"What do we do now!" Ian said as they arrived at the base of the Handing tree.
"We get up, Geno has the Fairy in hand, so protect him at all costs!" Kin said as he jumped 20 feet in the air landing on a branch of the tree.
Geno was also another skilled spirit, he had been in the crew for almost a year and had manifested his abilities.
Ian climbs to the top along with 20 others, when he is at the top he sees one of the spirits named "Anchor", sitting and meditating, he was mumbling gibberish and seem deeply concentrated, "Xana crew directly south, 15, wait no actually 16"
"and our west?"
"Triton and north is Aswang,"
"oh man, we're surrounded on all sides," Kin said, "Sabrina Barrier now!"
Sabrina then held her fingers in the air and suddenly her eyes and mark glowed white, as a veil of energy was casted around the tree, just in time as arrows and darts were launched from the other crews.
"I See them, The Aswang." one of the spirits called out from the very top of the tree.
Kin smiled and said, "I need all spirits with manifestation on the ground, me, Sabrina, and Anchor are going to stay up here"
"What about us?" Fiona asked.
"If you haven't manifested stay on standby, help out whoever-"
Just then a Being with a green mark on his nose jumped 160 feet in the air slashing his dagger into the viel. "Nice party up here! sorry to ruin the Fun guys, but that Fairy is for Aswang!" 3 more jumped to the top
"Sabrina!"Kin yelled.
"Got it!" Sabrina stopped the viel and her eyes glistened a white pearl once more, this time she cast a viel onto the Aswang beings and held them in the air,
Kin pointed his hands at the beings and his eyes glowed white as well, then a blast of powerful dark orange energy channels through Kin's hands and blows all of the Aswangs 600 feet away from the tree.
Once more Sabrina recasts a veil around Geno and the tree.
On the ground, the Spirits await ecstatically for the other crews to arrive.
"Come on you bastards, your not getting the win today!" Shawn says as he drools from the mouth.
A rummaging of leaves from the bushes is heard in the south, and a large rat lunges out and attacks one of the spirits.
Shawn leaps onto the rat and starts punching it, suddenly his body stops moving just like when Ian was attacked,
From the bushes a girl with blue markings on her left eye appear, one of the Xanas. "return the fair-"
one of the spirits jump-kicks her into the ground freeing up Shawn, who instantly chokes out the rat, which causes it to turn into a mist of water.
"Lucey!" the girl yelled as more and more Xana beings jump out from the bushes.
The battle on the ground had begun
Back on the top of the tree, more of the Aswangs were tearing up the viel.
"How are there so many that can jump this high!" Sabrina yelled recasting her veil over and over again.
"one of them has a wind ability, he's launching the Aswangs one by one, avoiding the battle on the ground," Anchor said, still in his meditating position.
"what do we do then? I can't keep recasting or I'm going to run out of energy!"
"JAY!," Kin Yelled
"Yes, kin!"
"take everyone on standby and force an attack on the Aswang, take out the one who is launching them!"
"Alright, Everyone follow me!" Jay said as he jumps off the tree and over the battle on the ground. Everyone else on standby quickly follows except for Ian.
"What are you doing Ian?! Go help them, they need all the help they can get!"
"I can't! I can't jump over the battle, it'll kill me"
"What are you talking about?! You aren't going to be hurt badly, you're a spirit you have some resistance to falling, don't you know?!"
"I'm not a spirit! Im human! I'm still human"
Kin looked at Ian confused, "We're going to talk later, Go help Geno"
"Anchor, keep us updated on Jay's group"
"they're there right now, getting intercepted by 6 Aswang, they also don't have any powers,"
"how many over there has powers?"
"7, it seems that the wind one has stopped launching, they might be focusing on protecting him."
"good. Sabrina!"
"What is it?"
"you still got juice?"
Sabrina loudly laughs and says "That a question?"
"go help the battle on the ground, I got the rest up here."
"just so you know, I want the largest cut in the next prize choosing" Sabrina replied
"yeah yeah," Sabrina says jumping down.
"3 of our spirits are fighting 1, he might be a dangerous Aswang, I don't sense any power from him at all."
"That doesn't sound good, what about the wind guy?"
"he's..." Anchor's eyes radiated a hint of white, "He's gone!" Anchor yelled
"what do you mean?"
"I can't sense him on the ground, or any of the ones with powers actually, he might've left-"
Just then a kunai knife hits Anchor's hand pinning it to the tree, then another strikes his other hand.
"Above!" Geno yells.
they look up and they see 7 Aswang beings coming straight toward the tree.
"Dammit, they tricked us!" Kin yelled as he pulls away the kunai pinning Anchor's hand onto the tree out.
"Geno! Run east! Anchor and Ian follow Geno"
Hearing this Ian says once more "I can't! rem-"
Geno kicks Ian over the battle and Anchor and Geno jump down following Ian, just before Ian hits the ground Geno grabs onto his leather clothes and prevents him from hitting it.
"here," Geno said handing the fairy to Ian.
"what, what, wait you want me to hold onto it."
"you're a little slower than the rest of us, it's more effective if we match your speed and defend from there, Me and Anchor already manifested our abilities so we'll do the protecting now,"
"Run over there," Anchor said pointing east,
Ian starts his run, jumping and dodging the thick bushes and spikes of the forest.
after a while of running Anchor began to sense something behind them, his mark and eyes gleamed white once more and he says, "It's the Xana ladies, 4 of them 3 powered, one of them I can't make out if she is."
"I got it," Geno said, Geno stopped and place his hands on the ground, his mark burned the same white and the ground became muddy causing the trees and bushes to fall over, creating a large field of sticky and unnavigable obstacles. "that should hold them for a few" Geno said returning back to Ian and Anchor.
"Where are we going anyways," Ian said, gripping the glowing fairy tightly.
"If we can make it there there should be a river in 2 miles, once we're there I can mask us under the water," Anchor said,
"Are they slowing down?" Geno asked
"3 of them are,"
"dammit it what's up with the 4th," Geno contemplated in his mind if he should remain back and face the Xana who is gaining ground suddenly Geno pulls out a sword hilt from his pants, his eyes and mark glowed and the hilt gained energy causing a sharp solid sword to form. "Go on ahead I'll stall her."
"good luck," Anchor said as he and Ian ran.
Ian began to become tired, he was running out of breath and drastically slowing down, his face riddled with scratches and dirt. "how close are we?!"
"almost" was the only word Anchor replied with.
Then they began to hear the sound of rushing waters and after a few more meters they reached the river, Anchor grabbed Ian's hand and they both stepped foot onto the river, Anchor began chanting.
BAM! A sudden blast of Blue energy knocks Anchor unconscious into the rushing river, which carries him away.
Ian looked at where the blast came from and he sees a Xana lady, like the last one he saw she was stunning in beauty, "Hand it over kid, less you want the same fate."
Ian contemplates in his mind if he was to give over the fairy, their crew only held it for 2 hours, and there is no way the spirits would win if Ian gave up the Fairy, so despite his aching body urging him to give up the fairy, Ian could not, his spirits friends were beaten and possibly killed for him to make it this far. "No! No! no way you're getting this from me"
"so be it," The Mark of the lady radiated a hint of blue and she pointed her finger at Ian blasting Ian to the other side of the river.
Ian hits a tree and spits out blood, still holding onto the fairy.
The Xana lady jumps over the river and tries to take the fairy out of Ian's hands, Though unconscious at that point, Ian was still holding on tight to the fairy.
"you spirits," The lady sighed, She pointed her finger at Ian once more and began glowing blue, "You die today," Blasting Ian with another blue energy stream.
Ian then loses the right side of his arm, leaving the fairy floating, unaffected by everything.
The Xana lady then grabs onto the fairy and just before she could leave she notices a change in the light behind her, she then turns around meeting the eyes of the unconscious Ian, There she saw a dark empty abyss and a mist of darkness began to swallow her as she tries jumping away, Caught in the complete dark fog now, she aims her finger at Ian once more, her glow the only light in the haze, she blasts another shot at Ian.
Suddenly Ian's right side began to reform and his right arm reached out towards the blast and absorbed it all.
The then girl aims both her arms and radiated a strong hue of blue from the mark of her body, "DIE!". but before she could let the blast off, 5 darkened hands grip her neck.
"you..." A voice from behind her whispered, "You hurt Ian...you did it."
Ian's left arm then aims at the girl and reblasts the earlier shot at her causing the girl to be thrown far-far away.
The dark mist disappeared after the girl left and a shadow brings the fairy to Ian's hand, still unconscious Ian holds onto the fairy.