Back at the lab, Elizabeth has fallen asleep as the remaining test results come back. Elizabeth wakes up to find them and is now fully awake as she looks at the results. The final test gets a match, and the print is a match to one Charlie Cooper.
Elizabeth Banks: We got him.
The doors burst open, and several thugs open fire as Elizabeth quickly takes cover behind her desk as bullets fly around the room. They move in closer as Elizabeth makes a break for the door, but she is grabbed by the hair and thrown to the ground. They prepare to execute her until all four are gunned down by Clint, who came to check on her. Dropping the gun, he rushes over to help Elizabeth, who is having a full-blown panic attack and trying to break free of Clint, but he calms her down and holds her as she sobs into him.
Meanwhile, Smitty enters the hospital, and when one of the doctors approaches him, he kicks him to the ground and demands to know where Brooke is. All the while, several masked thugs move through the hospital, assaulting doctors, nurses, and even patients in order to find her when they bust into Samantha's room but find it empty. After they move on, Samantha and Rebecca come out of the bathroom to hear screams in the hallway. Heading to the door to leave, Smitty suddenly appears, blocking them from leaving. Michael arrives as he attacks Smitty from behind, and the two men start brawling in the room. Swinging at him, Michael ducks down and tackles Smitty against the wall and throws punches of his own, but Smitty blocks one, headbutts him in the face, throws two punches, and throws him down. Michael kicks his leg out from under him and kicks him in the face. He jumps to his feet, throws a punch and an uppercut as Smitty trips him down, stands over him, throws several brutal blows to his face, and throws him across the room. Approaching him, Michael, armed with several of his weapons, stabs Smitty in the foot with one of his star blades, gets to his feet and punches him in the gut, in the face, and again with another uppercut, then applies a chokehold, but Smitty backs up into a wall several times until Michael lets go and he throws him down before stomping his foot directly into Michael's ribs. Using his forearms to stand up, Smitty runs and delivers a hard kick to his ribs to keep him down, then slams his face into the counter, causing blood to come gushing out of his nose. Refusing to stay down, Michael struggles to his feet but manages to stand up.
Smitty: You just don't stay the fuck down, do you?
Bloodied from the fight, Smitty charges at him only for Michael to sidestep, punch him in the gut and then in the back of his neck, then deliver a vicious roundhouse straight to the side of his neck with so much force that it causes him to hit his head against the counter that cracks it open and kills him. Smitty's lifeless body crashes to the ground as blood gushes out of his skull and onto the floor. Breathing heavily, he turns to look at the two women and guides them out of the room when Brooke comes running to find him. She hugs him, and he leads the three of them out of the chaotic hospital. As they make it out, masked thugs begin to fire guns as the four get into his car and speed off, just as the thugs give chase. Roy, in his Nighthawk suit, sees the car chase happening and leaps down from a building. Following them, he fires some EVP devices at the hostiles, which causes their cars to stop working and crash into each other. They all arrive back at HQ, and once inside, Nighthawk locks the place down. Bloodied and wounded, Michael goes into the bathroom while Roy, still in his suit, helps the women calm down a bit. Holding onto his midsection, Michael looks in the mirror at his banged-up face and turns the water faucet on. He is wiping his face to clean the cuts; his hands are shaking after what happened, and he replays the events in his head when he killed Smitty. Hearing that crack and seeing his head bust open, he becomes disturbed. He's killed many criminals, but never like this. Once the wounds are cleaned and he wraps a bandage across his midsection, he walks out to find Brooke using the second bathroom. She too is shaken by the events, and he stops to stand in the doorway. He spots her cleaning a cut on her hand and walks in to help her, but she brushes him off. Seeing her about to break, he refuses to leave her, carefully takes the cloth, and starts to gently clean the wound. Pressing herself into him, Michael puts his arms around her and holds her as she sobs. Roy gives Samantha a change of clothes as she goes to change out of her hospital gown and notices Rebecca being silent.
Rebecca Butler: So you're a superhero, too?
Roy Wheeler: You could say that.
Roy puts a hot cup of coffee in front of Rebecca and sits down with her.
Rebecca Butler: You're the Nighthawk?
Roy Wheeler: It's what they call me, but I prefer to be called Roy.
Rebecca Butler: How is this city so messed up? I mean, I thought it was getting better.
Roy Wheeler: To tell you the truth, this city will never get better. Yeah, it may seem safer with Roman locked up, but when one snake gets put away, another venomous one slithers in behind it. No matter what, this city will always be messed up.
Michael Monroe: That is why we do what we do.
The two look to see Michael and Brooke enter the room just as Samantha comes in behind them, confused as to what is being discussed. The four can see the look on her face and decide they cannot hide it.
Michael Monroe: Now you know.
Samantha Thompson: That you are more than you appear to be?
Roy Wheeler: Let us explain.
Michael sits down at the table with them.
Michael Monroe: I guess you can say that with the way this city was heading when Roman was mostly free to do whatever the hell he wanted, people were afraid of him. Cops, politicians, all of them—if anyone tried to get some dirt on him, they would end up dead. My brother was an officer here, and he was one of the few that were not corrupted, and he had some evidence on Roman to bring him down. Roman found out, paid off a hitman, and murdered him, which led me to basically retaliate.
Roy Wheeler: But he was not going to go at it alone.
Michael Monroe: I got ahold of Roy here and Clint, with whom we all served together in the military. Clint was mostly skilled with his computer and hacking abilities, as well as making special tactical clothing for the military and law enforcement. Then we had a fourth ally. A Russian named Yuri Baranov, who has plenty of beef with Roman, joined us. Roy, Yuri, and I managed to stop Roman from nearly killing the mayor and his guests at a charity event last year. I stopped Roman, but I could not bring myself to kill him because that's what he wanted. Regardless, if I killed him, he still won because he wanted me to prove to everyone who I really was, and I refused to, so they took him, and he's been locked up since then.
Roy Wheeler: And like I said, one snake gets put away, and another comes in behind it.
Michael Monroe: Apparently this asshole is named Charlie Cooper. I don't know much about him except that he is a lunatic and now does not have his right-hand man.
Brooke Cade: But he still has those thugs working for him. There is no telling what he will do now.
Michael Monroe: This guy is unpredictable. We have to be ready for anything.