Ian felt a drop in his heart as Geno repaired the broken sand ring using his earth manipulation, despite him noting down Fiona's weaknesses from the database, he lacked both the physical and mental strength to win, Fiona had more experience. It wasn't in his mind a sure thing for to win against anyone.
He only had one thing in his mind. Using his power without blacking out. It seemed weird to him that despite the other spirits telling him that he had powers, he never actually got to understand and truly witness it. He only knows as much as the others.
The battle for Ian can only be won by instinct. And instincts, he had.
The crowd begins to roar a loud and constant cheer, but Ian does not hear anything, he solely concentrates on the approaching Fiona.
He thinks back to the database,
"Fiona,- unranked, no-manifestation, daughter of Lia, 14, last place in the labyrinth trial, lost to time constraints and fatigue."
"I'll just have to tire her out." Ian thought to himself,
Fiona rushed at Ian instantly, creating small craters with each step. She goes for the neck with her daggers which were dulled as permitted
Ian only saw a half of it, and within a flash, Fiona was up close, he backed up as the end of the dagger nipped his chin making him fall onto the ground.
Fiona smiles and continues her lashes, each one with the same amount or more brute force.
Ian tries his best to dodge the attacks, but Fiona is more in tune with her physical side, she dominates over him.
"How in the hell do I tire this little demon, she's as tired as me, if this continues, she will tire me out"
Swiftly Fiona kicked Ian's legs and he fell onto the ground once more, this time, the damage was done, he couldn't move his legs even though he wanted to.
Ian had no other option but to use his power.
"Just relax and feel it" Jay's words echo through his mind, and Ian closes his eyes, and his body freezes up, "I am not relaxed!"
Fiona goes to finish it off, she must keep her foot on Ian while he is on the floor for 10 seconds. "What's wrong Ian, can't you just use your Powers? Haha, you're weaker than I thought."
Ian looks up at Fiona and she reminds him of that girl he met in the forest, he had the same sensation, a feeling of impending doom, like he was falling into a deep abyss and he couldn't get out.
Then suddenly he stops falling, he stops feeling that impending doom, he is just floating, he looks up and he goes towards the light, it becomes warmer and warmer. The light then turned into visions, a screaming child, an army of shadows, and his mother holding him tight as everything fades back into Fiona pointing her dagger at his face.
All of sudden Ian's eyes and mark turned white and he began to feel the energy of the universe around him as the ground beneath Fiona quaked. Ian instinctively moved his hands towards Fiona and squeezed the air.
Not a moment later a giant dark figure of a rat leaps from underground and tackles Fiona off.
The crowd looks at Ian in shock and Ian looks at himself in shock, even though he wanted to use his manifestation he never thought he would be able to.
But as soon as the mark glowed the pearly white, it stopped. And Fiona pushes the rat off of her.
The rat then moves in between Ian and Fiona in a protective manner, every angle Fiona tries to catch Ian, the rat was there ready to counter.
"What the hell are you" Ian said looking at the creature, he breathed heavily and remembered the Xana girl that was strangling him and she had a rat just as big as the one in front of him. "Lucey?" he recalled, and the rat looked at him then returned to keeping Fiona away from Ian.
After multiple attempts Fiona was visibly struggling to keep up, she got slower and her arms got heavier. Each swing was weaker than the one before.
"Lucey! I need to keep her on the ground for 10 seconds, can you do that for me?"
The rat nodded and lunged at Fiona, Fiona kicks the rat in the face and tries to stab it by the neck, Ian then come from behind Fiona and gets a hold of Fiona as the rat grabs onto her hands with it's mouth and tail, Fiona then drops her daggers.
"Get off me" she huffed in a struggle.
Ian proceeds to put her in a choke hold, "I don't Know what your problem is! I never did anything to you, but I know you'd still push me even if I lost and forfeited, so I must win this one!"
Fiona made sounds of struggle as she fell onto the ground with Ian on top, she pulls on his arms trying to release the hold that Ian had, her face turned a bright red as the ticker reached 5 seconds
Just before the count down went off, Fiona's mark began to flicker, like a lightbulb, then her hair began to float uncontrollably as a static sound began to erupt, then a flash of great light and heat struck them both accompanied by the sound of thunder.
Ian body was struck stiffed and his rat was disintegrated and his hold on Fiona was released,
Catching their breath they both get up at the same time, Ian's body burnt and crossed with a lightning scar, He focuses his left over energy on standing up
Fiona with just a little more in her, was not surprised or shocked at her awakening, she had always felt it, a static of energy that floats between her hands, the reason why her strikes were always filled with energy and brute force.
This time her charge at Ian was not fast, she was fatigued only continuing on the thought of her own glory and winning her first fight.
she stands in front of Ian then punches him in the face with flash of lightning.
Ian falls down to the ground, holding his arms to protect his face from the continuous strikes of shocks, It wasn't powerful like the first strike, it just stung.
Fiona begins to cry as she repeatedly throws her hands at Ian, "I'm not losing again! I'm not losing again!" Just as Fiona Prepared for her final strike, her mark flickered, "NEVER, AGAIN-"
Sabrina casted a veil around Fiona's arms and a loud and thunderous strike of lightning far deeper and deadlier then the first one erupts in the veil as kin comes and grabs Ian out of the ring.
"That's enough Fiona, no excessive force, you won."
Fiona stands up and her arms are blackened and smoking from the contained strike.
"Go to Cona, you're done"