Narcia stood by her dorm's main entrance, unable to open the door. She knew Liam would be waiting behind there, and her friend's glare behind her did not help with the pressure.
"Can you stop staring, Tammy!"
"Can you open the door, alpha?" She teased, Narcia glaring at her before grabbing the doorknob and slamming the door wide open.
"Everything okay?" Liam said as he stood there, a brace on his foot instead of crutches. It made her smile that he seemed to be getting better already.
"Yes, everything is alright." She said as she tied her hair into a high pony tail before walking out, smiling to him as she looked him up and down. He was wearing his favorite leather jacket with a nice black t-shirt underneath. She liked how his black jeans wrapped tightly around his muscles and his crotch.
"You like what you see or something?" Liam teased, causing her to jump and blush. She hadn't realized just how long she had been checking him out. She didn't like how her body kept doing this to her. Even her wolf was purring from the imagery.
"I like your style is all..."
"That's not the area I caught you staring at."
"Your eyes were staring." He said before she punched his shoulder, causing him to chuckle and cover the spot she hit. He clearly enjoyed riling her up, and it frustrated her that he had such ease with it.
They both started to walk towards school, Silviano standing in the distance away from their view. His wolf was viciously growling at the view. There was no way he was going to accept this new turn of event, but for now, he would have to deal with something more important.
"Are you ready for your math test? I took extra time to study last night." Liam stated as he pulled out a notebook from his pocket, flipping through pages.
"Math test..?"
"Yeah, the one Teryn announced at the end of the class yesterday." Liam stated as if it was obvious. Narcia had completely zoned out by the end of the class. She had been so lost in her worry that she hadn't heard her uncle announcement for the test.
"Oh god! What am I going to do!?" She said in panick as she gripped her head, her eyes wide as Liam sighed and tore a page off, handing it over to Narcia.
"I figured as much, I marked those notes for you. He said we could bring notes as long as they aren't the actual answers. You seemed pretty shaken up yesterday, so I made sure to make notes just in case." He said a bit of guilt in his tone. He probably felt bad about her reaction she had regarding him abandoning her. She smiled at him as she took the piece of paper in her hands, glad he had thought of her.
"I appreciate it, Liam... Thank you." She said tenderly, both of them walking into the classroom to go and take their seats. She felt so much better, having spent the walk to her class with her mate.
Liam groaned as he turned his sheet face down against the desk, pushing his hair back with a hand as he watched a few girls squirm at his action. It immediately caused him to smirk a bit. He wasn't quite used to attracting that kind of attention to himself. He glanced over to where Narcia sat, seeing her deeply focused on his notes, clearly needing it.
"Alright, everyone hand over your papers. The test is over." Teryn said, causing some of the students to gasp or even whine. Narcia smiled and folded the note paper before stowing it in her pocket.
Everyone made a line and handed over their papers whether they were finished or not. Some seemed even on the verge of crying, and Liam almost felt bad for them. The bell rang shortly after, signaling the end of the first period, Liam quickly walked over to Narcia with a smirk.
"Thank god for me."
"I already do that, but yes, thank god for you." She said with a smile, making Liam roll his eyes.
"Why would you thank god for me, huh? I used to think you cursed him for it." He said to her as he crossed his arms, both of them slowly walking towards their gym class.
"It wouldn't fully be wrong, I suppose. I used to curse the world for making me lo... Well, anyways, it's all in the past. I thank him for you now." She said as Liam nodded, not catching her mistake. She had nearly admitted that she loved him.
They both splitted to go change, Liam waiting at the door and Narcia walking into the changing room. She slowly undressed, smiling to herself. She really did feel lucky that the world permitted her to get herself forgiven by her mate.
She would do everything in her power to make him fall for her.
Liam sighed as he leaned against the wall, watching carefully to make sure Silviano wasn't nearby. He jumped when he felt a hand on his arm, jerking his head in the direction of the touch only to sigh when he saw who it was.
"You scared me."
"Sorry, It wasn't my intention. What has gotten you so tense?" Giuliana said with a soft smile, her gym outfit being all black spandex so tight it looked like her extremities were going to tear through the fabric. Liam gulped as he looked at her cleavage before shaking his head and looking into her eyes.
"Just some prick fucking with me." He said, making her nod before gently rubbing his upper arm, making him shiver. A groan escaped him as his body reacted to the touch of a woman.
"I'm sure you'll show him." She said, making him smile at that. She was right. He definitely was going to show him once he was healed, and Narcia lowered her guard towards the subject.
"Shouldn't you be stretching?"
"I have, I just came to fill my water bottle, but your nice behind is blocking the button." She said as she gently tapped his ass that barely blocked the water fountain. He blushed at her action and quickly pushed himself off the wall, backing up a bit to make space only to bump into someone. He thankfully was quick enough and caught Narcia's arm, making her sigh in relief.
"Why did you back into me!?" She groaned out as he pulled her up, making him roll his eyes.
"He was in the way of the fountain." Giuliana said while filling her bottle, making Liam blush again, and Narcia frown.
"What happened while I was changing?"
"Nothing, like I said. His pretty butt was in the way." She cooed, winking at Liam, who clicked his tongue in frustration. He could tell she was now purposely pocking at Narcia, and he wasn't going to let it happen. He quickly gripped Narcia's upper arm and looked her dead in the eyes.
"Let's just go." He said as he let go and started to walk towards the gymnasium, Narcia growling at his order but spining on her heels right after him. She didn't want to piss off her mate, and he already looked annoyed.
Liam groaned as he sat down on the chair, Matheo frowning as he sat in front of him. He picked up his apple and bit into it as he watched around.
"So... When did you two meet?" Matheo asked as Liam snapped out of his trance and looked at him confused.
"The chick next to you." Matheo said as Liam turned to look at Narcia, who was eating some Udon noodles.
"That's Narcia. She's an acquaintance."
"You mean the girl you used to always glare at?" Matheo said before Liam threw a fry at him, making him laugh.
"You would glare at me?" She said, catching both of them off guard.
"I just... I was still mad at you." Liam said as Matheo smirked and pinched his cheek.
"More like you were mad at a lover." Matheo said before he dodged a punch from Liam, laughing as Narcia looked at them worriedly.
"Don't worry, this is normal between guys." Tammy said as she sat next to her, both boys turning to glare at her.
"You two know each other?" Liam said, causing them both to roll their eyes.
"Yeah, unfortunately." Matheo said, making Tammy glare even harder.
"I am a pleasure to be known. You are the one who's the issue." Tammy said as Matheo rolled his eyes.
"Wait... Oh my god, isn't that Silviano?" Matheo said before Narcia froze, making her slowly start to turn her head. Liam quickly caught her chin and looked her dead in the eyes. He didn't need to speak for her to understand what he wanted to say.
"What of it?" Liam said with venom, wiping the makeup that smudged on his finger. She had put foundation to hide the bruise that basterd had left. Matheo could tell Liam really didn't want to dwell on the subject, so he shrugged and continued to eat his food.
"Hey Lili!" Silviano yelled, catching the attention of most who were around the area. That nickname made his blood boil, but he kept himself calm as Silviano frowned.
"Little Liliam! I'm talking to you. I know you can hear me!" He said even louder, some people looking at Liam with confusion.
"It's Liam, but I'd understand if a small brain like yours still struggled to understand spelling." Liam said with cockiness as he turned around to face Silviano, who now was red with anger.
"Liam, you promised." Narcia said in a plea, making both Matheo and Tammy frown in confusion.
"I know... I know." Liam said as he stood up to face the smaller guy, smirking as the man in question took a step back.
"I need to speak with my beloved, so fuck right off." He said, making Liam frown and cross his arms.
"You are the one who started talking to me, and I'm pretty sure you're single."
"Motherfucker I swear if you don't move your weak ass I will kill you." Silviano spat out with such agression that even Matheo stood up for a potential fight. Liam took a calm breath and looked at Silviano with no signs of bother.
"I'm not letting you beat her up again. If you want to speak with Narcia, go ahead."
"He did what!?" Tammy said as she stood up angrily, quickly pulling Narcia close and noticing the slight smudge in her makeup.
"Fuck you." Silviano said. Liam scoffed and shook his head, making Silviano's blood boil even worse.
"If that's all you had to say, you can go." Liam said calmly, sitting back down to eat the rest of his fries and his apple.
"Actually, there is one thing. Narcia, one of my pack members, has gone missing, if you see him. You better fucking let me know, his name is Adrian." He said before storming off, leaving Liam confused and the other three worried. Seeing Silviano putting up a missing poster on the post in the middle of the cafeteria.
"This guy is so weird, acting like he's some weird wolf leader with the pack member thing." Liam said as his companions all gulped and chuckled nervously.
"Yeah... He's always been messed up." Narcia said as she contemplated throwing out her bowl of Udon. She would have to speak with her father regarding the missing wolf. It couldn't bode good news. She sighed while playing with her Udon.
Will things ever be calm enough for her to just enjoy college and win her mate's heart?