Before The Outlaw can reply, they are taking fire from more thugs above and quickly taking cover. Pulling out his two Glocks, The Outlaw returns fire as Clint pulls out his gun and shoots back. The two sides exchange fire until Clint is able to hit one of the thugs, as is The Outlaw. The remaining two thugs are taken down, and Elizabeth informs them that Charlie has an EVP megaweapon that he plans to use to knock out all types of electronics in the city in an effort to take it over. The weapon is located in the basement, and The Outlaw has Clint take care of it since he is the smartest and knows more about the weapons while he goes to get Brooke and tries to stop Charlie. Making his way to the second floor, he walks through the halls, passing each room Charlie has used as torture rooms, to find several corpses remaining either in chairs or strung up. Turning the corner, The Outlaw is suddenly shot by Chris, and he takes cover. Shot in the shoulder, he sees the bullet went out his back, and he tends to it quickly. Chris shoots at him again but does not hit him. Reloading his gun, The Outlaw throws a flashbang that blinds Chris, and The Outlaw goes on the attack, able to throw brutal punches and other martial arts moves just as Clint enters the basement and finds the weapon. With no time to waste, he starts to carefully dismantle it to find the right wire to cut before it goes off and sends an electronic wave throughout the city. The Outlaw and Chris continue their fight as Chris manages to get in a cheap shot and blocks one of The Outlaw's punches, trips him up, and slams him down, but The Outlaw moves as Chris stomps his foot on the ground. Grunting with each swing they take, the two men continue trading blows until The Outlaw is able to sidestep Chris and deliver a combination of three punches, a kick to his hamstring, and a spin kick to his face that knocks him out of a window, and he hits the ground hard below. Looking down, he sees Chris lying motionless and notices a large shard of glass has impaled him through his chest. Disturbed by this, despite the fact that he was once his best friend turned enemy, this was the last thing Michael wanted to happen. With no time to mourn, he heads to the main room and kicks the door open to find Charlie still torturing Brooke. He stands there in horror to see Brooke has been sliced and slashed—even bitten a few times—by this deranged psychopath. Lifting the bloodied knife, Charlie looks up at Michael, blood on his mouth as an evil smile forms on his face. Removing his guns and his coat, The Outlaw removes his mask and tosses it aside. This is no longer The Outlaw trying to stop this madman; this is Michael Monroe trying to stop him. Arming himself with his two blades, Charlie grabs a second knife and leaps over the table as they both charge each other and both weapons collide. Clint continues to work on the EVP weapon and opens it up to find a total of eight multicolored wires.
Clint Gallows: Shit, which wire is it?
Elizabeth Banks: Look for the red wire.
Clint Gallows: There are two red wires!
Elizabeth Banks: Third wire. Cut it exactly as I say. 3. 2. 1. Cut!
Clint cuts the wire, but the timer keeps going.
Clint Gallows: Umm, it's still fucking going!
Elizabeth Banks: Blue wire. In 2. 1. Cut!
Clint cuts the blue wire, but the timer remains ticking away. Five seconds remain. Elizabeth instructs Clint to cut the green wire just as the clock hits. 1 second. He lets out a sigh of relief, tosses the wire cutters on the floor, and throws his hands up to celebrate. The sound of grunts and yells is heard upstairs, and then two of the thugs come tumbling down the steps when a tall figure comes down. Clint draws his gun when the figure reveals himself to be none other than Roy in his Nighthawk suit.
Roy Wheeler: Glad to see me?
Clint Gallows: An hour ago would have been better.
The two men engage the remaining enemies while Michael continues fighting Charlie. The two continue taking swipes at each other with their weapons until they get tangled together as Michael pulls him in, knocks the weapons away, and starts throwing punches, then kicks him to the ground, but Charlie grabs a pipe and smacks Michael in the face with it, causing him to fall to the ground. Grabbing his knives, Charlie gets up and runs out of the room through the back door. Recovering with a busted nose, Michael wipes some blood away, rushes over to untie Brooke from the table, and lifts her in his arms. He tries to tend to her wounds when she touches his face with her hand and has him look at her instead.
Brooke Cade: Go get him and end this.
Just then, both Roy and Clint enter the room and are disgusted to see the torture room and what Charlie has done to Brooke.
Roy Wheeler: So, this is what he does in his spare time?
Michael Monroe: What the hell are you doing here?
Roy Wheeler: I came back.
Michael Monroe: But what the hell are you doing here?
Clint Gallows: Look, can we talk about this later? Charlie is on the move, and he needs to be stopped.
Brooke Cade: I'll be fine. Do what you do best.
She gives him a smile, and they both kiss each other. Michael has Roy and Clint take her as he picks up his weapons and walks out the same door Charlie did, then up a flight of stairs. Another door slams above him, the sudden sound making him jump a bit as he looks up to see a hand grab the handrail going up. Hurrying, he runs up the stairs when he reaches the next to last landing, and when he looks up again, he sees Charlie looking down at him with a very menacing and evil expression on his face, his mouth twisted into a disgusting smile, and blood still on his teeth from when he bit into Brooke's body. He goes out a door to the roof, and Michael follows. The two men stand on the roof, Michael coming to terms with the fact that this is what Charlie had always wanted. It was never about escaping, but fighting him on the roof of another building, putting him in the same situation as he was in against Roman one year ago. The two circle each other as thunder rumbles above, one waiting for the other to make the next move. He is twirling the knives in his hands as he looks Michael up and down, still having that same smirk on his face as if this is all one big joke to him. Swinging at him, Michael is able to dodge each swipe until Charlie slices into his arm. He watches as Charlie licks the blood off the knife, moaning as he does. Lightning flashes across the sky, giving light to their battleground, and rain starts to fall from the heavens. Michael glances at his enemy as Charlie remains smiling at him. This man has completely gone off the rails, and Michael is disgusted by his actions. Chuckling, Charlie throws the knife, which is a distraction for Charlie to shoulder thrust into him, knocking him off his balance and kicking him down. Jumping on top of him, he starts to punch away at his face until Michael traps both his arms with his and delivers a headbutt that breaks Charlie's nose and causes blood to start gushing out. He kicks him away, jumps to his feet, and lifts Charlie off the ground before slamming him down. Delivering a blow to his side, Charlie jabs Michael in the eye, then grabs a cinder block to smash it into Michael's head. Finding a crowbar, he picks it up, and as Michael turns back around, his face is met with an instant smack from the weapon. Blood and saliva fly from his mouth as Charlie hits him in the leg with the weapon and again in the back, but as he goes for the head, Michael ducks down, grabs Charlie by the throat, and delivers a chokeslam. Rain starts to come down even harder as lightning flashes every few seconds and thunder crashes like the sound of a thousand hands clapping at the same time. Michael picks up one of his blades off the ground to block Charlie's shot and backs him up against the wall. He knocks both weapons away as he starts throwing punch after punch until Charlie blocks one and slams Michael face-first into the brick wall. He then throws a set of punches of his own, slams Michael onto the ground, and kicks him hard in the face. Struggling to his feet, Charlie uppercuts him and kicks him back down. Staying on the attack, Charlie nails a few more punches, then stabs Michael in the leg with one of his knives and twists it to make him yell in pain. Yanking it out, the knife is now dripping with blood as he holds it over his mouth and lets the blood drip inside. Grabbing a rope, he wraps a noose around his neck, tightens it, and begins to drag him over to the edge of the roof, then with enough force pushes him over, but as Michael goes over, Charlie grabs a hold of the rope to make Michael hang over the side as he struggles to free himself.
Charlie Cooper: Does this look familiar to you? Huh? You remember. Look at what you did to him. Your friend! Your brother, as you once called him!
Struggling to escape his grasp, Michael looks down at the ground below and begins to come to terms with the fact that if he falls, he may or may not survive. He then turns to look up at Charlie, choking the life out of him. Somehow able to break free, he escapes the noose and pulls Charlie over the side as he climbs back up, coughing. Hanging onto the side, Charlie starts laughing as Michael grabs his hand and pulls him back over. Both men bloodied and battered from their fight, Charlie spits in his face, and when Michael swings at him, Charlie backs up and punches him in the face twice before Michael snaps by clotheslining him down, and as he uses his arms to pick himself up, Michael brutally stomps onto Charlie's left arm with so much force that he breaks it in a very gruesome way. Bone sticks out from his arm as Charlie yells in agony as he sees how bad the injury is as Michael spin kicks him in the chest, causing Charlie to nearly fall over the edge, but Michael grabs his hand just as he does. Looking down at the man who is responsible for dozens of murders and narrowly murdering Brooke, Michael still can't bring himself to kill him, as Charlie is now laughing again.
Charlie Cooper: Go ahead. Let me go. Kill me and end all of this. Show everyone who you really are.
Michael Monroe: I'm nothing like you.
Lifting him back over, Michael delivers a hard shot to his face with his forearm. Charlie falls to the ground with his broken arm as Michael sits down, leaning against the brick wall. Glaring at him as blood nearly covers his face and his leg is bleeding from being stabbed, Michael asks the madman why he did all of this. Charlie just looks at him as he lays his head down.
Charlie Cooper: Because of love. Someone I once thought the world of as much as I did her. Someone I gave everything to only to watch her destroy it all in front of me and not give a shit how badly she damaged me. So I made her feel how I felt. I ripped her heart out as she did to me, and I got the feeling, "Why should anyone have all the fun when I can?
Michael Monroe: Because you were heartbroken, you decided everyone should feel your pain?
Charlie Cooper: Not everyone. I wanted them to know that their little games were what came back to haunt and kill them. I was their karma.
Michael Monroe: No. You are just another psychotic shithead who became so twisted to the point where you lost your humanity and became a cold-blooded predator.
Charlie Cooper: You think your cheap words will break me, Monroe? I've been broken for the longest time. In fact, the person I used to be is gone, and I am what remains. I don't even want to be called "Charlie" anymore. That part of me died years ago.
Michael Monroe: I don't care if you call yourself by your birthname or a codename; hell, I don't care if you want to believe you are the devil himself; at the end of the day, you are nothing more than a pathetic excuse of a human being, and yes, I could have dropped you and let you die, but I chose not to. Despite all the shit I have been through, I refuse to be what you are—a killer.
Charlie Cooper: We're all killers, Michael. We always have been, and eventually, it will break and send you down a path you are running from. Trust the process. Trust the process.
After everything ends, Charlie is arrested but taken to the hospital for his arm, while both Michael and Brooke are sitting by an ambulance being tended to by paramedics. The remaining thugs are all detained for their involvement in everything, and the EVP weapon is now in the government's possession. Chris is placed in a separate ambulance, somehow still alive despite falling from the second floor and having a shard of glass through his chest. A breathing mask is placed over his face, but Michael says nothing. He and Brooke look at each other and press their foreheads together as paramedics close the doors and they are transported to the hospital.