h..h...who are you he said grabbing the sword and holding it tight
relax I'm not a bandit and I'm not here to hurt you, consider me a friend the stranger said
I have no friends here so who are you
my name is Emrys and I'm here to help
why would you help me
because your the hero and I think it's unfair how everyone is treating you he said with a smile
the next moment Arthur pushed the sword towards Emrys, if it's the sword you're after then take it and leave me alone
I'm being honest, I'm not a bandit I swr
I don't care, everybody hates me and now you want me to believe a stranger who appeared to me in the woods is a friend?
look I know it's sounds strange but trust me, I'm on your side, where I come from I'm considered an outcaste, like you I never fit in and I was finally banished from my home town, I wondered around untile I came here a few months ago, even here I didn't fit in so I thought I could find a friend in you since we have kind of the same situation, being lonely sucks.
Arthur turned around to look at Emrys who took a stick and knife, cutting a peace of meat from the roasted pork meat he put it through the stick and handed it over to Arthur, I promise I'm really on your side
Arthur, took it because he was extremely hungry, not eating for a whole day his body was shaking but he didn't eat it just yet
relax I didn't poison it see, he took a chunk out of the meat and ate it
after they ate Arthur was silent while Emrys went to get water for them to drink.
Your wondering why everybody hates you right?
no I know that already, I wasn't ment to be chosen, it's all this stupid swords fault
hahaha Emrys laughed, your funny, blaming your troubles on an inanimate object, that's not why people hate you
Arthur finally looked up
they hate you because they weren't chosen
huh? you mean they're jealous?
kinda, imagine the king from where you come from....
we call them president from my world
ok president, imagine it was time for a new president to be crowned and then boom, an alien crashes into your world and is given the title of president, you think everybody would be ok with that?. Being the hero is the greatest title or position in this world and you not even being from this world is the greatest slap to they're faces
Arthur was slowly realizing what he ment now.
Your existence means no one in this world, no child nor ruler or even all the great warriors are good enough for the sword, so much so it had to summon someone else from another world and worse, a 15 year old kid someone of no importance at all to be the hero, I don't know if you know this but people have pride and you just bruised it so badly that they don't need a to think twice before hating you.
Arthur was shocked at this revelation but then a question rose in his mind
wait, how can no one be worthy of the sword
it's because of the inscription on the sword.
The heart of a hero, selflessly protecting and fighting for the weak and oppressed.
What does that mean
in other to protect and wield the sword you must have the pure heart of a hero, you must be completely selfless, willing to do whatever it takes for the greater good
when you put it like that almost anyone could be the hero
yh you're right, before it was usually a race to get to the sword, a lot of mighty warriors became the hero after wielding the sword
so what changed
After the last hero past away a second inscription was put on the sword
once the evil is vanquished the sword will be relinquished from the wielder
huh? but why
who knows, the gods are the ones who made the sword and they're the ones who put the inscriptions on it so only they know why they put it, because of that inscription everybody who tried couldn't wield it because no one would want to give up the sword, you become a deni god with the power of an actual god, who would ever want to give it up.
Arthur then remembered the writing on the strange book he read before coming here.
Only the heart of a hero can wield the sword.
Are you selfless enough to fight for the oppressed and protect the weak. Are you strong enough to relinquish your power.
So that's what it meant he said
back in my world I stumbled upon a book, it's name was the star of rex, it asked a weird question similar to the inscription you're talking about, I didn't think much of it and said giving up the power would be easy if there wasn't any threat and I was teleported here.
Ahh I see, so you can actually give up that much power?
don't get me wrong I had no idea what it ment I just read about heros is novels so I thought giving it up was like taking a break or something till the next threat arises
you may say that but that isn't enough to be worthy, the sword saw something in you to have chosen you, maybe there's another reason why you would give it all up.
Yawn! ok I'm getting tired, why don't we get some sleep Emrys said as he laid down. While Emrys slept Arthur stayed up thinking
in the novels I read about the heros where powerful enough to fight gods and whip out hordes of demons, can I actually give up a power like that? looking at the sword he wondered just what kind of powers he would get from the sword.
The next day Arthur and Emrys where eating berries when Arthur spoke up
hey Emrys what kind of powers does the sword give the wielder
I'm not sure, I just know he makes you as powerful as a demi god
so why hasn't anything about me changed
aren't I suppose to get buffed with muscles, you know super strength, super speed, flight and all that?
hmm it depends on your connection to the sword
what do you mean,it means how much of it's power is infused in you, once you make the sword your own then maybe you'll get all those powers, you can't use the swords full power now otherwise you would explode
so how do I do that
beats me, I don't know how people connect with godly weapons?.
Arthur sat down thinking long and hard
maybe I just need to train hard enough and get stronger on my own, hey is there any school for sword training
yh the royal knights academy, it's the best in the land but also the toughest
ok cool then I'm going there, what about you
me? I hate establishments I'm more of a free spirit you know
so I guess this is good bye then Arthur said a little sad, Emrys was the first person who understood what he was going through and was the only person he could talk too, even if he only knew him for a night it felt nice just talk to someone.
Are you kidding, we'll still talk, I can sneak into the royal academy from time to time, I know the in and out of the place so don't worry we'll talk ok, besides I hate being lonely.
A smile appeared on Arthur's face
alright then off to the royal academy
umm not so fast, we have to wait till the tryouts starts
when does it start
in about a month