Chapter 4 - CHAPTER 4

Entering the abandoned house, Michael, in his Outlaw suit, and Roy, in his Nighthawk suit, click on a flashlight and shine it around. Roy goes upstairs while Michael remains downstairs to cover more ground.

The Outlaw: We're in.

Clint Gallows: Got the device?

The Outlaw: Planting it now

The Outlaw places the device in the middle of the living room and activates it. It lights up into a purplish UV light that spreads and scans the whole house. Moving from room to room, he finds plenty of finger prints.

The Outlaw: I've got finger prints, but they could belong to anyone.

The Outlaw manages to take a few samples of the prints for scanning, then powers off the device. Checking around the house for more clues, he comes across the basement door, which is barely cracked open. Opening it more, he shines his light down the stairs, but all he sees is darkness. Drawing his pistol, he begins to descend the stairs slowly, keeping his light in front of him.

Clint Gallows: What's happening?

The Outlaw remains quiet as he searches the basement.

Clint Gallows: Come on, Michael. Talk to me.

The Outlaw: I found the basement.

Finding blood stains on the walls and the floor, the outlaw wonders what happened and what this sick individual did. Finding another door to a room, he slowly opens it and sees a light switch. When he turns it on, he is overwhelmed with the horror he sees. A table in the center with blood-stained straps, blood all over the walls and floor, even some old teeth. The room was the same one the killer used to torture his victims and murder them.

The Outlaw: I found it. I found the room.

A sudden noise upstairs catches his attention, which causes him to turn the light off and quietly shut the door.

Nighthawk: Someone is in the house.

Heavy footsteps above make their way to the basement, and the door creaks open. Feet descend the steps, then another pair of feet follow behind them. The Outlaw can hear a woman crying when she comes into view and sees tape over her mouth and her hands bound behind her back as the masked man guides her to the room. Pulling the hammer back on his pistol, he watches the killer close the door and starts hearing the woman screaming and banging around, trying to break free.

Nighthawk: Michael, what is happening?

The killer starts to torture her when the door kicks open and the outlaw points his gun at him.

The Outlaw: Make a move. Please make a move.

The masked killer slowly raises his hands in a surrender pose as the outlaw unties the woman as she quickly hides behind him. The killer remains standing there as the outlaw and the woman slowly back out of the room. He helps her escape the basement, where they are both met by Nighthawk. As they make it out, the woman heads for the front door, unaware there is a piano wire set up, and as she runs for the door, she runs into the wire that slices all the way through her neck. The Outlaw and Nighthawk can only watch in horror as her head slowly falls from her body and thuds to the floor, her body collapsing. The masked killer hits the outlaw in the back of his knee, making him fall as Nighthawk and the killer begin to fight. The Outlaw is able to recover just as the killer smacks Nighthawk in the face, and the Outlaw slams the killer against the wall. The two struggle for control of the weapon until The Outlaw headbutts him in the face and throws him down, but the killer is faster as he delivers a kick to his back and then a roundhouse to his face. Becoming agitated, the the stands to his feet and takes a swing, but the killer ducks down and punches him in the groin with a combo of kicks and an uppercut, then finishes it with a kick to his face again. The killer then escapes the house as The Outlaw and Nighthawk both get to their feet, but as they go to the door, the killer is gone.

Arriving back at HQ, Michael and Roy walk inside as Clint and Yuri are at the monitors when Michael hands him the finger prints. He takes his coat off along with the hat and mask to reveal the nasty wounds from the fight. Roy does the same and has a gash across his upper right eye.

Clint Gallows: Holy shit.

Michael Monroe: Yeah.

Yuri Baranov: Did he do that to you? Both of you?

Michael Monroe: Yeah.

Clint Gallows: He kicked your ass?

Michael Monroe: Yeah.

Yuri says something in Russian that nobody understands.

Michael Monroe: I don't know what that means, but yeah.

Michael's phone rings, with Brooke calling as he answers. She informs him that she is finally off and heading home. Clint also tells Michael that the finger prints will take a very long time to scan, but he knows someone that works down at the labs for H.O.U.S.E.

At home, Michael cleans the cuts on his face as Brooke walks in the front door. She walks into the bedroom and sees Michael as she leans against the doorframe.

Michael Monroe: I guess you're wondering how this happened.

Brooke Cade: I kind of have a feeling.

Michael can see that Brooke is still cautious as she informs him that dinner is on the counter and begins to remove her hospital scrubs. Tossing a bloodied tissue into the toilet, he puts everything away and walks into the bedroom.

Michael Monroe: You're upset.

Brooke Cade: Not the first time, Michael.

Michael Monroe: I know you don't agree with what I do, but

Brooke Cade: It's not that; it's how sh*t happens. I appreciate everything you and Roy and Clint and Yuri have done for this city, but you have to understand there will be bigger problems than Roman.

Michael Monroe: And that's our job to make sure the same thing does not happen again.

Brooke Cade: I love you, Michael. But my biggest worry is that something will happen to you.

Michael Monroe: Then, when that day comes, you have my permission to say, "I told you so."

Brooke laughs as she kisses him, and they go into the dining room to eat dinner.