Chapter 6 - CHAPTER 6

Meanwhile, Michael, Brooke, and Roy have returned to HQ. Working on his car to repair some things, Michael notices he does not have the proper tools and needs to go to the shop to retrieve them. Looking through the toolbox, he comes across a USB hard drive. Grabbing his toolbox and putting it back in his other car, he goes inside to find out what is on the hard drive. Using the computer in the back room, he puts the hard drive in, and when he does, an old video from Trevor pops up.

Michael Monroe: Trevor?

He hits the play button and watches.

Trevor Monroe: Hey, little brother. I see you finally stopped working on those cars to watch this. Look, I know things have been, well, hard lately. But I just wanted you to know that I am very proud of you. I know that is something you thought you would never hear again, but I truly am. Ever since you got back from the military, yes, shit did happen, but that did not make me love you any less. You're my brother, and words can't even describe how honored and proud I am to be your brother. And don't worry about Kylie. She just really does enjoy having you around, and she does love you like a brother, too. She doesn't quite understand what you are dealing with.

Brooke comes into the room but stops as she notices Michael watching the video on his computer. Tears have begun to stream down his face.

Trevor Monroe: Remember everything I've taught you and everything I've told you. No matter how many times you get backed into a corner or knocked down, you get your ass up and put them in theirs. When mom and dad died, I knew it was scary. I didn't know what was going to happen to us, and then it just happened. I knew I had to step up in a big way and be the responsible older brother I needed to be. I just hope they are proud of me. Proud of us both. We may have gone our separate ways in life, but it led us back to each other. I'll always be here for you, Michael, no matter what, and I'll always love you. You take care of yourself, man. I'll see you down the road.

The video ends, and Michael sits there, looking at the monitor. Tears hit the keyboard as he remained there, speechless, staring at a black screen. Brooke can't help but stand there, looking at him as he cries silently, and as tears fall down her face, Michael buries his face into his arms on the desk, sobbing softly. Walking over to him, Brooke puts her arms around him, holding him as he holds her hands tightly.

That evening, the masked killer cleans his tools when the bald-headed man comes into the room. The masked killer removes his mask and looks at the man he calls Smitty. Smitty picks the dead woman off the table and nearly steps on her dead boyfriend.

Smitty: What about the boy, Charlie?

Charlie Cooper: Throw him in the meat grinder.

The masked killer known as Charlie Cooper looks at the photos and newspaper clips of all the murders he's committed. The meat grinder starts up as Smitty lifts the mangled and mutilated body of the boy over his shoulder and walks into the next room while Charlie finds his next target and smirks when he does. Walking alone back to the HQ, Clint is approached by a suspicious man attempting to rob him, but Clint is able to overpower and disarm him.

Clint Gallows: Amatures.

Tossing his knife down, he continues walking as the thug groans in pain. Back at HQ, Roy is running scans on the computer when he comes across a new file he has picked up. Looking into it, he discovers he has gotten ahold of Charlie's computer signal and has found his next target, and he yells for Michael. Running into the room, Roy shows him who Charlie is going after next, and he sees that he is going after Rebecca.

In the city, Michael sits in his armored car while Roy keeps watch above him in his Nighthawk suit. Listening in on the police scanner on the channel that Rebecca is on, he is picking up nothing at first.

The Outlaw: Anything up top?

Nighthawk: Nothing. Quiet. Like always. Man, do we even know what we are looking for? What kind of car does this man even drive?

The Outlaw: It's not him we're after. We need to keep an eye on Rebecca and make sure she and her partner are safe.

Nighthawk: What about Brooke?

The Outlaw: At the Hospital

Nighthawk: Got her. Two blocks.

The Outlaw: Let's move.

Jumping off the roof and opening the wing suit, Nighthawk flies to the ground as The Outlaw drives out of the garage he was parked in and parks it close to where Rebecca is located. Approaching the police car, he carefully puts a tracker underneath, and as quickly as they arrived, they were gone, right as Rebecca and her partner left the diner they stopped at for their dinner break. Tracking them, the Outlaw and Nighthawk are able to follow them until the signal goes out.

Nighthawk: What just happened?

At another location, Charlie has picked up the tracker, disabled The Outlaw's signal, and is now in control of it. He and Smitty follow the two officers but keep a good distance between them. Smitty drops Charlie off and goes in a different direction to try and block them. The two drive to where they are going to patrol for the night when Smitty suddenly pulls out in front of them, pretending to act like he did not see them. He tries to reverse, but the car refuses to move. He informs them that his car is not moving, so he gets out when the two officers warn him not to move. Smitty continues to tell them he needs to look at his engine with his hands raised as they approach him, but Smitty is able to disarm the officer and apply a chokehold just as Charlie comes up behind Rebecca and injects a needle into her neck that knocks her out. Strangling the other, he almost kills her when Nighthawk flies in and kicks him away! The Outlaw arrives soon after, but it is too late as Charlie puts Rebecca in the car and drives off just as Smitty gets in.

Nighthawk: Motherfucker cut our signal.

The Outlaw: Is she okay?

Nighthawk: She's breathing; we need to get her to the hospital. She may have a crushed larynx.

Helping the officer into their car, they head to the hospital, and as they arrive, paramedics take her when Brooke notices them there.

Brooke Cade: Michael? Roy? What happened?

Michael Monroe: It's Rebecca. She's been kidnapped. That was her partner, and they were attacked tonight.

Brooke Cade: Oh my God! By who? The killer?

Michael Monroe: And whoever he's working with

Roy Wheeler: We need to go. She does not have much time.

Brooke Cade: Do what you have to do. You're the superhero.

Noticing her tone, Michael puts it off as he and Roy leave the hospital.