Me, Olivia, Twirl, and the other children finally made it inside the village.
We've returned with the children who were forcibly taken outside their homes and made to be prisoners for the BlackWing's experiment; but now they didn't have to worry about that, since I handled the situation on my own, with my own powers.
As random as it sounds, I also fought a dragon and obtained its literal egg to protect.
That situation was out of the blue, but I feel like it has more depth to it than before…
By that, I mean, the dragon couldn't appear inside of Underearth unless it could survive with the manipulation of fate, or by surviving with teleportation magic through the forcefield surrounding Underearth.
Not to mention, Zarathruuka said she was brainwashed by someone to cause havoc to the slimes. This must be some elaborate scheme by a powerful warlock, or even a Sorcerer for that matter.
But it's nothing to worry about. I don't think it has anything to do with me, I hope.
It may be someone trying to cause unnecessary chaos, and I stopped it from happening.
But then again— nah, it's just my anxiety messing with me.
That situation couldn't have started cause of me, right? Someone wouldn't go that far to try and kill me, knowing I would say yes to some slime who asked me for help.
I'm probably worrying too much.
I seen the children extending their arms and running to their parents a few meters away.
The looks on the parents faces were bewildered. They couldn't believe that their sons and daughters had returned, it must've felt like a dream come true to them.
["Samantha, oh my god… Samantha? Where have you been!"] One of the fathers extended their arms for a hug, picking up their child by the waist, and placing his cheek against theirs.
["My sweet Henry, could it really be you? Thank Ferdows! Thank Ferdows you're okay, I've missed you so much!"] A mother ran to her baby boy, picking him up by the waist, not letting him go with a tight squeeze.
The other kids all reunited with their family, crying and celebrating with one another as me, Olivia and Twirl stood back, watching with a smile on our faces.
It was a beautiful moment, I couldn't help but nearly be brought to tears.
["It was a fun journey together while it lasted."] I muttered under my voice.
["Yes, I enjoyed this journey together with you, Godfrey…"] Olivia turned to me and smiled, inching her hand onto mine.
Wait, was she trying to hold my hand? My body suddenly tensed up, and I gained a blush on my cheeks.
I'm not… use to girls like this, especially when they're touching me—
Her hand eventually grabbed mine, conjoining them together in a hold.
["U-Uhh… Olivia?"] I muttered under my voice, turning my eyes to face her.
She was smiling?
She was just happy, nothing more, or nothing less.
She was simply showing her happiness bundled up inside her body, and shared it with me in a handhold.
I couldn't reject, thus, I held her hand back tightly as ever with a big smile on my face.
["You're incredible Godfrey, I can't thank you enough for what you've done for us, you know that?"] Olivia looked at me with wide eyes until she closed them, leaning her face into my cheek, and planting a kiss on it, forcing my body to nearly shut down.
Her lips hugged my blushing cheek, making my heart to feel as if it was gonna blow through my chest!
I-I didn't know how to respond, I simply glanced at her once she pulled her face away, smiling at me.
["Your first kiss from a girl was me~! How does that make you feel?"] Olivia asked me with a smug expression.
["Kiss? Well, it wasn't a real kiss, unless our lips touch each other."] I proclaimed.
["T-Touch each other? That's not good, mom said that's dangerous, girls can get pregnant that way. I'm not ready for that, especially not now!"]
Olivia was smart in certain categories, but not when it came to expressing love.
I guess we're still kids, so it shouldn't matter until we're older.
As weird as it sounds, I wasn't really expressing any attraction towards Olivia, or anyone for that matter.
I found what she did cute, and flattering, but I'm not necessarily attracted to her.
Maybe cause I'm young, or cause I'm asexual in this world, I guess?
I don't know what it is.
["Now that you two humans shown lovey dovey stuff, shouldn't we be getting home? You know it's getting late from traveling all the way here, and Godfrey said his mom may worry for being out so long. Yours too, Olivia!"]
["Oh, you called her by her actual name, good job, Twirl."] I exclaimed.
["Well yeah, she tends to give better head pats than you, Godfrey. They felt so cozy when we walked on our way here~!"]
["Thank god for that, because I'm not gonna be carrying some slime in my arms everywhere I go. You're too heavy and fat."]
Twirl looked up at me angrily.
["Oh I'm sorry, must I repeat it again, old wise slime?"]
["I already told you, 100+ years in slime years is equal to that of a teenager for humans!"]
["You're still old in my eyes!"] I shouted.
["Hey you two, enough with your arguing!"] Olivia frowned before pinching on my shoulder, and stepping on Twirl with her foot.
We both froze in terror, responding, ["Y-Yes mam!"]
We stopped our bickering out of sheer fear, and calmed down.
["Its no fair I get stepped on…"] Twirl muttered.
["Moving on from that, shouldn't we introduce ourselves to the villagers?"] Olivia asked.
["I don't think that's necessary. The children can just tell them about us instead; it's a hassle doing all of that. We should be getting home instead, and not keep our family waiting on us."] I proclaimed in a lazy voice.
I wasn't in the mood for introductions, or ecstatic attitudes right now, I was ready to get home and plop in my bed.
You must forgot, I didn't sleep through that whole night when I had to protect our campsite.
I was tired as shit!
["Hmm, you may be right Godfrey, you also look tired, are you feeling okay?"] Olivia asked me while tilting her head to the side.
["I stayed up all night guarding our campsite, I'm way beyond okay! I need some sleep… and food."] Soon as I said that, my stomach started to growl, and so did Olivia's.
["Food… yeah… I'm hungry too."] She had a small blush on her cheeks as she rubbed her stomach.
["Well kiddos, there's one last thing we need to worry about, and that's hunting! Since we all are returning back home, you both are obviously gonna get hungry on our way there."] Twirl hopped up into the air, sprouting wings. ["So let uncle Twirl teach you two kids how to hunt for food!"]
I looked at Twirl with a emotionless glare, ready to sock him in the face.
["Like hell! I'm not gonna be walking all the way back home you clown! Did you forget I had teleportation magic?"] I proclaimed.
Twirl frowned at me and gotten in my face.
["Teleportation magic can only be done twice a day! You must be insane if you think you have enough mana to perform another one!"]
["Did you forget who I am?"] I smugly said.
["Tsk, what a cocky response, Godfrey! Fine then, go ahead, try your teleportation magic, let's see if it really brings us back to your home that easily!"]
I held onto Olivia's palm, before grabbing onto one of Twirl's wings.
["Its no problem for me. With this much mana in my body, I could probably teleport dozen of times without strain."] I closed my eyes and linked with my soul once more.
I improved and modified the teleportation magic to benefit me, and not cause any harm.
Olivia placed her hand on the eggshell so it could come with us, so now everything was set.
When using teleportation magic, I have to remember how the place looks. My location was Mediocre village, I grew up there for years, so naturally I would know everything about it, down to the last minor detail.
I found the perfect spot, and I connected the spatial coordinates from where we were, to Mediocre village.
Our bodies vanished into a flash of light as a magical rune appeared under us.
We moved at light speed and connected with the spatial coordinates in Mediocre village.
We appeared there in the blink of an eye, standing in the middle of the village with twirl sitting on my head, and Olivia holding onto the dragons egg.
It was good to see home again, I missed it so much.
Everything looked the same, thankfully.
But the only thing that's different about the entire place is the lack of noise.
It was just… silent.