Everyone was expecting something spectacular from Arthur, being the hero chosen by the star of rex sword they thought he would do super natural things like lifting weight equal to that of ten trees with one hand or finishing a work out season without breaking a sweat but to see him bench press the metal pole was beyond disappointing.
No wonder they said he's incompetent
hmph, weakling
why did the sword choose a no talent like him
Arthur could hear all they're remarks and a funny thought appeared in his head
back in my world people would hate you because there was nothing special about you, but here I'm being hated because there's something special about me, I was chosen and they weren't.
After bench pressing the pole 30 times he switched to push ups and sit ups, after that he did squats with the pole again ignoring all the stares and comments he got.
After a few hours, at exactly 12 noon it was time for they're first lesson, the lesson wasn't exactly special, just basic breathing techniques, sword stance and basic sword slashes and defence, they continued this for hours to the point most of them fell on they're knees, unable to continue, among these was Arthur, Aldo he had started preparation for the tryouts he didn't train much his whole life so it would take time to getting use too. When they were through Arthur went to the showers to wash up, entering the showers all eyes where on him.
Even here too? he thought
as he socked in the tub the boys slowly stopped watching him and continued what they where doing but now there where whispers going around
look at him, he's the reason they forced us to attend the academy
why must we make up for his incompetence
more and more comments like these where going on but suddenly someone approached Arthur, it was Harvey.
Hey you he called out to Arthur, are you really the one chosen by the sword he asked
uhh yh
why did it choose you
I don't know I just drew it from the stone and held it
can I see it
the star of rex I wanna see it
I didn't bring it with me
can't you summon it?
I don't know how to yet.
Harvey turns around disappointed
worthless trash.
That night Arthur got a beating again as he refused to run an errand for drax, the errand was to go to the girls dorm and send a message to violet, luckily tho, Arthur got knocked out after the first punch so he didn't feel the pain, the next morning it was the same thing over again, Arthur would do some exercise then train for hours with the wooden swords, practicing basic sword strikes and blocks, after that he hit the showers to cool of and then to his room, this continued for a week, the only thing that changed was drax beating him every night, he found Arthur's will and stubbornness to defy him was far stronger than the pain he was inflicting so he gave up.
After a month of training the instructor finally switched they're training to combat where they would challenge each other showcasing how far they're learned but one thing was off. Arthur was pared with the instructor himself.
ok, attack me whenever your ready the instructor said
Arthur went for a horizontal slash but the instructor blocked it and sent a punch landing on Arthur's face
what gives?! he yelled
in a real battle your opponent won't play fair
but this is just training
it doesn't matter, treat it like it's a battle for life and death he said as this time he went on the offensive sending a swift strike to the side of his head. It didn't take long for Arthur to realize the instructor just wanted to get in on the fun of bullying him, he tried attacking but each time the instructor would block and one inch him, it happened a few more times till Arthur was able to time his punches and dodged it before launching a counter attack aiming for the instructors legs but he jumped over Arthur smacking him on the head with the wooden sword so hard it broke and Arthur started bleeding from his head.
Arthur was sent to the healing bay, it had become a normal occurrence for him to visit here every day thanks to the beating of drax, the nurse herself wasn't keen on helping him so she always gave him a potion that would hurt while healing him, it was the lowest grade of healing potion. In royal knights academy not everybody was a knight, a small portion of the staffs were mages, they were there mostly to make sure no student died, one of them was the nurse, another one was an instructor who oversaw the tryouts making sure the kids didn't die and received medical attention.
After Arthur got his wound healed he didn't go to the back for the lesson, rather he went back and started lifting some weights, puting on some weight plack's he did a set of twenty bench presses, 30 Puch ups, 20 sit ups, 20 squats. After a while the lessons had ended but that's when he went out to practice his sword style, practicing his strikes and blocks, everything he had learned, with each swing his emotions rose, the cruelty of this world, the unfair treatment he had faced and the feeling of powerlessness was overwhelming, it felt like he was just summoned here to suffer and face a cruel faith, one he did not deserve .
At a point Arthur couldn't hold it in anymore and fell on his knees tears gushing through his face, he couldn't control himself as he cried his heart out wondering why all of this was happening to him, just when he was about to stand up a shadow was seen crawling towards him, looking at it the silhouette was that of a curving girl with long legs. A few minutes later, standing Infront of him was the beautiful who was the first pass the second test, violet pansy .
I thought heros are suppose to be strong, so are you crying.