now I'm bit scared.)


The man noticed a hand mirror on the table next to him. He picked it up and looked at his reflection.

What he saw wasn't the face of the man in his 30ths but instead a young boy with brown hair and yellow eyes.

"Oh…... Oh fuck me."


"My voice is different as well?!"

"What the fuck?!" – shouted a boy in confusion and anger.

As soon as boy shouted, a door suddenly open and a young girl with a short blond hair wearing a maid outfit entered.

"Young master! Is everything alright?!" – asked the girl with worried look.


"Young master Uri?"

The young boy looked at the girl with confused and scared look before moments later slapping his own face with his hand.

"Master Uri?!"


"Y-yes? Sorry. I just had a very unpleased dream and I didn't knew if I was still dreaming or not." – replied young boy.

"O-oh. Are you sure everything is alright?" – asked the maid.

"Yea. I just need to wake up a bit." – replied the young boy.

(Okay, but what the actual fuck is going on?!) – the man screamed inside of his head.

(First of all. Why do I look like this?! Why I'm a young boy?! But who?! I did not looked like this at all when I was young. So does that mean this isn't my body?!)

(Second. Where am I? This isn't hospital but some sort of fancy hotel or something?)

(Third. Who is that person? I never saw her in my life, but for some reason she seems familiar?)

(No matter how the fuck look at this, it is definitely not normal.)

"Excuse me young master Uri. I know you just wake up and all, but the master Phan wanted me relay something to you. Master Phan wanted me to inform you about the magic class he promised you, he was forced to postpone for the next Sunday. A sudden matter aroused and master Phan had to left to deal with it." – said the young maid.



(Did she just said magic?)

(She definitely said magic.)



(I was stabbed by the mugger and I bleed out a lot. I was in lot of pain and passed out in the end.)

(When I woke up, I became a young boy and I look nothing like my previous appearance.)

(And now that maid mentioned magic?!)

(No matter how I look at this or thing about this, it must be THAT.)


(Holy fuking shit. I mean – What the fuck?! – I mean – Oh for fuck's sake!)

"Young master?" – said the maid after noticing the worrier look on the young boy face.

"S-sorry, but could you leave for moment? Please?" 

"A-ah! Yes! I will be right behind the door if something."

The maid left the room in hurry while closing the door.


The young boy removed his blanked and left the bed.

"Oh my fuking god."

(Am…. Am I really in the another world?)

(Getting transported, summoned or reincarnated into another world after dying is just a fiction. This kind of things is often written in the novels and comics in their stories.)

(It should not be remotely real or anything. A fiction.)

"But no matter how I look at this, it is real."

"This is not the fiction."

(This isn't a dream or anything. I felt the pain when I slapped myself. I also felt the pain after I got stabbed by that mugger.)

(The only thing I can think of, is that I died back then. I bleed out to death after that mugger stabbed me.)

(By the look of things, I was reincarnated.)

(But who am I? This is obviously a fancy looking room and the clothes inside of closet are bit fancy looking. Am I noble? That maid did referred to me as the young master and all.)

(She also referred to me as Uri. Is that my name?)


"Weird. I swear I heard that name once before, but I can't quiet put my finger where."

(Anyway, I should probably not make that maid waiting. She had some business with me.)

The young man approached the door and opponent it.

"Sorry for the before. I kind of needed to woke up completely. Come. You wanted to tell me something." 

"Ah! Yes." – replied the maid.

The maid entered the room once again.

"Is everything alright?" – asked the maid with worrier look.

"Its fine. Its just a very unpleasant dream. A very weird one. Anyway, you said something about magic lesson?"

"Yes. Your father told me to inform you that he had postpone the magic lesson he promised you today because of some urgent business that just came up and he needed to depart immediately." – replied the maid.

"I see. Well, do I have anything else to do today or something planned?"

"Em... I don't think so."

"Okay, thanks for the info."

(First thing first. Who the heck am I? I need to find out who exactly I reincarnated as.)

(The maid called me Uri, so guess that is my name.)

(I'm maybe a noble or something, but besides that, I can't bloody tell anything.)

"Excuse me young master."


"The breakfast should be soon ready, so please let me help you to dress up quickly and head out." – said the maid while heading towards the closet that was filled with clothes.

(Dress up?! But I'm 36 year old man!)

"Young master?"

"Yea?! It's nothing."

(Honestly, I just want to say NO. But it may be better if I pretend, I'm still the young boy. I don't want any trouble if somebody thing I'm suspicious or something. Like I'm pretender or something.)

The girl helped the man to take off his pajamas and put on his clothes.

(This freaking embarrassing like hell.)

"And done. Now that you are dressed, its time for the breakfast."

The young maid opened the door for the young boy. After they left the room, the maid guided the boy through the mansion.

(This is definitely some sort of noble mansion.)

(A knights wearing an armor. A garden fillet with many different types flowers. I wonder who owns it all?)

(Also, the symbol on those knights' shoulder pads. A goat with an axe? Its quiet interesting design.)

(Anyway, how far we will walk? How big is this place?!)

"We are here." – said the maid.


The pair of maids opened a pair of doors and the young boy with his maid walked into the room.

"Madam Upira. I brought the young master Uri."

In front of the boy, there was a table with food laying on top of it and sitting next to the table was a young looking woman who was wearing a yellow dress. The woman had the same yellow eyes as the boy and the long brown hair.

"Ah, you came Uri. Come the food was already served." 

"Yes." – replied the boy.

(The maid called her madam and I was called young master. Is she, my mom?)

The young boy fallowed the maid to the table. The maid moved the chair for the boy to sit. 

(I guess this is my seat.) – the boy sit on the chair and looked at his food.

(Well, I think I should eat like I'm in the restaurant or something. I used to go once or twice to the expensive restaurants with the others works, but that was when the old boss was still with us, but I think I should manage.)

The boy beginned eating his food while trying to keep his manners.


(Huh. This taste good? What kind of bacon is this?)

"I see you were hungry." – said the madam Upira.

"What? Y-Yes." – replied the boy in hurry.

"Did you slept well?"

"Well, I kind of got woken up by a very unpleasant dream." 

"Unpleasant dream?"

"Its nothing. Nothing to worry about." – said the young boy.

"Well, if you say so." – said a woman in the dress.

(Truth to be told. I'm worried and still confused and even scared right now. I was literally moments ago just murder and the next moment I woke up in the body of the young boy. Its hard to stay calm in this situation at all.)

(Honestly, I want to scream like madman right now. Its hard to keep a pokerfaced right now and I don't know if I will be able to keep it for long. I have to get out of here quickly before they realize that something is off with me.)

(It would very bad if they notice my sudden change of the behavior and me acting very weird.)

(If they suspect me to be some sort of imposter, I can guess it won't be very good. I mean, would they believe me in the first place I got reincarnated?)


"Allie. Is something wrong?" – asked madam Upira.

"Well, I can see lot of clouds gathering through the window. It maybe be raining today." – replied the boy's maid.


(Wait, didn't the clouds gather as well before I was-)

The young boy turned around, towards the direction where maid was looking at and saw a window.

Thought the window he saw a two things. A clouds gathering outside and a tower with 4 clocks. Each one of the clocks looking different from another.


(No fuking way. There absolutely not the fuking way this is what I think it is? Is it coincidence?!)

(No. It looks exactly the same like in the illustration and just like it was in the game.)

(It's a "Tower Of Oran".)

(No, no, no, no. There is no way this is coincidence.)

(This thing only appeared in one thing.)

[Unwritten Tale]

(The only thing I can think of, is that I reincarnated into the world of the novel that I used to read, "Unwritten Tale".)

(Is it really the truth?! Am I really in the world of the Unwritten Tale?!)

(Not only did I reincarnated into the world where magic exits, but I also ended up reincarnating into the world of the novel?!)

(But now I have the question. Who am I?)

(My name is Uri. None of the main characters in the novel had that name nor any mayor characters or antagonists.)

(Am I some sort of random side character that just appeared in the background and just died off?)

(But why I can't shake off the Uri name out of my head? Was he somebody important? Maybe he was a background character that was only mention or something?)

(No, I don't think so. But I swear I heard that name once. Am I just imagineering things out of stress and panic?)

(Fuck me. What the heck is going on.)

"Son. Is everything alright? You look pale. Are you feeling unwell?" – asked the boy mother.


"You don't look so well. Should I call the doctor?"

"Its fine. Mother. I promise. Everything is fine." – said the boy.

(Crap. I completely dropped my pokerfaced. Am I fucked?!)


"Look. I already heard that your father couldn't teach you magic today because of the urgent business. I know you were looking forwards for it, but don't worry. Your father said that it will only take 3 days at most for him to go back." – replied the woman.

"Yes mom."

(Holy shit. I got away.)

(Anyway, I should probably just try and act normal until I finish eating.)

The boy continue eating with his mother, sometimes exchanging few words or a small talk.

After both of them finished eating, the boy got up and tried walking towards the door, before being stopped by his mother.

"Where are you going?" – asked the mother with the worried look.

"I think I will go for the walk. I kind of need to take breath or two." – replied to boy.

"I see." – replied the mother with the worried look.

The pair of maids opened the door for the boy and he left the room with the maid that he came in with in before, fallowing him from behind.

(That maid is fallowing me. Is she my personal maid or something?)

(Anyway, I need to understand bit more my current situation.)

(The only real clue I got so far that I'm in the word of the Unwritten Tale.)

(Secondly. The tower of the tower of Oran is still intact, meaning THAT event didn't happened yet.)

(However! I don't know when it will happened.)

"Excuse me. What day is it today?" – asked the young boy.

"Well we are currently in the 27 day of June mouth." – replied the maid.

"Thanks. One more question. What year is it?"

"Well, today is year 2998."

(Year 2998? Well, that is relief, kind of.)

The action inside of the novel took place year 2002. 

The country named Dranianim was holding a festival. They were celebration the day where their kingdom was founded 1500 years ago.

During the festival, the main character along with few of his friends were just enjoying the party and relaxing.

Hower, in the middle of the festival, many meteors begin to fall. Destroying everything. Then unknown and never before seen monsters appeared and beginned slaughtering everyone in sight.

The kingdom was slowly destroyed and hope was lost. The main character friends that were brutally killed one by one with only few of them managing to survive.

In the end, the princess of the kingdom tried saving as many as possible people by using the royal artifact. However, before she could use it properly, she was killed and the artifact badly damaged when it was being activated, resulting in the fatal error in the magic formula.

The artifact manage to create powerful barrier as it was intended to do. However, the device magic also sealed all the people inside of it.

The time for the people inside of the barrier stopped completely for them.

After 1000 years, the device spell was broken accidently by the group of adventurers and the people inside was freed. 

For them it was only the moment, but for the outside world 1000 years passed.

(The seal that trapped the main characters and other survivors was released in year 3002.)

(In other words, 4 years in the future. The main character will awaken.)

(Well, at least it's a relief. There is still quiet some time before that happened and this kingdom was wrecked to bits. I would be completely fucked if I reincarnated just the day before that thing happened.)



"Em young master? Is everything truly alright?" – said the maid.

"I keep telling you. Everything is alright. Don't worry." – replied the young boy with the cheerful voice.

(Its best if I don't worry her too much as of right now. I don't want her to get suspicious of me.)


The boy stopped walking after noticing a painting on the wall. The painting shown a men with brown hair and yellow eyes, just like the boy. The man of the painting was wearing an armor and was badly hurt.

Man on the painting was wielding a fancy looking axe while fighting off many different monsters.


"Did it caught your interest young master?" – asked the maid.

"Well, yes. Who is that?"

"That person on the painting is your ancestor."

"His name was Anderson Vvirian."


"250 years ago, he was just a humble knight. However, when an invasion of monsters came and all of his comrades abandoned the post to run away. He stayed and blocked the army of the monsters by himself."

"Some called him mad man back there for thinking he could hold them all off by himself, but in the end he proven him wrong. He successfully manage to hold off the army of the monster all by him self until the reinforcements arrived."

"Thanks to his deed, many people survived that tragedy and the king himself had recognized his efforts. He bestowed him the title of the marquess. To this day, his deeds are well known through the kingdom."

"The axe on the painting is the weapon used by him Anderson Vvirian back then and it was called The "Earth Roar". The one who wields it is the current head of the house. Your father is the current wielder of that weapon." – said the maid.

(Earth Roar? There was a skill like that in the game, but I do remember the that there was a weapon like as well.)

(Anyway. Vvirian? I think I did heard that surname as well, but where?)



"Uri Vvirian?!"

(I remember now! He was-)

After a young boy finally realized something, an imagine appeared in his head. Moments later another imagine appeared and then the next one and another one.

The images begin to appear again and again. Floating to young boy head.


"Young master?" – asked the maid.

The young maid noticed something is going on with the boy and tried reaching her hand towards him, but before she could. The fallen on the ground uncurious.

"Young master?!"