When I woke up, I was lying on a hospital bed. My head was aching, and I could feel like my balance was off. Finally, I sat up and saw a doctor in the corner of the room. "Where am I?" I asked. The doctor turned to me, gave me a chuckle, and said, "Well. It appears some debris hit you. I rubbed my aching head and said, "By a shooting star."
The doctor said that a shooting star didn't hit me and that I had been hit by debris from the top floor. I was confused. I know what I have seen. I told the doctor what I saw, and he called me crazy. He said that if that happened, my injuries would be much more severe.
He finished going through some paperwork and told me to stand by. Then, he exited the room with a manilla folder and said, "If you need anything. Press the emergency button on the side of your bed."
When he left, I began to study the room. There was a desk that was on the other side of the room. The remainder of the room was empty. I look down at my lap and start thinking about what happened. There was no way that debris hit me from above. A shooting star hit me. There was no way I wasn't.
My headache started raging, and I swore there was a gleaming purple energy meandering around the room. I tried to reach for the emergence button, but my arms were numb. This went on for a few moments.
When I looked forward, I was looking at myself. One thing that I noticed was that the eyes were all black. I was paralyzed out of fear. The room was tranquil and ominous. My other self gave me a creepy smile and laughed in my face.
This freaked me out even more, so I tried my hardest and got my hands free. Then, I grabbed my wand and said, "Liberio." The copy turned to dust, and the purple energy escaped through the bottom of the door. I pressed the emergency button, and a nurse came right in.
She asked me what was wrong, and all I could say was, "I wanna go home."
Moments later, I was on the phone with my grandmother. I asked her if she could pick me up. She asked me why I didn't call my mother or father. I told her because I had to tell her something private. She laughed and said these things usually go to the immediate parents, not the grandparents. All I could say was that it was essential, and I couldn't wait.
She acknowledged me and said she was on the way. I gave the phone back to the receptionist and sat down. Since that occurred in that room, this hospital has given me an eerie feeling. Only two people were in this area, including the receptionist and me. The doctors and nurses seemed to have disappeared. I looked over to the receptionist and asked where everyone was.
She just looked at me and said nothing. Her face was in a neutral position. She looked as if she didn't care about what I was saying. I looked away from her and waited for my grandmother to pick me up.
I looked around and tried to learn what it looked like in my surrounding area. Then, in the corner of my eye, one of the hallway lights was flickering. I stood up and walked toward it.
As I gradually approached the light, I looked around to ensure no one was around and pulled my wand out. I aimed it at the light and said, "Repucrio." That was a level-one repair spell. The light remained as it was and then died out. I repeated the spell, and nothing happened.
Suddenly, I could hear breathing behind me. I quickly spun around and aimed my wand. But, unfortunately, my other self was an identical wand at me. I tried to cast a spell, but in a hoarse-like voice, he said, "Alakazam." I waved my wand and said, "Bloug." A magical shield summoned and blocked his spell.
The spell discharged me across the floor. I looked behind myself and ran for it. As I ran, he cast spells at me. One thing led to another, and I realized that the hallway was endless. This turned into a nightmare. No matter how long I ran, the hall never ended.
I quickly came to my senses, aimed my wand at my head, and performed a mind-control spell. "Enslavo," I said as I ran away. Instantly, the fabric of reality around me began to crumble away. Every movement became impossible to do.
The next thing I knew, I saw pitched dark. And in the distance, I could see a faint light. I walked towards it ever so gradually. Once I approached it, it became almost impossible to resist the urge to touch it.
Quickly, I realized what was happening and backed off of it. But when I turned my back to it, the light turned purple and shined brighter. I turned back and couldn't resist myself. As my hand was about to grab it, I heard a woman's voice shout, "Extilo!"
Reality snapped around me, and I woke up chained to a chair in my grandmother's living room.
"Grandson. Is that you," She asked while aiming her wand at me. I frightenedly shook my head. Then, she aimed down at the chains and said, "Release."
The chains dropped to the floor, and my grandma said, "If you're truly my grandson, then tell me something only he would know."
I didn't know what to say. I don't even know if my grandma knows my secrets. So what do I say to her? "I don't know what to say, grandmother," I said stutteringly. She then said, "One year ago. You were at the summer camp. What made you want to go home early?"
There was no way I would repeat, let alone say, what happened last year at camp.
"I refuse to say anything," I replied. She wasn't enlightened by my response and said, "I will kill you if you don't tell me." So all I did was stare at her. She raised her wand and uttered some words. Her wand gleamed, and she smirked and said, "Very well."
She lowered her wand and put it in her coat.
"Now tell me. What in the hell did I pull you out of Kalon?"
I told her everything I knew, including that I didn't know what had happened to me. She tried to figure out what had just happened. "Kalon. Why were you in the hospital," She asked. I made it clear that a shooting star had hit me.
She pulled her wand out once more and gave it a wave. A book flew from a shelf and into her arms. She looked through it and said, "What color was this meteor?" That was the only problem. I didn't remember.
Then, she asked me if it had any distinctive effects. "Well, ever since I was struck, I've been having moments in time where I see a version of myself that tries to kill me," I replied.
She went from her regular neutral expression to a more worried one. Then, finally, she flipped through her book, placed her wand in the middle, and said, "Reveal my secrets." Three specific pages appeared out of thin air.
She read them with importance and glanced back at me before saying, "Kalon. You've been Jinxed." I then asked, "What does that mean?"
She waved her wand and said, "Equalibiio."
As soon as the words left her mouth, magical energy flowed out of me. She contained it inside a knife. The blade of the knife had the word death prison written in the German runic language.
"Kalon. This knife has to stay close to you. But it must never enter you. Do you understand?" My grandmother said. I nodded and grabbed the knife. She tugged it back and said, "No matter how tempting." She released it and asked me what I needed. She asked me what I needed that was so important.
I told her that we just took care of my problem. She nodded and said, "Well. Don't go stabbing yourself, you knucklehead." I let out a chuckle and said, "Never." She walked me towards her front door, tapped her wand thrice, and said, "Telma."
The border of the door shined. She opened it and on the other side was my room. When I walked through, she said, "Good luck. At the new school, Kalon." I gave her a thumbs-up and closed the door behind me.