Chapter 13 - CHAPTER 13

During the drive, Brooke looks out the window silently, not saying a word, while Michael drives and goes to speak but does not know what to say.

Michael Monroe: I'm sorry. For back there earlier. I shouldn't have forced you to do something like that. It was stupid.

Brooke Cade: You're right. It was stupid. And fucking arrogant.

Michael Monroe: Fair enough.

Brooke Cade: I understand you want me to be able to defend myself, but that bullshit today was unacceptable, and I am having a real hard time trying to forgive you. I am not one of your colleagues, and I am not one of your fucking friends. I am your girlfriend. There are different ways to train me than by having me punch you in the face. You should be ashamed.

Unable to even reply, Michael closes his eyes for a moment, cursing himself in silence for being stupid and hurting her on a level for which there can be no forgiveness. Charlie continues his murder spree when he kidnaps a young man and, like all of his victims, slowly tortures and mutilates him. The young man begs for his life and for mercy, but Charlie just rubs his head, then uses tweezers to grip ahold of the man's penis and tears it off slowly as the man screams in absolute agony when Charlie punches him multiple times in the face. Having a flashback of who he was before he became a deranged serial killer, Charlie falls to his knees, groaning as he grabs a machete, and filled with so much rage, he impales the young man right in his mouth with the weapon. Enraged, Charlie impales him over and over and over again until a hole is formed in the back of the man's head as his brains and pieces of his skull fall to the ground. Then, with one swift movement, he decapitates the man and drops the bloodied weapon to the ground. Leaving the room, he approaches his thugs and informs them they are moving right now and to find Brooke and bring her there.

Chris Reid: I'll handle Michael. I can stall him enough for you to grab her.

Charlie Cooper: Do not fuck this up, or our alliance is over.

Having finally calmed down, Clint brings Elizabeth some coffee after disposing of the bodies and cleaning up most of the blood off the floor.

Elizabeth Banks: Who were those guys, and how did they know we were here?

Clint Gallows: I am going to assume they know I work with The Outlaw and know we got the prints. They don't want us to find out who this guy is.

Michael and Brooke arrive and enter the lab to find the two.

Michael Monroe: You two okay?

Clint Gallows: We're fine. No thanks to you.

Michael Monroe: Clint, I'm

Clint Gallows: What? Sorry? Yeah, I'm done hearing apologies. From you, from Roy, from everyone. They came here to kill her, and that is your fault!

Clint punches Michael in the face, and the two women step in to break them apart while Michael wipes the blood from his lip and then looks at Clint. Wondering what is happening, he looks to Brooke and then to Clint, two people he loves and cares for very much, both showing not anger but emotional pain in their eyes. Pain caused by him because of his carelessness the last few days. Without saying a word, Michael leaves the lab in frustration. Getting into his car, he starts to leave but stops as he leans his head against the steering wheel, then begins punching it while letting out a frustrated yell. A knock on the window startles him, and he finds Chris there as he gets out of the car.

Chris Reid: Are you okay, man?

Michael Monroe: No. No, I'm not okay. Everything is fucked.

Chris Reid: I don't understand.

Michael Monroe: Everyone is basically angry at me. Brooke, Clint. Heck, even Roy may not have said it, but I can read body language. I'm starting to wonder why I even continue doing this crap.

Chris Reid: Because you keep the city safe. I mean, do you see anyone else stepping up and doing what you do?

Michael Monroe: Maybe this city would be better off if I just stopped?

Chris Reid: That's your mind talking. Or maybe it is best. I mean, you did say that all good things must come to an end.

At first, Michael agrees, but then he remembers something: he never once told this to Chris. Just to Roy, Clint, and the others, but never to him.

Michael Monroe: You know, it's funny; I don't ever recall saying that to you. To the others, yes, but I never said that you.

Understanding now what is happening, Michael looks to see Chris taking his gun out as he steps back. Now the two are facing each other.

Michael Monroe: What the hell are you doing, Chris?

Chris Reid: You think I didn't know? Hmm? About you and Rebecca? About the true reason she left me. It wasn't because she got a better job offer. She left because of you.

Michael Monroe: I have no clue what you are talking about.

Chris Reid: Of course, you don't. Why would you?

Michael Monroe: Come on, man, you're my friend. All right? Let's talk this through:

Chris Reid: You were my friend. Not anymore. You fucked me over, and I can never forgive you for that!

Chris lifts his arm to point the gun at Michael, and realizing he has no other choice, he knocks the gun away, and the two begin fighting. Masked thugs enter the building and make their way to the lab, where they find Clint, Elizabeth, and Brooke still there. Despite there being only four, Clint steps up to protect the ladies, and the four thugs go to attack. He is quickly overpowered until Brooke throws one of the thugs down and begins to display incredible hand-to-hand skills, much to Clint and Elizabeth's shock and surprise. She manages to disarm and beat down the thugs, then turns to look at them.

Brooke Cade: What? You really think I wasn't taught this in the last year? Now, come on. We have to go!

Back outside, Chris tackles Michael against the car and goes to punch him, but Michael blocks it and delivers an elbow to his face, then kicks him away. Chris wipes the blood from his nose and then goes for another attack, but Michael manages to block it again and backhand him across the face. Although Chris shows off good fighting skills, his are not superior to Michael's until he kicks Michael in the leg and then punches him in the face until Michael catches his fist, punches him in the gut, and dropkicks him to the ground. As Brooke runs from the building, Charlie is suddenly there and grabs her to inject her in the neck, which knocks her out. He then shoots a tranquilizer dart into both Clint and Elizabeth. Chris then punches Michael in the face and runs to escape before Michael can retaliate. Standing to his feet, he runs after Charlie as he watches Brooke being placed into a trunk, then climbs into the car as it speeds away. Feeling hopeless as he watches the car go further away, he hears the sound of another car's engine roaring, and as he turns around, he narrowly jumps out of the way of a speeding car driven by Chris, who tried to run him down and watches as he speeds away. Laying on the ground, he gets to his feet, gets into his own car, and sits there for a moment. Just like a year ago, after Trevor was murdered, everything is beginning to come crashing down. Brooke has been kidnapped and now does not even know where they are; Clint is angry at him; Yuri is nowhere to be found; Roy may as well be angry at him; the media has begun to blame him for the murders happening, as do civilians. Putting the car in gear, Michael leaves to return to HQ, and as he is making the drive, a report on the radio notes a pack of superwolves that have saved the city of Boston from a witch-like creature that nearly wiped it out.