Wyne made sure to write down each of the professor's words. This man was old in a profession that claimed many lives. That meant even if he may not have been powerful, he was wise. Not taking his words to heart would have been foolish.
After finishing his introduction to the different schools, he told them about the class schedules. During the first week, they would only have 5 classes they needed to go to each day. They were the 4 mandatory low-tier Black Magic core classes and the class for low-tier Arcane Magic, each only being an hour.
After that, they were free to explore the other classes they wished to check out. These could be sub-schools or other Schools of Magic that they had a talent for as well as extracurriculars such as combat or potion making.
Once the first week was over, the 5 mandatory classes would be held at the same time on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. They were free to adjust their schedule around that as much as they wanted.
'Being a Sage is actually lucky for me then. While others are working on their other talents, I can spread out my studies. The weapons combat class and the sub-classes for Black Magic are perfect for me. Maybe something regarding hunting as well for some free points if my schedule is free enough.
Mil will have to take all the Black Magic classes as well as the Blue Magic ones. Luckily, Space-Time Magic is shared among them so that can save her some time. Still, that does not leave her open with much time.'
Wyne already planned on taking either 9 or 10 classes. He had little interest in taking anything else since he had already learned enough military tactics and management skills back at home.
During the last 30 minutes, it was just demonstrations of some basic Dark Magic spells as well as teaching the students how to expel their mana and create magic formulas. These were the ones they would be tested on during the mid-term exam.
The spells he used were from the 3 main types of Dark Magic. Acid Ball, Shadow Hands, and Psionic Spike which respectively covered acidic spells, darkness spells, and psionic spells.
The first was a very basic spell with a pretty easy magic formula to copy. It created a ball of green acid which could be fired up to 15 meters away.
The second was more interesting. It created hands from one's shadows that could interact with the physical world. Although the hands only had 1/4 of the strength of their owner, in a Beastman's use, that was more useful than in a normal human's.
The last one was also very powerful, not only because it was a spell that was instant and couldn't be blocked, but it could also throw off a person's concentration if they were creating their own spell but this was the most complicated of the trio and the hardest to pull off. This was the one that Wyne wanted to learn first since it would be perfect to counter other students who were not as skilled as casting as seniors or veteran mages.
Wyne was ready to practice this spell immediately but he knew better than to try it out in class.
Once this class was over, the next was curses. The professor in charge of this class was a female dark elf. Because of her elven heritage, it was impossible to tell how old she was but she wore black, leather armor decorated with runes.
"Greetings everyone. My name is Orehi Thebih. I will be in charge of teaching you about curses as well as anyone who is interested in taking any of the ranger classes," she introduced herself
"I don't care what anyone else says but curses are the most important thing a Black Mage can use. Curses can do anything from blinding your enemies, binding others to contracts, or even killing someone outright. The only limit to curses is the ones that you know.
During your first semester, you will be expected to learn at least 10 low-tier curses by the midterm and 25 low-tier curses by the end of the semester.
The book on your desk covers all of the low-tier curses the school offers you to learn. Most of these are fairly basic and fairly easy to undo but useful in a pinch since each of these is very fast to cast, even for 1st years. Can I get a volunteer to perform 3 low-tier curses?"
Wyne was the only one to raise his hand.
'She said they are low-tier curses, you cowards. Plus, these will be useful in the future. It is much better to experience the effects yourself so you know how effective they are,' Wyne didn't understand why the others were passing up on this golden opportunity but he wouldn't mind taking it for himself.
"Perfect! I love an eager student," Professor Thebih was glad she had a volunteer. It always made it so much easier to teach. "What is your name?"
"Wyne Naliah," Wyne replied while standing up from his seat before walking up to the stage. He stood across from the dark elf with his arms by his side, ready to be cursed.
"I like you," she complimented him. "You get to decide the class ranking for the next month."
Wyne and the other students were all shocked by her sudden announcement. To give him control of his fellow students' grades was a perk none of them had expected.
"That's not fair!"
"Yeah, that's cheating!"
"What if he only gives his friends the top spots?"
"Silence!" Thibeh ordered the others with a stern expression. "I asked for a volunteer. You all had a chance to do it but only he raised his hand. If at least one other person volunteered, then he would not have gotten this perk. But since you all were too afraid to do so, then that means he must be rewarded for his bravery. Let this be a lesson to you all. Do not let your fear stop your pursuit of knowledge."
Wyne couldn't agree with her more. With risk, came reward. That was simply the way the world worked.
Most students still didn't agree with her but didn't say anything else. Arguing it with her would be pointless.
Professor Thibeh nodded when she saw the others turn silent before turning back to Wyne. She began gathering mana in her hands before making a rune in the air. The rune shot forward and hit Wyne directly in the chest but he did not feel any impact. Almost right after it hit him, he felt extremely nauseous and fell to a knee.
"That was the nausea curse," Thebih said before drawing another rune and shooting it at Wyne who was kneeling. This time, he lost sight of his vision.
Even though he was prepared to be cursed, both hitting him at the same time made him panic slightly.
"That is the blindness curse," Thebih continued while drawing another rune before firing it at Wyne. When this rune hit, Wyne's vision returned and he no longer felt nauseous.
"And that is the low anti-curse curse. These are the three most basic curses as well as the most important that you guys will learn in this class," Thibeh told the class before turning to Wyne and giving him an apologetic smile. "Thank you for volunteering and sorry if that experience made you scared of curses."
Wyne smiled while shaking his head. In the moment, it was scary. But since it was over, he really enjoyed the possibility of using the curses himself.
"Not at all. In fact, I am eager to learn even more curses," he told her honestly
Thebih was shocked once again by Wyne's attitude but it turned her smile much friendlier.
"I really like you now, Mr. Naliah."
The rest of the class had the students practicing the curses that Thebih had taught them. No one was able to do it during the short class but since this was the first time that many had used magic themselves, it made several students take an interest in curses.