Speeding away, Michael departs and returns home. Trying to figure out what took place that night, his phone rings with Brooke calling him, but he chooses to ignore it as he declines the call. Stepping out onto his balcony, he looks down at the streets below as he takes a drink of water. He closes his eyes for a moment when someone knocks on his door. Cautious, he approaches the door and looks through the peep hole to find Chris there, and he opens the door.
Michael Monroe: Chris?
The two men hug each other, having not seen one another in over a year since Chris left town after the events with Roman.
Michael Monroe: When did you get back?
Chris Reid: Just now. I had to come back. Something in my gut told me to see that things really haven't changed here.
Michael Monroe: There's this guy running around, abducting and murdering people. Mostly women. I don't know what it is, but he seems to target women the most. He damn near killed Rebecca and her friend tonight.
Chris Reid: Rebecca? As in Rebecca Butler?
Michael Monroe: You know her?
Chris Reid: Yeah. She's my ex.
Shocked by this revelation, Rebecca never seemed to speak of ever dating Chris.
Chris Reid: We have recently been in contact, possibly getting back together, but I don't know.
Michael Monroe: That's why you came back?
Chris Reid: Part of it was also, "This is home, you know. Yeah, there is a lot of shit that happens here, and it's not the best place to be, but I was born and raised here. I know everyone here, and I had to come back.
Michael Monroe: Things were getting better until this asshole decided to ruin the peace.
Chris Reid: Whoever it is, I know you can take him down. You took Roman down.
Michael Monroe: It was a different situation then.
Chris Reid: I think this will be no different. I mean, you're The Outlaw for a reason.
Michael Monroe: Sometimes I wonder why I chose to continue doing this whole superhero gig. It was supposed to be a one-time thing.
Chris Reid: Our paths have weird ways of changing course.
Michael Monroe: Do you remember when we were younger and we always dreamed of packing all of our things and just taking a cross-country trip?
The two laugh at this memory because it never came to be as their lives went in different directions, with Chris becoming a police officer and Michael serving in the military.
Chris Reid: We can still make it happen, though. We're not too old, but we are not getting any younger.
Michael Monroe: I don't know, man. With what is happening here, I feel I wouldn't be able to stay away for a day before coming back.
Chris Reid: Just a suggestion, you know. I mean, surely this won't be forever.
Michael Monroe: Hopefully not.
Chris's phone rings, and he informs Michael he has to take it because it's important. The two men bid farewell as Chris left the apartment and answered the call. Whoever is on the other line, he informs them he is on the way.