Chapter 24 - Safe

During the night, Jax ensures I stay away from the fire enough to gain warmth. Due to smoke.

 By morning, I had already gained enough strength to walk-on foot. I rub my eyes, and scan the environment. All I see are the tall green trees which tower over the three of us.

I turn away from the trees to see Jax curled at my feet, and snoring soundly. I nod my head in amusement, but stop mid-way in the act at the sight of Holden sleeping soundly.

I get up with a grunt, and silently make my way to his sleeping figure. Brushing some strands of his hair which had come loose from his eyes.

A small smile tugs at my lips as he subtly yet unconsciously snuggled into my palm. I pull away after some time as carefully as I can. After some minutes of staring at Holden and Jax's sleeping figures, I decide to take a walk around the forest. Though, the trees were somewhat covered in a fog.

 Silently, I maneuver my way through the trees. Careful not to make a sound, until the sound of rustling bushes and a twig snapping halts me. I pause and steadily and carefully scan my environment. Still, there's nothing suspicious.

I take another step in suspicion, and the sound of rustling leaves continues.

This time, I don't doubt, I knew for a fact that there was someone out here.

"Who's there?" I ask, as loud as I could muster. "Show yourself, or I'll bring you out myself." I threaten.

There's silence.

Then a gust of wind, faster than the eye could see, lungs for me. I shield my eyes and turn away with a gasp.

But it doesn't hit me. I open my eyes slowly and turn, only to realise someone had blocked the fatal blow.

My eyes widen in realization, as I recognise the figure to be Holden.

 That wasn't all, there was a man in front of me. With glowing golden eyes which were fixed on me, and still are. He wore a mask, and was dressed in what looked like a chinese traditional attire.

"How dare you..." Holden seethes voice grave, ground shaking.

 The unknown man looked calm."I came for her." He said, voice soft. 

Holden explodes and blasts the guy away, but instead of landing flat on his back, he sumasaults and lands on his feet.

"Stay away from her!" He yelled, and the trees shook under his voice. I shivered at the anger in Holden's voice.

I personally, thought it was a bit harsh.

He attacks Holden this time, and succeeds in disarming him.

 My eyes widen in terror as he lungs for me next with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

My eyes harden, as I dodge his blow. His eyes widen in surprise as I hold his arm and fling him in the air. Summoning as much water as I could muster, I direct them at him. He is unable to stop the impact, despite the amount of wind he uses as a shield.

I could tell my eyes were glowing an unearthly blue. I place my foot on his chest, and he looks up at me with defeated eyes.

"Who are you?" I ask, my voice sounding like a thousands and yet of one.

He stares into my eyes with unwavering confidence.

"Kylan" the name echos into the forest.

And something about the name snaps me out of my trance.

I instantly feel weak, stumbling back sure to fall; but a hand saves me.

It was Holden, and it looked like he had completely healed up.

I placed my head against his chest, completely exhausted as he sweeps me into his arms.

"Kylan?" I mutter under my breath.

Holden stares down at me, before looking down at the already standing Kylan.

"We have a lot to talk about." Holden says, turning around and taking us both to where Jax was already waiting.

"You're a god?" He asks.

"Yeah, the god of wind." Came Kylan's simple reply.

Chapter 25, Home?