Wait I won three matches so doesn't that put me at class C?
regardless of how many matches you won or loose it's the final decision of the instructor to choose which class you belong and as your instructor I believe I've given you your designated class
that's not fair, I earned my spot at class C fair and square
regardless of what you've earned or your status as a hero you can not come into this school, make demands and do as you please, you seem to forget that it's your incompetent that led us to all this, most of these students aren't even fit to step foot in this school, the king wouldn't have made us do this and the kingdom wouldn't be on high alert if only you weren't such a useless hero!!! he yelled.
Breathing in and composing himself once more he said again
Arthur, your in class F and that's final, he then turned around to address the crowd of first years while Arthur walked to his class group .
Congratulations, your all now officially students of the the royal knights academy, you'll be assigned rooms, each rooms will be sheared by 6 students each from different classes, and your school robes as well as your ranks will be given to you tomorrow, bye for now the instructor said and for a moment glared at Arthur.
As they where all given their room keys with the numbers attached the them Arthur was thinking if his entire stay here would be like this, he was worried that the students would try to mess with him, little did he know his greatest threat would be the instructors themselves. Arthur's room was room 7, when he got to the door me met five other people, Drax from class A with three others boys where there, when they saw Arthur a frown appeared on they're faces.
I'm stuck in a room with you? Drax said
Arthur flinched at the response to his presence
drax walked in and immediately took the bed closest to the window all the others picked beds leaving Arthur the bed closest to the door
you Drax said pointing at one of the boys, you'll be in charge of sweeping this room, you he said pointing to another you'll be in charge of our laundry, and you, he said pointing at Arthur, you'll be in charge of running errands for me
did I stutter he said walking up to Arthur.
Aldo Arthur wasn't popular, strong or athletic, he wasn't a loser or a pushover as well, he had always defended those who where bullied back in his world so he wasn't about to get bullied here.
I'm not going to be anyone's errand boy, you can't just walk in here and start ordering....
mid sentence Arthur got a punch to the face, with a single punch he could tell, his nose was broken
in here only the strong stay on top, everyone else follows, your either the strongest or your nothing! drax yelled, the others in the room flinched and the sudden outburst.
Just then an instructor walked in to see Arthur with a bloody nose on the floor and Drax standing above him, the tension in the room slowly vanished with the presence of the instructor, Arthur thought drax would be punished for physically assaulting a student on his first night while the other students thought the instructor would stop the ensuing conflict, drax thought he had jeopardized his stay in the academy but the words that came out from the instructors mouth shocked everyone.
Keep your voice down and don't touch the other students, we won't tolerate you assaulting other students he said then slowly closed the door, not before passing a glare at Arthur.
At that moment a horrid expression formed on Arthur's face while a smile appeared on drax's face.
Yes sir he said as he pulled Arthur by the collar and began punching him, the others could do nothing as to them it was Arthur's fault for speaking up.
That night a sudden realization came to Arthur as he wiped the blood of his face with his shirt, everybody really hated him, so much so that they where all against him, Arthur looked up to the ceiling he wondered why all this was happening to him, I have no friends, no help from anywhere, no support and worse everybody is against me, sure I have Emrys but he seems fishy and knows too much, plus nobody is that desperate to befriend a stranger and worse, someone who everybody hates.
So I'm all alone then, I can't trust anyone and can't rely on anyone, while thinking the words of drax popped into his head, in here the strong are on top, everyone else follows, your either the strongest or your nothing
he slept repeating those words to himself.
The next morning, the robes and rankings were given to each student and as he expected, Arthur got the lowest, rank 3000 among the freshmen and rank 500F in his class. They came out in front of the school again and where lined up according to they're classes.
Each class has a total of 500 students, 100 girls in each class and 400 boys, there is no written or theoretical teaching ot test, from now on everything is practical, once you pass it ment you have cemented your life to combat and fighting for your kingdom the instructor yelled out, the war against the demon lord has begone, from now on your soldiers in training, your the future, the defense for this kingdom so give it your all
sir yes sir they all yelled, all except for Arthur who looked like he was in a daze from the beating he got last night, they where later taken around the school, a kind of tour to see the whole school.
After that they where given some free time before they started they're training later that afternoon, while everyone was exploring the academy Arthur went straight to the body building room, everyone in the room stopped to look at him, all eyes where on him as he went towards a bench press, picked up the iron pole and started bench pressing it.