Chapter 2 - CHAPTER 2

The three men shut everything down, set up the security system, and headed to their homes for the night as a new day awaited. Back at home, Michael walks into the apartment to find Brooke reading a book in bed as he enters the bedroom with some flowers.

Brooke Cade: And who are those for?

Michael Monroe: Just a very special lady I met one year ago today.

Michael places the vase of flowers on the nightstand and kisses Brooke as he sits down on her side of the bed. Brooke asks him what is bothering him, yet when he says it's nothing, she reminds him that she knows him too well and knows when something is wrong.

Michael Monroe: An officer was injured tonight. First time in over a year.

Brooke Cade: Oh, Michael.

Michael Monroe: All streaks have to end at some point, I guess.

Brooke Cade: At least he survived, and that is all that matters.

Michael Monroe: Yeah. Not to mention, we found a new drug that Roman's men were trying to sell.

Brooke Cade: Roman?

Michael Monroe: I know those types of mercenaries anywhere.

Brooke Cade: How is it possible he's still doing this while locked up?

Michael Monroe: He's still the most powerful man in Crystal City. It's almost like everything we did was for nothing. All they needed was a little push.

Brooke rubs his hand as Michael looks at her, and she then puts her hand on his face.

Brooke Cade: Just look at all the good you, Roy, Clint, and Yuri have done. I mean, how often do you see people able to have night walks without having to worry about being mugged?

Michael Monroe: There is always a positive out of something.

Brooke then pulls him closer, and the two start making out, which leads to them undressing, having sex, and eventually falling asleep in each other's arms. During the night, though, Michael has a terrible nightmare that involves Trevor, which makes him sit up in bed, jolting awake. Suddenly getting nauseous, he runs to the bathroom and vomits in the toilet. Brooke wakes up, turns on her lamp, walks into the bathroom, and rubs Michael's back as he pukes. Flushing the toilet, he leans against the wall as Brooke gives him a glass of water to rinse his mouth out. He takes a drink and spits the water out. She sits down next to him as Michael slows his breathing.

Brooke Cade: Another nightmare?

Michael Monroe: Yeah.

Brooke Cade: Do you want to talk about it?

Michael Monroe: My brother.

Michael gulps down the rest of his water as Brooke grabs the towel off the rack to wipe the sweat off his face.

Michael Monroe: I'm going to shower. I reek of vomit.

Brooke kisses him and goes back to bed as Michael closes the door and turns the shower on. Standing there, the image of Trevor comes to his mind again, something that has not happened in quite some time. He lets the warm water flow down his body and keeps reminding himself that he has to move on as he turns the water off.