Chapter 8 - CHAPTER 8

Returning to HQ, The Outlaw and Nighthawk help Rebecca inside and to the medic room. Removing his mask, Rebecca sits down as Roy gives her some water, which she gulps down. Michael takes his mask off to reveal himself to Rebecca. She gasps when she sees that he is The Outlaw.

Rebecca Butler: So, you're the one everyone has told me about? The Outlaw?

Michael Monroe: Yes.

Rebecca Butler: How did you know?

Michael Monroe: We managed—Roy managed to hack into the killer's computer. Obviously, he was not as private as we thought, and he slipped.

Rebecca Butler: Wait, where's Samantha?

Michael Monroe: Samantha?

Rebecca Butler: Yes, Samantha! My partner was there when we were attacked!

Michael Monroe: She's at the hospital.

Rebecca Butler: Is she okay? I have to get there; I need to see her.

Michael Monroe: Whoa, whoa, hold up.

He hands her a pair of pants and tells her that without them, she is not going anywhere. Driving her, they arrive at the hospital, and she hurries inside as Michael trails behind her. She informs him that she is going to see her when Brooke steps into the lobby, but she walks by him without saying a word. His feelings were true, and he walked after her as she went into the break room.

Michael Monroe: Brooke.

Brooke Cade: What are you doing in here?

Michael Monroe: What's wrong with you?

Brooke Cade: Maybe ask your new girlfriend that question.

Michael Monroe: What? What are you talking about? Where is this coming from?

Brooke Cade: Rebecca.

Michael Monroe: You think—you—

Michael laughs, but not in a funny way. More of a pissed-off, shocked type of laugh, as he cannot believe what is happening right now.

Michael Monroe: You think I'm cheating? Brooke and her partner almost died tonight. They were attacked for God's sake, and you want to stand here and accuse me of cheating? How dare you! You honestly believe I was going to just stand aside and let them become that lunatic's next victims? This is messed up.

Michael storms out of the break room while Brooke stands there, speechless but muttering to herself. Rebecca sits at Samantha's bedside, talking to her, when Michael knocks on the door and enters.

Samantha Thompson: Is this the one you were talking about?

Michael Monroe: How are you feeling, officer?

Samantha Thompson: Call me Samantha. And I've been better. I'm just shaken and have a very, very sore throat.

Michael Monroe: I understand. I don't know what has been happening. One day this city was making a change for the better, but now it's back to where it was two years ago.

Rebecca Butler: Michael, um, he has been working with us to keep this city safe. Call him a good Samartian. A really good Samartian.

Samantha Thompson: What do you do for the city, Michael?

Michael looks at Rebecca as they exchange looks, but he refuses to reveal who he really is.

Michael Monroe: Let's just say I am really good at what I do. My skills and abilities really aid law enforcement and have helped put some of the most dangerous criminals behind bars.

Rebecca Butler: Commissioner Oswalt has told many stories about you.

Samantha Thompson: He's a big fan of yours.

The two women laugh as Michael sits down and tells them how David was once Trevor's boss.

Rebecca Butler: I heard about what happened.

Samantha Thompson: What happened?

Rebecca looks at Michael, wondering if he is willing to say

Michael Monroe: Last year, he was murdered. By Roman Galloway. Well, by one of his hired, contracted killers. He didn't technically kill him himself, but he put the order out, so basically he was responsible.

A silence falls over the room as Michael looks at the ground, wondering if Samantha is going to figure out that he is The Outlaw.

Samantha Thompson: I had the same thing happen to me. To my old partner, at least. He was my fiance, and one night on patrol, he was alone. I had the night off, and he responded to a domestic disturbance, but it turned out to be an ambush. He was shot to death and died at the hospital. I couldn't take the memories anymore, so I moved away and came here. What a decision that was.

Michael Monroe: It seems no matter where we go, those memories follow us. Crystal City was in worse condition before, but all good things come to an end, I guess.

He looks through the window to see Brooke stop and look in, but he turns away after glancing at her with an angry expression as she walks away. Leaving the two women alone, Michael begins to walk to the exit when Brooke calls his name as he stops. He turns around to look at her, not knowing what to say after what happened. Instead, he just walks off and leaves.

Agent Jonathan Musgrave: Rough night?

Michael Monroe: You have no idea.

Agent Jonathan Musgrave: Oh, trust me, I do.

Michael Monroe: You came here by yourself?

Agent Jonathan Musgrave: No, Agent Lockett is on a coffee run. But to calm your nerves a bit, we are leaving town tomorrow. Director Stang needs us back at base.

Michael Monroe: It sounds like a lot of paper work.

Agent Jonathan Musgrave: That's why I'm here. Director Stang wants to know if you have thought about his offer yet.

Michael Monroe: Why can't he just come and ask me in person?

Agent Jonathan Musgrave: He's a very busy man. Trying to protect the world is quite a handful, Mr. Monroe. It's one thing to protect a city, but it's a different ballgame when it comes to saving the world.

Michael Monroe: Well, when you see Mr. Stang, you tell him the next time he needs to ask me a question to not send his errand boy. Then he will have my answer. Good night, agent.

Agent Jonathan Musgrave: You know, we could use you.

Michael Monroe: I'll leave my phone on speaker. I enjoy hearing people blab as I focus on more important things. Like keeping my city safe from murderous assholes.