Chereads / Fox of Black Magic / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14

When he got back to his dorm building, Mil was already waiting outside of it with her equipment as well as the beast book and map he had gotten earlier so they could head out on a mission.

"Let's go hunting for those Starlight Foxes," Mil tossed him her bow and quiver as well as a knife.

"Almost forgot I signed us up to chase those little bastards. And no need, I'll hunt them with my hands. Their specialty is stealth, not speed," he tossed back the equipment. He hadn't hunted in his beast form since they crossed the Soluna Empire's borders. 

The duo made their way back to Sector 6 of the forest to hunt for the Starlight Foxes. These were superior beasts that were hard to track during the day and night. Not only did they leave very few prints behind, but their scent constantly changed and their fur blended in well with most forest environments. The only time they were easily seen was during sunset and sunrise.

They had just arrived at the edge of the forest when the sun started going down. Wyne and Mil nodded at each other before splitting up to find the 5 foxes they needed. They only had about 30 minutes before the sun set completely so it was better to divide and conquer to complete the mission. 

While walking through the forest, Wyne found a tree with a hole in it. He stripped down before shifting into his fox form and marking the tree so he would be able to find it more easily. He began running through the forest. With his enhanced senses from being in beast form and his grey fur that helped him blend into the darkness of the forest, he was able to avoid all of the other beasts.

It took him 20 minutes to find a pair of Starlight Foxes that was chasing after a rabbit. The group was approaching where he was hidden so he hunched his body and got ready to pounce. When they were 5 meters away, Wyne leaped from his spot.

The foxes and rabbit only saw a shadow flying through the air for a moment before the fox on the right was tackled to the ground. Wyne immediately bit down on his throat before tearing it in one pull. 

He did not try to wait and confirm its death before jumping over to the fox that tried to dodge to the side but he was too slow. As Wyne had said, Starlight Foxes were far too slow to compete with a shifted Beastman.

"Why are you attacking us," the fox asked when he saw Wyne jump through the air but he was met with no answer.

Wyne was able to tackle this fox as well but it did not go down as fast as his friend. He tried to roll his body to throw off Wyne but it was no use as Wyne had sunk his claws into the ground. Wyne bit into his neck and tore it apart just like he did with the first. 

With both of his prey dead, blood dripping out of his mouth, and time running out, Wyne decided to retreat back to the entrance of the forest. He kept the fox in his mouth while picking up the other fox with his tail. He then began to swiftly move through the forest, not wanting to stay in place. 

Since he did not drain the blood from the foxes and was carrying them as he ran, Wyne had several close calls with the various superior beasts in the forest. Luckily, he was able to control himself and not engage in any battles but instead drew other beasts into conflict with one another while rushing through the trees. 

When he arrived at the spot he marked, he shifted back into his human form and got dressed once again. He then ran with the foxes in one hand while keeping his guard up. Since he was close to the entrance, Wyne didn't have to worry about predators as much but he still made sure he was prepared. But all his worry was unneeded. He was able to exit the forest while there was still a small amount of light outside.

He waited a few minutes before he saw Mil exit out of the forest. She was carrying 10 foxes on her belt.

She looked over Wyne and smirked when she saw that he only had 2 foxes while she had managed to get 10.

"Hehe. Looks like bunnies are better at hunting foxes than you are," Mil teased

"Don't act like you are the better hunter. You just win when it comes to your predators," Wyne shrugged his shoulders. "You just asked other rabbits and bunnies which areas they avoided or if they had seen any foxes."

"Of course," she admitted while holding her head high. "Why shouldn't I use my abilities just so you can win?"

Wyne shook his head and started heading to the mission hall with Mil on his tail. 

This was a unique skill of Beastmen that most others didn't know about. A Beastman could speak with any animals that their bloodline was closely related to. 

When they arrived at the hall, there was a line of students waiting to accept missions. Seeing that there were so many people, Wyne and Mil split up after cutting off 5 left ears. Mil would go back to the dorm to find Sally or Liz and see where the school market was while Wyne would turn in their prey for the points.

While waiting in line, Wyne looked at all the students to see what they were doing. Most of the kids were in groups of 4-6 while some even had around 10 of them working together. There were also a few working only in groups or 2 or 3 while none of the students seemed to be solo.

'So many humans really are spoiled. They focus so much on fooling around before they enter the academy,' Wyne was glad that he was born a Bestman. He couldn't imagine what it was like to be born into any of the other races.

When it was finally his turn, the receptionist was a different girl than during the morning. In fact, there were even 3 of them there to take on the influx of students.

"Hello, junior. What mission are you trying to accept?"

"I already accepted my missions this morning. I am here to report one of them completed," Wyne told her, shocking the receptionists and all of the students around them. Several students began to talk among themselves but the topic was the same: Wyne.

"Oh. You must be the one that Daina told us about," the girl realized that this was the interesting junior her friend had mentioned earlier. 

Wyne nodded before placing 5 ears on the desk. The receptionist confirmed that the ears were Starlight Foxes before taking his badge and taking the mission ID off of it while adding the points. She then passed him a paper like earlier and asked him to sign it.

After Wyne signed to verify that he had completed the mission, he got out of line and headed straight for the door. But before he could walk out, a group of teens wearing golden accessories and red robes stepped in front of him.

"Wait!" the person in the lead commanded Wyne