Chereads / The spirit and the gods / Chapter 9 - Worth

Chapter 9 - Worth

"You're not going to participate, Cona?

"no i opted out,"

"Why not don't you want a re-rank? I mean the food for us are pretty shitty"

"This event does not include someone like me Quin, I don't intend on obtaining glory"

"But still an actual bath with hot water, I don't want to be using that river every single day you know, always cold and filled with the men's filth."

Cona let out a giggle, "men and women, what's the difference, filth is filth."

"Yeah but they definitely have more filth, I mean you know Shawn only washes once a month"

"That is pretty dirty,-" Cona stopped as the door of the medic room opened.

It was Fiona, she had a mean look like usual and her hand was badly burnt, behind her was Ian sitting down waiting for his turn to be called in.

"You don't look too well, what happened?" Cona asked as quin exited the building, closing the door behind her she went to Ian.

"She did it to herself" Ian said to quin, "i mean What's her problem with me? She would have killed me if Sabrina didn't step in."

"Well she has her reasons I suspect. All I know is that she was sent here by her mother because she was 'too weak', that's probably why she feels such a need to prove herself strong, but her mother's right, Fiona is far too weak for someone of her bloodline."

"What do you mean?" Ian asked

"You know the Lia's blood line?"

"No, nothing,"

"That's surprising they are quite popular, well they are the 3rd purest spirit blood behind the mapogo's brothers and king Geens', if she really did manifest such a power, she really does have the blood of Lias' through her veins, that manifestation seems powerful, anyways what about yours?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well did you get to use yours in there"

"Yeah I did, but I'm still not quite sure what it is beside summoning a giant rat"

"I've heard of summoning powers before, if you aren't quite sure what your power is, you can go to Norman,"

"Norman?" Ian said repeatedly trying to remember the name, "Isn't he a higher up? How can he help?"

Well he can unify with you and then determine what your power is"

 Ian recalled Frolla saying something similar, that she unified with Ian in order to phase through the physical world.

"How do we even get to him?"

" Norman's a reasonable guy, If you bring him something in exchange for a unification he'll do it."

"Great, what do we bring him?"

"Oh I'm not going, but he likes things that relate to the xana, I mean he has a taste for them, so bring something that has xana scent and you'll get a deal with him for sure."

"Xana scent?" Ian had a concerned look, "aren't they the crew that killed-"


"That might be a little too dangerous, is there another way?"

"Not that I know of, no. anyways Ian, good luck on that, I'm heading back before my second match starts."

A short while after Fiona, Ian goes to get treated and returns back to the ring with Jay and Tyler.

Eventually the day would come to a closing, with the final match being Sabrina and kin, each one of them breezing through their last match with no struggle.

"Who's going to referee this fight if Sabrina and Kin are both fighting?"

"Third in rank, Jason," Tyler responded, "he's kind of a crack head like Shawn, Who do you think is going to win?" Tyler asked as he scooted closer to the edge of the ring.

"Well I know Sabrina won their last duel, and she is the strongest of the last 50 years so her?"

"But there was one thing missing from that book, that last battle was over 10 minutes, and Sabrina won by a thread."

"So who do you think will win?" 

"Same as you but still, this will be interesting"

As soon as the duel started Sabrina casts a veil around her body, effectively making it nearly impossible for Kin to hit her, Kin aims his beam of energy at Sabrina's foot intending to break the flooring she stood on.

Sabrina then tries to cast one around Kin's arms but he notices and begins to move around randomly making it hard for Sabrina to track and successfully cast.

Kin then closes the distance and forces Sabrina to a hand to hand combat, with each strike louder than the thunder of Fiona's manifestation and each kick was thrown with a ferocious force louder than a 100 lions.

The crowd of 62 stayed electric, divided on who they were rooting for.

Eventually the fight reached the 5 minute mark, though inside Sabrina and kin's mind it felt like an hour, both are visually tired no longer throwing punches they were circling each other, with kin wearing most of the damage. 

"Kin's not the type to give up," Jay remarked, "he'd rather die than to give up, that's why he's the leader for the most part."

"Sabrina's the same, kind of a hot head though," Tyler responded " if I'm honest most of the spirits are. So that's probably why kin's the best option for leader, even if he loses"

Before Kin could go in for another attack, Sabrina charges, she fakes a punch and slides past kin legs then kicks him in the air, Kin charges for another energy blast while in the air and Sabrina casts a veil around kin's legs.

Kin releases the blast and it lands on Sabrina, Sabrina is knocked on the ground with a burned body, 

Kin falls back to the ground but cannot stand up because his feet are tied. Improvising, Kin stands on his hands as Sabrina gets up and rushes.

Kin tries his best to block using his legs, but its ineffective Sabrina gets Kin into an arm lock on the ground as Ian channels another energy blast.

"What's the point of that?" Jay said, "you're going to hurt yourself even more!"

Kin then aims at himself and Sabrina, Sabrina notices that Kin was about to blast himself and her to get her off, she casts a veil around herself.

Kin releases the energy blast and it scorches past the ring onto the grass and the other spirits blasting dust into a thick mist.

Jason jumps into the ring and releases the grip Sabrina had on Kin and as the smoke clears we see Sabrina with her hands raised up, she had won

Kin was on the ground, despite his powerful energy blast he suffered only a little burn

"You're winner Sabrina!"

The Spirits cheered as Sabrina and kin got off the ring. 

The tournament had lasted 10 hours and the ranks were now changed dramatically, they went back to the campsite and within the next hours the new role changes were placed at the middle of the fire.

Ian goes to see his rankings, knowing that he lost, he expects to be moved down to a more messed up barrack.

The rankings were displayed on a large paper attached to a wooden pole.

"Ian, barrack 25" Ian read, "with Fiona, Poa, Cona, Kassi,.. And Tyler?" Ian looked at Tyler confused, "I thought you won yours and only lost to Jason."

"I forfeited against Jason, he's a buff guy, I know I'll lose anyways why get more hurt."

"So what does it mean being in barrack 25? Just less of everything?"

"Basically, but it doesn't really matter, I can just 'get' stuff for us if you know what i mean!"

"How do you get away with it Tyler?" Ian replied, looking disappointed. 

"Like i said, not cheating if you don't get caught"

Kin and Sabrina returned from the medical room. And kin grabs everyone's attention, "Great work today, I expect this level of dedication and inspiration next time we have an entire camp challenge, these next two weeks are free, no camp challenge until march, this means that you must condition and train on your own time! Dismissed!"