Chereads / The Lost heir of somewhere unknown / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 Badly damaged

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9 Badly damaged

She was about to answer when the door opened and the same young girl followed by one of the goons came in carrying two bowls of what looked like porridge on a tray, beside the bowls were two glasses of Orange juice and two tall bottles of water. The girl sets them down on a table and with her head down, walks from the room with the goon right behind her.

Liah groaned angrily, shook her head, and walked over to the things the girl brought in. She took up the two bowls and walks back over to his bed, placing one on a small table next to her, she held the other carefully while pulling the chair closer to the bed

"How about some cornmeal porridge?" She asks holding up the bowl. She then gave him a small smile as she noticed the confused look on his face. "Let me explain." She said in a soothing tone. "Your insides were badly damaged so you won't be able to eat solid food for a while, this…." She said indicating to the bowl.

"This is cornmeal porridge, it's very good for you, helps to build and strengthens your body, okay?" He nods slowly as she fills a spoon and brings it to his lips. "Safe?" He asks looking at the porridge in front of him.

"I would think so yes, I mean if he wanted you dead, he would've killed you a long time ago, I don't think he would spend all this time and money just to turn around and poison you, well at least I hope not." She scoffs, again he hesitates for a few seconds, his eyes searching hers before his lips part and he accepts the spoonful of porridge.

"You like?" She asks with a smile again he hesitates before nodding slowly. "Okay then." She said giving him another spoonful. "You're con-si-ther-ate." He said with a weak smile. "You mean considerate." She corrects him. "Yes." He nods. "Why do you say that?" She asks.

"You feed me before yourself." He says. "Well, you're the sick one here, not me." She smiles giving him another spoonful. "Besides my stomach has been in knots ever since I arrived here and the shooting didn't help matters much."

A few minutes later she put his now empty bowl on the table and taking up hers she forced down a few spoonfuls before putting her bowl back down with a heavy sigh. "Why did he shoot that doctor?" He asks. "Why? I'll tell you why, because he's a cold-hearted bastard, that's why. Dragging people out of their beds and forcing them to do whatever he wants by threatening the lives of their loved ones and if you messed up in any way, well you're liable to get shot." She said angrily.

"Which on the other hand makes me not even want to talk about my Island prince right now." She says taking up a bottle of water from the table and putting a straw in it she put it at his lips and he began sipping slowly.

"Sometimes he acts as if this is my choice as if I asked to be brought here, as If I can leave at any time but don't want to. I mean really? Now don't get me wrong. I don't mind helping someone in need such as yourself but this was not my choice." She fumes.

"Understood." He said with a slow nod which she realizes he does a lot; he looks like a monk when he does it. He always closes his eyes and nods his head slowly, come to think of it, she kind of likes it when he does it.

"Your brother, choose to be here?" He asks. From his accent, she could tell that English probably wasn't his first language and the fact that he seemed to have great difficulty pronouncing some words.

"Actually no, he didn't, Razor recruited him from a very young age. If he had refused then we the women of my family would've suffered, he's doing this mostly for us." She said sadly.

"The girl?" He asks. "A prisoner, just like us." "us? I am….?" "A prisoner? Yes." She said finishing his sentence for him, then added. "Razor saved your life and he's going to require payment for that but listen, a word of advice, just thread lightly when it comes to that maniac okay? I would love nothing more than to see you return safely to your family but for that to happen, you've to be very careful what you say and how you act around him okay." "Understood." He said with a slow nod.

Liah was examining his bandages when her phone rang. She glances at it before taking it up and answering it. "Hi, so what did he say, can you come home now?" David asks in a, I bet she's going to say no, kind of tone which she picked up on right away.

"No, I won't be able to." She said in a dry tone. "you don't sound too cut up about that." He says in an accusing tone. "What do you want me to do David? Yell and scream and cry? What good is that going to do? The only way I'll make it out of here in one piece is if I do what Razor says. She states.

"And what has he asked you to do so far?" David asks in the same accusing tone. "All I've been doing is taking care of this man, nothing else." She replied, her voice breaking. "Mhm," "I've to go, David, I'll call you as soon as I can, just please look after my sister and mother for me please."

"Sure." He grumbles before ending the call. She then put her phone down and went into the bathroom where he could hear her sobbing.

He took a deep breath shaky breath and closed his eyes. Why was her Island prince being so hard on her? Why was he making her situation more burdensome than it already is? More important personal questions were, he knew that his name wasn't Michael so who was he? What exactly happened to him? And why? Why would someone want him dead? How did he end up on this Island? And where was he from?

All these questions kept bouncing around in his head, which was throbbing mercilessly at the moment, questions to which he had no answers. Alright, he thought, let's assess the situation. His four limbs were broken, and one of his legs was broken in two places.

He had a few broken ribs and brain injuries. He was currently dressed in a blue hospital open back gown. So first things first, he had to heal, he couldn't do anything until he healed and no longer needed assistance to use the bathroom.

He would take Liah's advice, keep calm, and get to the bottom of exactly what happened to him. The man in charge here was indeed a tyrant and whatever his reasons he was caring for him and nursing him back to health, so there was no way around it, he would've to put up with him, for now. He thought with a weak smirk. 

Thank you all for reading 

A word of encouragement

God may not get us out of a situation

But he will give us the strength to get

Through it

Ans to riddle from Ch 8

A short cut

Ha, alright here's another one

What do snakes study in school

Good luck with that one my lovelies