Chereads / The Lost heir of somewhere unknown / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 Dressed in green

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3 Dressed in green

The threat ran loud and clear in her head and she couldn't ignore the chill that ran down her spine but neither could she ignore the fact that that girl may have been here all this time.

She had heard that the girl's family had gone to Razor begging him for his help in finding her. He had told them that the other side must have kidnapped her. (The other side) a rival gang that lives in one of the neighboring communities. They like everyone else hate and fear Razor but every now and then they formulate a plan to take Razor down. Cut off the head and they could control Razor's gang but so far all their efforts have failed.

So yes he had told them that the other side must have her and he was going to do all he could to bring her home, so what, did he rescue her from them, then turned around and kept her for himself? Or has she been here this whole time she wondered scratching her head.

She wasn't sure how long she stood by the window pondering that question but the next thing she knew the room was been flooded by a team of people dressed in green and carrying medical equipment.

Razor walks over to her and without saying anything shoves a clear plastic bag in her hands and walks away again, he stops at the door as the last person comes in, he then closes the door and turns his back to it with his hands folded across his chest like a prison warden facing the workers,

Within minutes the man on the bed was surrounded by quarantine equipment which means the green thing that was in the bag in her hands was a quarantine suit, she thought opening the bag and on finding out she was right, she went quickly into the bathroom to change.

This man is burning up." She heard one of them say as she was coming out of the bathroom. "Yeah he does have a very high fever, he may have an infection." Another one said. Razor walks over and touches the man's forehead, then fixes her with a cold glare as he dials a number on his phone. "Get over here now!" He orders before ending the call.

To her, he sneers between clenched teeth. "Get the fuck over here and do what you were brought here to do because if he dies, so do you and your entire fucking family, got that?" Then to the others he barked. "Hurry up and get the fuck out of here, move, move!"

Great none of us even knows who this man is but still, if he dies so will my family and me? How's that fair? She thought to herself as she attended to the man on the bed. Indeed his fever was very high, so she ran back to the bathroom got a basin with some cold water and a towel, and walked quickly back to the bed where she began patting his forehead, neck, and chest, the parts that weren't bandaged of course.

A few minutes later the team of people hurried out the door as the doctor rushed in. "I'm here boss." He said out of breath. "He has a high fever, check him, and then check to make sure those idiots set these things up correctly." He said as her cell rang.

Razor grabs it and barks in a hostile tone. "Call her again and I will put a bullet in her head." He then ends the call and flings the phone on the table then walks from the room slamming the door shut behind him. She noticed the doctor flinch as the door slammed. Razor was probably threatening to kill the doctor's family too if the man didn't jump to his every command. Disgusting bastard. She thought walking over to the doctor.

"How's he?" She asks in a shaky tone. "Well he indeed seems to have developed an infection but he has so many internal and external injuries it's hard to tell exactly where it's coming from, so I've put him on antibiotics.

Now I'm going to need you to get a chair and sit right here next to his bed and keep a very close eye on him and keep that wet towel with you, you're going to need it and give me your number; I need to be able to call you regularly to check on him without bothering the boss." He said with a heavy sigh.

"How did you determine his internal injuries?" She asks. "Are you accusing me of not doing my job properly?" He asks in an offended tone. "No, no….i was just wondering." She grumbles. "Well if you must know when the boss called me this morning this man here was in such a bad state that I advised the boss to let me take him to the hospital.

Of course, at first, he didn't want to but I convinced him that this man would die if we didn't, so he reluctantly let us take him in through the back, discreetly of course. I then did a few X-rays and M R I to determine the extent of his internal injuries.

I then put a few splints on to keep everything in place until I could put the cast on all four of his broken limbs, then I dressed his wounds and stitched him up the best I could, then brought him back here. He's going to need a lot of care if he's going to survive." He said with a groan.

"Do you have any idea who he is?" she asks. "No, he could be a tourist or a citizen from Kingston, only God knows but the boss seems to have taken a liken to him." The doctor said checking the man's pulse.

"Can't help wondering why?" She grumbles. "Yeah well, I've survived this long because I've learned not to ask questions but knowing the boss I'm willing to bet he's planning on holding him for ransom or something like that, or maybe he seeking an additional pet but my advice to you is, just be careful when dealing with the boss okay. He's really touched and very trigger-happy. I'm here because I'm good at what I do and you're here because you're good at what you do, so just keep your head down, do as you're told, and maybe you'll live to walk out of here." He said making a note on the chart.

"Whoever attacked this man wanted him dead. They messed him up very badly, I had to induce coma to reduce the swelling in his brain, not to mention his vital signs are dangerously low. There's no telling if this man will even survive or what state he'll be in if he does, all we can do is our best and it wouldn't surprise me if whoever did this shows up here looking for him either." He said checking the man's wounds again. "Pay close attention to the swelling on his limbs okay." "Okay." She nods taking a seat on the chair next to the bed.

"Are you done?" a voice asks from the door. They both turned and saw one of Razor's goons standing there his arms folded across his chest. "For now yes." The doctor says in a nervous tone. "Then let's go." He orders in a cold tone. Again this person had entered the room without her or the doctor hearing him. How did they keep doing that? She wonders as the doctor nods to her on his way out the door.

The more important question was, will they be doing it again later tonight? Just to be safe she'll try not to sleep, she would stay up as long as she could. She thought checking his vitals. A few minutes later she was checking his vitals again when she remembered that her phone had rung earlier.

So getting up she went over to the table, took it up, and checked the last call. It was David. She then dials back the number. 'Hi, David." She says in a shaky tone. "Oh thank God, are you okay, your mother is worried sick about you. Did he hurt you?" He blurts out in panic.

"No, he didn't, I'm still in one piece. I just wanted you to know that before I call Mama. I'll call you later okay." "Alright I will pray for you, by the way, he didn't touch you in any other way, did he?" "No, he didn't." "Okay, I love you." "Love you too, bye." She sobs before ending the call.

She then dials her mother's number. "Mama," She sobs when her mother answers the call. "Liah! Are you alright sweetheart?" She asks in a panic-stricken tone. "Mama, calm down, please remember your pressure. I'll be okay as long as I do what he wants." She sobs.

'David says that he wants you to care for a stranger, someone not from our community? Who is this person Liah?" "I'm sorry mama but I can't talk about him." "He threatened you, didn't he? That monster, how could he do this? Rip you away from your family like this. Just to suit his own selfish needs. Why you? You're not the only damn nurse in this community!" Her mother shouts angrily.

"He said it's because I'm good at what I do." She mumbles. "So! I mean yes you're very good at what you do but that doesn't give him the right to do this to you. I mean….hmm, I really don't like that man….so couldn't he let you come in and care for this person? Why did he have to rip you away from your family?" her mother was about to run out of breath so she had to stop and take a breath.

"He does these things because he can mama and it's not as if this is the first time he doing this. He has been ripping people from their families for decades now and everyone that actually has the power to stop him isn't doing anything, so what are we supposed to do?" Liah asks in a frustrated tone.

"Maybe I can talk to him, get him to let you come home." Her mother suggests. "Don't mama, you'll only anger him." "Don't you want to get out of there?" her mother shouts. "Of course I do mama but you know the kind of person he is, if you anger him he'll probably hurt you, me, or even Tony maybe If I do what he wants he'll let me go."

"Do what he wants? The man is a criminal and a rapist and you're a virgin, you can't just do what he wants!" "I know mama but hopefully it won't come to that, just pray for my safe return okay." "Oh God, I can't believe this is happening." Her mother cried.

"It is happening mama and all we can do is pray for the best outcome in all this, um… I have to go before he comes in here and catches me on the phone, I love you, please take care of yourself and Zoe okay." "Alright my child, may God be with you." "Bye, mama." She cried ending the call.

Thank you all for reading

Verse for Thought

(Psalms 23 vs 4)

And now for the answer to the riddle from Ch 2

What is always before you but you can't see it?

Ans: the future

How many of you got that right?

Good job my lovelies

Now for the next one

Riddle me this, riddle me that, guess this riddle

Or perhaps not

What has a head but no brain

Ans: at the end of Ch 4