Wyatt was ecstatic as he felt the mana in his body go past his previous 8 cores. Just a little more mana and he would break through to the mage realm, however the energy stopped before that could happen.
<(-9999 Mana)>
'I can't give him anymore. Only one more mana point and he would become a mage' Zane discovered. He was actually happy that he couldn't turn Wyatt into a mage, because if he could and he did it by mistake nothing would stop his captive from killing him on the spot.
Zane didn't know if his new muscles could survive a spell from a mage and he didn't want to test it on someone who would do anything to kill him.
"Why did you stop !? Just a little bit more!" Wyatt exclaimed. He could almost taste the mage realm. At this point he didn't even care as to how Zane could do what he did.
Zane then put his hand on Wyatt once more. Wyatt was happy, thinking that Zane was giving him more energy, however...
"No! don---" Before Wyatt could even say anything, Zane had already taken all the mana he had.
"As you can see, i have the capabilities to turn you into a mage anytime i want" Zane lied. "So i want to make a deal with you. You be my guide in the city for a while and i will give you power" Zane proposed.
Wyatt narrowed his eyes "And if i refuse?"
"I promised to let you go if you gave me the mana core, so you are free to go. Just know that you will be starting your Cultivation from day one" Zane smiled slyly.
Wyatt actually thought about going into the city to look for people that will help him get rid of Zane, however Zane was right in that Wyatt would have to start looking for cores all over again.
Killing Zane was important to Wyatt, but his own power took precedence. It would take him Fifty more years to get to where Zane could take him in a few seconds.
"How long would i be your slave for?" he asked.
"You won't be a slave, we could call this a business partnership. I need your help since i am blind and you need me for power. As for how long, im not sure but i guess until i also become a mage myself" Zane answered.
Wyatt was surprised that Zane could give people power but according to his words he couldn't use that power himself. If he could Zane would just use the energy he took to become a mage.
"That would take at least 50 years, by that time i would already be dead"
"Why would it take that long ?" Zane asked in confusion.
"Because you now need 900 gold to become a mage and I don't know what kind of job you do but that's a lot of money to raise"
Zane rubbed his chin in thought "Okay how about I say you can leave after 20 years?" he proposed.
Wyatt narrowed his eyes, deep in thought. Granted waiting 20 years was a long time, however once he becomes a mage that wouldn't matter anymore.
At Fifty years old, Wyatt was already pretty much old. He had no wife, no kids and no family. Wyatt had nothing to lose by following Zane, but he had everything to gain.
'By the time the 20 years are over i will be an old man, but being an old mage is way better than an old broke merchant.' Wyatt thought.
"I guess we have a deal" Wyatt said as he put out his hand for a handshake. Zane stood up and shook the outstretched hand with a smile.
"Now i have to ask. Are you really blind!?" Wyatt exclaimed.
"Yes i am why are you asking such an obvious question" Zane pulled back his hand, a bit of irritation in his voice.
"How did you see my hand then?" Wyatt questioned.
"I am going to tell you a secret. Only my parents know about this and if you tell anyone i will kill you, and don't forget, if something happens to me, you can forget about becoming a mage anytime soon" Zane threatened.
Zane was worried that if he told Wyatt about his abilities, Wyatt might report him to the Willow family and use the reward money to buy his much needed 10 mana cores.
However he decided to trust him for some reason. Maybe it was because Zane was almost desperate for a companion.
Zane then told Wyatt his whole story excluding the fact that he had to kill to gain mana.
Wyatt was as shocked as anyone could be while listening to Zane's story. It sounded unbelievable and went against the norm of the world.
A none Supreme mage having pure mana in his body was unheard of. Now Zane was saying he could not only keep it in his body but he could see and control it!. Wyatt had to sit down as to not fall iver in shock.
After a few minutes of recovery "How are you so physically strong then?" Wyatt asked as he braced himself for more surprising news.
"I'm sorry Wyatt i can't tell you that" Zane said.
Wyatt seemed disappointed but he just shrugged it off. Everyone was allowed to have secrets sometimes.
"Hey I just thought of something" Wyatt started "You never awakened an element right" he asked and Zane nodded.
"You can see mana, keep pure mana in your body and control mana. If you ask me i would say your element is mana itself" Wyatt chuckled as he took a sip of the drink he had taken out of his storage ring, which now belonged to Zane.
'Mana element huh' Zane thought as he ran his hand through his hair 'I guess it is similar to being an element'
Zane was also drinking whatever was in Wyatt's bottle. It tasted different but Zane was sure it was this world's equivalent to wine.
"Hey" Wyatt brought Zane out of his thoughts " Since you can heal yourself with your mana, have you ever tried healing other people?"
Zane's eyes widened at that. He had never even thought of it. Logically it should work. Since he could take and give people mana, can't he just convert that mana to healing mana ?.
"I never tried it you know, Would you mind if I punched you to test it out" Zane joked.
"I would rather not" Wyatt chuckled"Let's look for some other poor creature to experiment on" he suggested.
It didn't take long for the duo to find a deer, which they promptly captured and brought back to their camp alive.
"Sorry for this" Zane said as he ripped the deer's leg off in one fluid motion.
"Man you are violent. I thought you would maybe make a small cut or something" Wyatt commented.
"You are the one to talk about violence" Zane muttered as he put his hand on the poor deer before it bled to death. Zane converted some of his mana into healing mana and transfered it into the deer.
Under the duo's impressed gazes, the stump which used to be a leg stopped bleeding and started to grow a new leg. A few seconds later and the deer was as good as new.
<(- 300 Mana)>
'Only thre hundred points huh' Zane thought.
"It worked !" Wyatt said in excitement "Maybe we can even become physicians" he proposed. Zane concluded that his new temporary friend was probably drunk.
A split second later, the head of the deer was rolling on the ground. "I will get started on dinner" Zane said.