Zane entered the shop and couldn't help but notice that it was quieter than the others, if one didn't put the metal slamming into account. 'Since pretty much all hunters are mages, they probably don't use weapons that much. Once again a magic spell packs more power than a sword' Zane thought.
Zane stopped in the middle of the shop as he 'looked' around. When half a minute passed without Chris shouting something like 'Hey Joseph', Zane glanced at his direction.
Noticing Zane's 'gaze' Chris lifted his hands "You are on your own this time. This is not my area of expertise"
Zane sighed before walking towards the snoring sound.... that's right Zane could hear someone snoring.
When the sound was a meter in front of him Zane saw the body of a muscular man sleeping behind the counter with his head on the table. Zane wondered how he could fall asleep with all the noise in the shop.
"Ahem.." Zane cleared his throat, but the man continued his nap.
"Hello?" Zane softly said ....but nothing.
"Excuse me!" Zane said, this time louder. The man however continued sleeping. If it wasn't for his snoring, Zane would have thought he was dead.
"HEY!!" Zane shouted while hitting the table with minimum force.
"It wasn't me mother i swear!!!" the man shouted as he jumped. After rubbing his eyes and getting his bearings, the man finally noticed the young man in front of him"
"Ohh my Celestial!! customers!. Robert! get over here quick we got customers!" The man shouted hysterically. Zane internally questioned the man's sanity.
The sound coming from the back of the shop suddenly stopped.
"Rody you better not be shitting me otherwise... holy shit customers!" Zane heard another voice say, he looked over to its direction and saw a mana core, meaning this Robert person was a mage.
"Hello great visitors and welcome to my shop. I am proud to say we are the best weapons shop you will find in this province." the mage, Robert said with a beaming smile. It was so wide that even Zane could see it.
"Mostly because we are the only weapon shop in the province" Rody, the man who was sleeping commented.
"Shut up Rody" Robert said. Surprisingly his smile was still intact.
"What can we help you gentlemen with today ? " he asked Zane and Chris.
" I would like to buy a weapon but I'm not sure about my budget" Zane said.
"Don't worry about that, we should be able to work something out" Robert waved his hand.
"What type of weapon would you like?"
"Do you have any bows?" Zane asked.
'He really is blind' Robert thought. "Yes we have a wide selection of bows over here, if you would please follow me" Robert walked towards the wall. Zane followed and when he was close enough started to see all the bows hanging on the wall.
"This one here is especially my favorite it wa-----" Robert started to say, however...
"O.okay can check that one" he stammered.
Zane held a bow in his hand, if it wasn't for the lack of the groove around the grip area he would have said it was his stolen bow. Zane glanced at Chris who was standing behind him. Chris slightly shook his head as he faced the ground in embarrassment.
"How much is this?" Zane asked.
"Sir while that there is a beautiful bow, we have others which are----"
"How much is this?" Zane interupted.
Robert sighed "15 gold coins, but for you i can make it---"
"I'll take it" Zane said as 15 gold appeared in his hand, he promptly handed the coins to Robert.
Zane then promptly put the bow into his storage ring. Robert didn't fail to notice that. Storage rings where expensive and it wasn't easy to obtain one. Robert started to notice Zane's clothing. He was still wearing the leather armor he took from Chris's carriage.
Robert knew his way around weapons and armor. With one look he knew the quality of that armor. The thought of robbing Zane flashed across his mind, Zane and Chris couldn't do anything against him, he was a mage after all. However he immediately decided against it, it just didn't feel right.
"Can I see your swords" Zane said.
"Of course!, follow me" Robert replied
'How is he following me?' Robert thought as he led Zane to another part of the shop. 'He's probably following the sound of my footsteps'
"Here are our swords" Robert pointed to another wall. This time he didn't even try to show his customer the best products.
'Not bad' Zane thought as he picked up one of the swords and swung it around. A sharp sound came out as the sword cut through the air. Zane marveled at the weight of the weapon. It was like he was holding a kitchen knife instead of a one and a half meter long sword.
"I'll take it, how much ?" he asked.
Robert smiled "That sword right there was made from a very rare----"
"How much is it ?" Zane cut of Robert once more, something he was doing often today.
"50 gold coins" Robert said.
Chris, who was looking at the door the whole time, turned his head towards Zane and Robert when he heard the price of the sword. Chris wasn't a weapons merchant, however 50 gold coins was a lot of money for a single weapon.
Zane looked at Robert with narrowed eyes, under the cloth that is.
"I will give you 20 coins" he said.
Robert furrowed his brows "That won't do, this sword is more valuable than that"
"It was good doing business with you" Zane put the sword back on the wall as he began walking towards the door....
Zane smiled as he looked back "Yes?"
Zane had noticed how the shop was void of customers. He also noticed how the walls where pretty much filled with weapons. This meant that the shop wasn't doing well business-wise.
It also wasn't hard to notice how happy the two men where to see Zane and Chris. It was obvious that they rarely saw customers so they wouldn't let their only customers in who knows how long leave without buying as much as they can.
"You can take it for 25 coins" Robert offered.
"20 coins, Robert" Zane said as he handed over the coins. "Thank you for the sword "
Zane and Chris left the shop as Zane put his bow and sword in his storage ring. That is what everyone else would think, however Zane put them into his inventory instead.
Chris then led Zane towards the Dancing Rum tavern to meet David and the hunters.