Chapter 5 - CHAPTER 5

Over at the lab, Clint arrives to meet with an old friend named Elizabeth Banks as he gives her the finger prints, and they work together to figure out who they belong to. Out of the thirteen prints Michael and Roy were able to collect, only two have so far been cleared as belonging to the two recent murdered victims. Working tirelessly and through the night, they are able to only have two prints, but the others will take more time. Clint's phone begins to ring, but he ignores the call and continues working.

Elizabeth Banks: I hope I'm not keeping you from something important.

Clint Gallows: No. We are fine here.

The phone vibrates to indicate another call, and Clint again ignores it.

Elizabeth Banks: Are you sure? Someone needs you.

Clint Gallows: It's fine. I'll call them later.

Elizabeth Banks: Clint, go on home. I got this. I will call you when I have an update.

Clint finally agrees with her and leaves the lab as Elizabeth continues to work on the prints. The night goes by without any incidents, or at least that is what everyone thinks. Another gruesome murder takes place when the masked killer brutally murders a young couple in their home. David goes to the house and is disturbed by how mangled, mutilated, and massacred the bodies are. Their organs are scattered all over the room, with blood splattered on the walls, windows, and ceiling. The woman's throat has been cut so deeply that she was nearly decapitated while her breasts were sliced off, and the husband was castrated while his eyes were gouged out and both his hands were cut off. David leaves the house just as Roy arrives in his Nighthawk suit.

David Oswalt: Roy

Nighthawk: Commissioner. Is it that bad?

David Oswalt: I would not go in there.

Nighthawk ignores his advice and goes into the house anyway, as David informs his officers to let him in. Seeing the bedroom and the bodies, he is able to take some photos and walks back outside over to David.

David Oswalt: I've been on the force for 30 years, and I've never seen something like this.

Nighthawk: I know what you are feeling right now, commissioner. I'm going to get these to HQ and figure out who the hell we are dealing with.

Watching the city from the rooftop, Yuri, also in his battle suit, notices a teenage boy being followed by two grown men. Leaping down from his post, the two thugs quickly approach the boy and grab him as they move into an ally. One of the thugs takes out a knife and demands whatever money the boy has, but he tells them he has nothing. The thug grabs the boy's hand and prepares to slice off his fingers when Yuri hits him in the back of the head with his weapon. The force of the hit knocks the thug out, and his partner holds his knife to the boy's throat. Yuri speaks in Russian as he glares at the thug through his mask.

Yuri Baranov: Let the boy go.

Thug: I'll kill him. Back away.

Yuri drops his weapon and pretends to leave, but he acts quickly by taking out one of his throwing stars and throwing it at the thug. The razor-bladed star impales him in the shoulder, and Yuri tells the boy to run and never look back. Picking up his stick, he approaches the thug and smacks him in the face with it. Yuri continues to beat the thug when a taller, better-built, bald-headed man suddenly charges and plows into him like a bulldozer. The man tells the thug to leave as Yuri stands to his feet. The two men put their fists up to fight, and both start throwing punches and kicks as Yuri uses a combination of martial arts, but the bald man lifts him up and slams him against the wall as Yuri delivers several elbows to his head. The man drops him onto the ground and goes to stomp him, but Yuri is able to avoid it. Throwing a punch, the man blocks it and headbutts Yuri in the face, making him stumble backwards. The bald man throws some punches of his own, but Yuri is able to dodge and swipe away as he backs more into the streets when an oncoming car nearly hits him. Yuri is able to jump up and land on the hood as the bald man tries to drive his fists down, but Yuri moves away as the bald man leaves two dents on the hood. The driver is pissed as the bald man chases Yuri. Tackling him to the ground, he goes to punch him, but Yuri applies a chokehold, only for the bald man to lift him up and slam him down repeatedly as pedestrians scatter during the fight. The bald man throws repeated blows as Yuri covers his face with his arms until the bald man punches him hard in the side, making him let out cries of pain as he punches him in the face over and over when Nighthawk arrives and kicks him away as he lands on the ground and helps Yuri to his feet. The bald man stands back up as he faces the two heroes, but instead of fighting, he retreats.

Nighthawk: You okay?

Yuri Baranov: Yeah. No.

Yuri falls to his knees as the Nighthawks help him.

Nighthawk: Let's get you to HQ and have those ribs looked at.

Nighthawk opens his wing suit and flies away with Yuri as pedestrians take photos.

Scanning his body, no broken bones are found except for a few sprains. Applying some muscle-relaxing cream and a bandage, Yuri gets off the table as Roy gives him a drink when Clint arrives.

Roy Wheeler: The mad scientist returns.

Clint Gallows: Sorry, I got caught up at the lab.

Roy Wheeler: Anything new?

Clint Gallows: No. I mean, we got two matches, but they did not match the killer. Just two recent victims.

Roy Wheeler: Man, you look like sh*t." Go home and get some sleep. We'll finish up here.

Clint Gallows: This is my home. In case you forgot.

Roy Wheeler: Whatever, just go get some rest, man. You've been working non-stop for the last two days. We need you well rested and not a zombie. Go on.

Despite wanting to keep working, Clint agrees to get some sleep and goes into one of the bedrooms.

Roy Wheeler: You're going to tell me who that guy was?

Yuri Baranov: I've never seen him before. Tried to stop these two punks, then he came out of nowhere like a raging bull.

Roy Wheeler: What is going on in this city?

Yuri Baranov: One wolf awoke the whole pack. Now they are hunting. Should we call Michael?

Roy Wheeler: No. Let him sleep. We all should. Pick this up tomorrow. It's been a long day. Good night.

Roy leaves the HQ as Yuri sits down at the monitors and checks to make sure everyone is gone before he turns on an episode of I Love Lucy.

The following day, the police station was chaotic with the continued murders. Rebecca and her partner patrol the streets when Rebecca spots Michael leaving a coffee shop with Brooke. She pulls the car over and gets out to catch him.

Rebecca Butler: Hey, Michael. I thought that was you.

Michael Monroe: Am I under arrest?

Rebecca Butler: What? No. Why, what did you do?

Michael Monroe: Nothing. Yet.

Brooke gives him a look.

Michael Monroe: This is my girlfriend, Brooke. Brooke, this is an old friend of mine, Rebecca.

The two women shake hands, although Michael can see that Brooke doesn't really seem thrilled to meet her and that everything seems awkward. Despite never informing her that Rebecca and he have a past, Michael can tell she already knows. Rebecca and her partner bid farewell and left as Michael and Brooke continued to walk.

Brooke Cade: She seems nice.

Michael Monroe: You're just saying that.

Brooke Cade: No, really. She does. Kind of young for an officer, though.

Michael Monroe: What's on your mind?

Brooke Cade: She's not just an old friend, is she?

Michael Monroe: I would rather not talk about this in public, but at home.

Brooke Cade: Answer the question, Michael.

Michael Monroe: No. She's not. Her and I may have hooked up a few times in the past, but that was before I met you. This was about 4-5 years ago. She's just a friend, that's all.

Brooke Cade: Don't you find it rather bizarre that she's now an officer here?

Michael Monroe: It's a bit strange, to say the least.

Brooke Cade: Just be careful. Something about her

Michael Monroe: Look at me. Do I look like I am in the slightest bit concerned about her? The only woman right now who has my attention is you.

Brooke Cade: You're the center of my universe.

They kiss and continue on with their day while Roy, Clint, and Yuri try to figure out who the bald-headed man was from the previous night. During this, Clint gets a call from Elizabeth, informing him she has three new matches and he better get to the lab quickly. The three lockdown and head to the lab as fast as they can. Once there, they go inside to find that Elizabeth has found a total of five matches.

Clint Gallows: What do you have?

Elizabeth Banks: I'm not really sure. These three were composed late last night, but these two were composed no more than five minutes ago.

Clint Gallows: So, are they matches for the killer?

Elizabeth Banks: I don't know. But one match is not one of the victims.

Clint Gallows: Then, who is it?

Elizabeth Banks: That's the point; it still gives me nothing. We have nothing.

Clint Gallows: This doesn't make any sense.

Roy goes to call Michael, but he doesn't pick up, so he leaves him a text telling him to meet them at the H.O.U.S.E. lab. While driving, they arrive at the headquarters and both go inside but find it empty. Michael calls out to them but gets no answer. He gets his phone out to call when he sees Roy's text message. He tells Brooke they need to get to the lab now. They make it to the lab in a short time to find the four still there working on the prints.

Michael Monroe: What happened?

Roy Wheeler: The prints came back with matches. None of them matched the killer.

Elizabeth Banks: One of the matches that came back was not one of the victims.

Clint Gallows: But it didn't match the killer either.

Michael Monroe: Wait, wait, so who do the prints belong to, then?

Elizabeth Banks: We don't know; that is what we are trying to figure out.

Roy Wheeler: None of this makes any fucking sense at all.

Michael Monroe: How many prints do we have total?

Elizabeth Banks: Thirteen and only seven matches so far.

Michael Monroe: Okay, so that leaves us with six left. Surely one of those has to be the killer.

Roy Wheeler: I'm not willing to bet on it. We are dealing with a literal ghost here.

Yuri Baranov: No. No ghost.

Michael Monroe: Yuri?

Yuri Baranov: I've dealt with enemies like this before. It's not a ghost. He is using a type of blockage to cover his prints, DNA, and everything else.

Roy Wheeler: So, how did you catch them?

Yuri Baranov: Easy. Made them come to me. As a shadow hunter, you turn the hunter into the hunted. Hunt the shadow.

Michael Monroe: Besides you always appearing out of nowhere and scaring the shit out of us, I'm glad you are on our side, Yuri.

Elizabeth Banks: Now, we're back to square one. The other prints are not done, and we have nothing on the ones we do.

Clint Gallows: We have all the time, Elizabeth. I can't tell you how much I—I mean, we—appreciate your help.

The others look at Clint and Elizabeth, suspecting there is some chemistry there, as in romantic chemistry. Roy steps out of the lab, as do Michael and Brooke.

Roy Wheeler: Is it just me, or is everyone but myself getting the whole "sexy eye look?"

Brooke Cade: What are you talking about?

The three laugh as they step outside, while Yuri looks at some things in the lab and both Clint and Elizabeth continue to work on the prints. Getting bored, Yuri leaves the lab, leaving both Clint and Elizabeth alone.

Clint Gallows: I never knew trying to find matches was this exhausting.

Elizabeth Banks: Welcome to my world, Clint. This is what I do for a living.

Clint Gallows: At least we make one hell of a team.

Elizabeth Banks: Speaking of teams, how did you five become one?

Clint Gallows: Five? Oh. No, she's not part of the team. She's with Michael. But, to answer your question, um, well, we served in the military together and basically wanted to clean up the corruption in the city.

Elizabeth Banks: Do you guys work for The Outlaw?

Clint Gallows: In a way, yes. I guess we do. We give him missions, and he executes them.

Elizabeth Banks: So, you were with him the night he took down Roman Galloway?

Clint Gallows: Correct.

Elizabeth Banks: What about the Russian?

Clint Gallows: Yuri? He had a different agenda, and our paths crossed. He helped us take down Roman and has been with us since. Doesn't really talk much.

Elizabeth Banks: I noticed. His English is very good.

Clint Gallows: I think he's more of a "kick your ass first, ask questions later" type. He's part of a very elite group called the Shadow Hunters, as he mentioned earlier. Almost like mercenaries.

Yuri Baranov: Not mercenaries.

The two are startled when Yuri suddenly comes back into the lab.

Clint Gallows: And he does that, too.

Yuri Baranov: Mercenaries are hired killers. We don't do missions for money.

Clint Gallows: You still do missions and leave no evidence.

Yuri Baranov: Mercenaries kill for money. We kill for justice.

Clint Gallows: Killing is bad, no matter how you look at it. Period.

Yuri Baranov: You have a good heart, Clint. But sometimes, that is what gets you killed.

Clint Gallows: Are you threatening me, Yuri?

Yuri Baranov: No. No threat. Experience.

Elizabeth Banks: Okay, I think both of you need to relax a bit.

Clint Gallows: Experience? So, me not agreeing with killing makes me soft? Is that what you're saying?

Yuri Baranov: Never been a fight, you. There are people—monsters—out there that will kill you without thinking twice. It's kill or be killed, and I don't believe you have the guts to pull the trigger.

Clint lifts his shirt to reveal his gun, and Yuri, with quick reflexes, snatches the gun and points it at him, but Clint snatches it back at the same time as Yuri takes the magazine out.

Yuri Baranov: You're quick, but I'm quicker. Like I said, good heart, but too soft.

He sets the magazine on the table and leaves the lab as Clint puts the gun back in his pants and the magazine into his pocket in frustration.

Elizabeth Banks: I think you should leave. All of you are stressed out, which spreads to me, and then I get stressed and cannot focus on my work.

Not saying a word, Clint nods and storms out of the lab.