Chereads / The Lost heir of somewhere unknown / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7 Intimidator

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7 Intimidator

 "Everybody out!" Razor growls, his eyes still locked with the man's dark ones. "What about him boss?" one of his goons asks indicating to the grunting doctor on the floor. "Get him patched up." "And her?" another one asks indicating to the crying girl bent over her groaning father. "Send her home, for now." He said, his eyes still on the man.

"What about me boss?" Anthony asks in a low tone. "You're still alive, aren't you? Then get the hell back to work and find me another doctor!" Razor growls in a cold tone. "Right away boss," Anthony said running from the room as another goon ushered Liah out, closing the door behind him.

Razor puts his gun in his waist and walks slowly over to the man. "Well, well, well, look who's awake. If it isn't the handsome Michael. So tell me, do you speak English?" Razor asks removing the oxygen mask from the man's face. The man who hadn't taken his eyes off Razor once said nothing.

"Can you understand me?" Razor asks again but still, the man says nothing. "What about your name? Can you tell me your name and where you're from?" Razor asks leaning over the man. Still, all he got was silence. Sighing in frustration Razor pushes the mask back on the man's face, storms over to the door, yanks it open, grabs a startled Liah by her arm, and drags her back into the room.

"He's either deaf, dumb, or can't understand English, find out which it is." At that moment a doctor who looks to be in his fifties was dragged into the room by Anthony. "Doctor Smith boss," Anthony said shoving the man towards the bed.

"You work for me now, got that? When I say jump, you jump." Razor growls at the man who looks about ready to faint. "Yes….yes…Mr Razor…sir." The doctor stammered while cowering beneath Razor's gaze.

"If you so much as disobey one of my orders, I'll slaughter your entire family, got it?" Razor asks in a deadly tone. "Yes sir." "Good, now I need you to do a full assessment of his condition, I need answers when I return." Razor growls storming from the room slamming the door shut behind him, causing both Liah and the doctor to jump, none of which went unnoticed by the man on the bed.

"Do what you have to, I'll question him later." She said, her voice tired and weak. The doctor nodded and began his assessment.

The man's eyes moved back and forth between the two people in the room. It's not that he didn't understand what they were saying; he just wanted to better understand the situation he had just woken up to.

First things first, he knew the man who was questioning him earlier was the intimidator, someone who enjoys preying on the weak. The two people in the room right now work for him but not by choice.

Earlier the intimidator asked him his name. What was his name? The intimidator called him Michael, that name sounded foreign to him; so if his name wasn't Michael, then what was it? Surprisingly he couldn't remember.

What was even more surprising to him was the fact that even though he was being prodded and poked by this medical provider and every muscle in his body hurt and burned as if someone had just set his body on fire; none of that altered how alert he was.

He was alert to the rhythm of his heartbeat, the nervous breathing of the two people next to him, the ticking of the machine he was hooked up to, the movements of feet outside his room door, and even the sound of vehicles moving back and forth on the street. The medical provider removed the oxygen mask from his face and he took a deep hurtful breath and closed his eyes.

"Has he gone unconscious again?" He heard the young lady ask. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at them and the medical provider sighs in relief. "That would be a no."

After the medical provider was finished prodding and poking him and moving him from one machine to the next, they took him back to the room he had woken up in. The young lady then put a bottle of water with a straw at his lips and told him to sip slowly. "This is water okay." She said in a soft tone.

He did as she told him to and after he took a few sips she placed the bottle on the table next to him. "Alright so, first thing first, can you understand me? My language? She asks. He nods his head slowly. "Ingles?" "Yes, English. Okay, so my name is Liah….i was brought here to care for you, I'm a nurse….um….did you see what happened to the doctor earlier?" She asks.

He nodded his head slowly again, even though she occasionally glanced away and at random things, his intense dark eyes that gave her goose bumps never left her face, she could hardly see the Sclera in his eyes, as his Iris covered most of his eyes. "Um….okay….so the man that was holding the gun…well….he's the one that saved your life.

Do you remember what happened to you? How did you get hurt?" "He shakes his head slowly and in a weak but deep tone says. "No." "Do you remember your name?" "No." "Is there anything you do remember? How did you get here? Where you're from? Do you even know what country you're in?" She asks hopefully. He shakes his head slowly but this time says nothing.

"Is that normal?" She asks the doctor. "With everything he has been through, I'm not surprised." The doctor replied. "Is what normal?" Razor asks from the open door. "He can't seem to remember anything, not even his name," Liah said moving away from the bed as Razor walked closer.

"That's a pity, Michael it is then. Can he understand English?" "Yes." She answers. "Good enough," Razor said grabbing the notepad from the doctor. "All the test results are on here?" "Yes sir." The doctor answers. "Both of you wait outside." Razor commands turning his attention back to the man.

Razor then took a few minutes to read what was on the pad before meeting the man's dark intense gaze. "So tell me, my handsome stranger, if you could understand English, why didn't you answer me earlier?" Razor asks pulling a chair closer to the bed and sitting on it.

For a few seconds the man said nothing but then he spoke. "Je ne te connais pas, Je me suis reveille pour vous tirer sur quelqu'un, a present je ne t'aime pas." Razor noticed that even though the man voice was weak it was also deep and firm.

"You can understand English, but can you speak English?" Razor sneers in a cold tone leaning closer to the man in a threatening manner. In the same tone of voice without even blinking the man spoke again. "I don't know you, I woke up to you shooting someone, at present I don't like you." The man repeats in English.

"What language were you speaking before?" Razor asks. "Not sure." "Mhm, you see, the thing is, you may not like me but you're going to damn well respect me and be loyal to me, got that, I'm the reason you're alive, you belong to me and if you forget that for one minute I'll make you wish I had left you in that fucking river, do you understand that?" Razor sneers coldly pressing on the man's injured ribs.

The man inhaled sharply but didn't even flinch and in a firm controlled tone that showed no evidence that he was in pain said. "I do."

Razor took out his phone, dialed a number, and barked an order. "Get the ambulance ready, we're taking Michael home." He then ends the call and turns back to the man. "Hear that handsome, I'm taking you home, to my house, where I'm lord over all, including you," Razor said smiling sinisterly, he then winked at the man before leaving the room.

Verse for Thought

(Psalms 14 vs 5-6)

Ans to the riddle from Ch 6

How to make pants last.

Ans: make the jacket first

How many of my riddle masters got that one right?

Good job

Alright, here's another one for you

What do you get when two

Dinosaurs collide

Good luck riddle masters

Ans at the end of cha 8