Chereads / Star Of Rex: A hero nobody likes / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Everybody hates me? Pt 2

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Everybody hates me? Pt 2

We can't fight the demon lord on our own we need the sword Elaina said

yes we can, through out our history we waited for the hero to get strong enough and then the great battle would ensue but this time we won't wait, we gather our armies and attack the demon lord before he gets too powerful, with all our might combined we can kill him

but our losses will be great Neptune complained

which would you prefer, kill him now and loose our soldiers or leave it all to that outsider of a kid! she yelled in anger.

Ok so we take care of the kid first right?

that's taken care of

what?! they all said in shock

with or without your help we where never going to let that outsider have the sword, I already planned on killing him tonight after the party.

The others where a bit shocked but understood why he was going this far, alright then Eleanor said, if he isn't dead then we go with my plan plus this will be the chance to see the might of the atlantians she said looking at Neptune.

The party was soon over but the nobles and races in attendance left with news to gossip about, meanwhile Arthur was holding unto the sword looking at it, after a while his vision became blurry, he took off his glasses and his vision was clear again, when he wore his glasses again it was blurry again.

Wait, did my eye sight get better?

he looked at the sword and wondered if it had anything to do with it, he wanted to ask the king but then he remembered the humiliation he had faced and instantly decided against it, that night he just held the sword wondering why everyone reacted like that, where they expecting someone else? or was there something he didn't know about.

After a while he drifted into sleep holding the sword, At exactly mid night a masked person sneaked into Arthur's room and pulled out a dagger, the masked man walked up close to Arthur on the bed, drew his dagger in the air and tried to slash at his neck but then the sword started to glow even through it's sheath and a force field covered arthur protecting him

what? he has a connection with the sword already?, we thought he wouldn't establish a connection because he's so young but we where wrong the masked man said a few seconds later arthur woke up but didn't see anybody.

The next morning the royal family was about having breakfast when someone unexpected joined them

sorry I'm late I had a hard time sleeping last night


is something wrong? why are you all looking at me like that nothing

your awake hehe and here the queen said awkwardly

yh, anyway I wanted to ask, is there any way I can...


the king slammed his fist on the table, unable to hold his anger anymore

why, why aren't you dead!


how is it possible you're already connected to the sword, I can tell from looking at you you're too weak to hold the swords power so how the hell are you alive

Arthur was surprised, what exactly are you talking about Arthur asked in shock,you.... you want me dead? but why, what did I do wrong.

You bastard you exist, that's what you did wrong

why did the sword choose you, you're trying to tell me there's no one in this whole world who's worthy? that's horse shit! the princess yelled

Noelle her mother called, even if your angry you're still a royal so watch your tongue

I don't understand, so last night was all because I was chosen by the sword? it's not my fault, the sword summoned me

it doesn't matter, we are stuck with a loser outsider, your not from our world, you know nothing about us, our culture, our history, nothing so how will you save us! the king shouted.

Arthur was dumbfounded, the whole night he thought he had done something wrong but now he knew why, why they all hated him, why he had this uneasy feeling at the back of his mind

they all hate me because I'm the chosen one.

Arthur was a little lost for words, I don't know what to do now, I came here against my will, got chosen by some powerful sword without my consent and now I'm being hated for it all and I didn't do anything to deserve it.

If you hate me so much then just take the sword back

we can't, once the sword chooses a wielder it can't choose another

so now what? Arthur asked

now you get out!



the next second the guards barged into the dining hall

get this filth out of my sight.

Before the guards reached him Arthur stood up himself and walked out, a few minutes later arthur was outside the castle dragging the sword with him, as he walked the people around immediately noticed the sword and started gossiping about him.

so that's the new hero

look he's holding the star of rex

I heard he was summoned from another world

disgraceful, how could a stranger from another world be our hero

I know right, there must be a mistake

look at him, he doesn't even look like a hero.

He kept walking till his stomach started grumbling, he was hungry but had no money to buy food, he didn't even know how much food was in this place so he kept wondering. After a while a group of men stood in his way hey there hero, you look tired, why don't we help you carry that big sword I'm sure it must be really heavy.

Straight away Arthur could tell they where bandits but if all they wanted was the sword they could have it, it was the reason for all this in the first place.

Handing over the sword it started to glow and an invisible force pushed them back so hard they flew hitting the walls, some of them crashed into some shops and food carts. All eyes where now on Arthur

look at him, he's using the sword to hurt people

why was he chosen, he's evil

I can't believe this, so cruel

he should be stripped of his title as the hero and the sword.

Hearing all the comments Arthur could only walk away, after walking for hours he found himself in the forest, he was so hungry he couldn't walk anymore.

"damn it, I don't deserve this, why is this happening to me, why!"

he had been holding his tears back but now he was alone he couldn't anymore and the flood gates came open.

"I hate this place, I hate this sword, I just want to go home" he said as he cried his heart out, after a while he fell asleep, exhausted from crying so hard. When he woke up, it was night time but there was a fire in front of him and roasted meat was dangling above it with a strange man sitting next to it.

hey Arthur, nice to meet you the stranger said with a smile.