So dark, so deep
The secrets you keep
Leaning on the chair, while traversing my hands I tilted my head before wanting " so Mr Yen will you accept this deal?"
He nudges the agreement documents back, jerking his head " I am sorry Mr Min but I can't give my 70% share to you of my company just like this " his response makes me crack up and I fiddle with a ring on my middle finger.
Leaning toward him who sits across the table, I hear jin murmuring something to jimin while I spoke again " Mr Yen do you think that those are your shares? "
And I get satisfied when I see him shifting on his comfortable sit. " Uhmm what you mean by that Mr Min?"
" Ohh so you don't know what I mean by that .....well maybe you forget it I guess but the owner of your 70% shares of your company isn't you but your dear wife"
My acknowledgement make him shocked while Jimin sat there trying to control his laugh.
" What are you saying, Mr Min ?"
"Mr Yen I am saying that your dear wife gave me her 70% shares of your company"
And his wide eyes clearly said that he is in a big surprise, my lips curve up to grimace on my face and I relish the movement more.
Because there is a lot of drama going to happen here .... duh
" This can't be can she " as i hear him talking to himself not believing the fact, so i motion my assistant who stand beside my chair to lent his tablet.
Well let's make him believe the truth
" Well Mr.Yen although it's hard to believe but what we can do truth is truth" bluffing to be sad, i open the real copy of the documents which his wife approved yesterday.
And toss the tablet on his lap, hooking the tablet with his shaky hands he saw and drop the tablet again on his lap.
Of course in panic
" And you know what is funny Mr.Yen that these blue royal restaurant includes in those 70% share which are mine now " being bitter, i stated making a face like thinking.
I guess this smashed him lol
" No no no " good good, do question yourself bitch because you will not have your mind in supervision after sometime.
"Mr Min this restaurant is all I have, please don't do this what you need from me, what I did "
Heeding his misgiving my eyes dim and i jab my tongue in my inner cheek.
" You don't know what you did?"
Listening to my question he cries extra and now I am feeling annoying.
" You think I will not get know that you are doing sex trafficking with the help of this restaurant with your secret partner and also you are using my name for this"
The land on his feet might be not anymore...
" You are doing all this and thought that i will not get to know, don't you know who i am " my voice lift as the bitterness feel inside me more.
Knowing that his death is near he arises from his seat and gets on his knees in front of me with joint hands
" I am sorry Mr Min, please forgive me for this mistake, my partner told me to do all this otherwise why would I use your name please forgive me "
"Forgive, forget it, bastard, those documents on the table were fake and real one are what you see just now, now all this thing is recorded in my partner's phone " attaining my words, we gaze toward Jimin who flapped his phone back
And his screen indicates the recording app.
" Wh-at"
" I don't have time for your trauma, jake gimme the documents" asking for the documents on which this bastard gonna sign
Which are contract of him giving me his left 30% shares of his company, jake set it open on the table with a pen.
And i again set back leaning on the chair comfortably looking at the person who's life is getting destroyed by me.
" So Mr Yen you have two options first sign these documents silently and second don't sign them so I can viral that recording of your confession on social media, just choose now"
Saying that, i glare at him to make me shiver and he step near the table to see what are these documents of.
Hmm pathetic, still on his knees
He cries more reading the documents and I growl in irritation, looking away
" I don't have time for your drama just sign them or my partner is sitting here to upload that recording"
Hearing my words he fight the battle in his mind of whether to sign them or get his reputation ruined
After some seconds of drama his cry stop and he finally sign those papers.
It's quite nice that he don't beg that much.
" See that's wasn't that hard right " saying it emotionlessly, i signal my assistant to take those documents.
Getting up from my sit, others get up too following me, i adjust my suit before walking away.
While his cry suddenly starts again
Tsk poor man going to be poor
Walking out of the beautiful building, I look at it for the last time to memorize it
His wife took care of this restaurant very well, i guess i had send a thank you flower set for that, comparing to his husband his wife is much better and elegant.
" Jimin upload that recording and also that video of his wife telling about his husband's all crime"
Hearing my order jin shake his head while jimin chuckle before stating" suga hyung you are really cruel " a smirk set in my face hearing it
No way in hell i will leave a betrayer just like this
driver open the car for me and we drive away sitting in it.
" Mr. Jihu please toward the holding" i instructed my driver silently, who is aged than me while getting comfortable in the sit.
Sloping my head, I secured my eyes but damn it
They don't keep up close for so long when those set of those dreary eyes glint in my mind
" What happen" shaking my head in denial i hint hyung that it's nothing and stare outside the window when again a flicker of her running on the street come in my mind.
In frustrated i knead my head like, committing this will wipe out those memories. Although i don't even realize why i wanna keep that memories while i also wanna throw them out of my mind.
Straight presently i am so confused for fuck sake's i saw that girl just onetime and she is fucking up my sense every solitary second
Fuck damn shit i am getting angry now
Striding into the office of holding, jin hyung declared that we get the blue royal restaurant. And going to have a party at night in club.
although no one asked how but by there gaze i know they are confused and happy
We were working hard to get it because this restaurant is well-known for its cooking interiors and design.
I like it too
And i desired it
But when i get to know about the sex trafficking thing going on in this building using my name I lost my control
Like people says
Things aren't always like it shown.
Than i succeed to know it's not Yen who is taking care of his work but actually his wife, she is a little aged but a thoughtful women.
Just like my grandmother.
I was disgruntled and brust into his office to find his wife working, time flew and i told her why i appear there
Than there she told me the whole truth and apologise on behalf of his husband which angered me more and i was ready to destroy him
With the help of Mrs. Yen i destroy him, she doesn't want to take care of his company because she already had her small work and she was forced so she sign those paper but i never inquired why she possess the shares.
Uffff it was a tiring day.
Sitting on my office chair, i open my laptop to see what's going on in holding and call jin "hyung inform in the company that we got the restaurant and after some times we will go to the company than from there we will go to the club. "
" Ok but we set the time after 11:00 so about we stop by a cafe before going there because we finish all our work and there is none for today here and also in the company"
" Hyung did suga hyung said yes " i listen jimin murmur from the other side of club. Now knowing that it's jimin who wanna go to cafe.
I nodded my head before saying yes as if he can see me.
" Whatever hyung"
" Suga do you really wanna go to club today, are you fine"
" Ahh yeah i am fine hyung don't worry, i am just tired so i will go to relieve it "
" Ok fine, i will told to driver to be here after 30 minutes, is it fine"
" Yes hyung"
Hanging up the call, that fucking girl again arise to fuck my mind up
I actually throw the pen stand in anger
" Jesus, who are you?"
This question lingerie around my mind like glue to paper.
" Aishhh"
Com'on suga get a control on your fucking mind
After jimin's beseeching, our car finally stopped at one of the cafe in this street from where we were going to the club and we step out of the car
With a happy jumping jimin.
God this bitch
Mumbling to myself we enter in the cafe the my eyes roam to examine it, we always have to be alert for everything.
A girl walk by my face, declaring something which i don't hear and suddenly my stomach felt something, my eyes pursue her to know what was it
And damn it i recognise her, that same girl from the evening.
My eyes watch her till she touch the counter and the boy across the counter lean over to notify her something, looks in hurry.
We silently watch them conversing, for a second i thought they recognised me and talking about me but i guess no because she know who i am than she wouldn't say what she said in the evening.
After their talk, the boy hug her and jogged outside the cafe holding a bag, after putting the apron on the table.
Jin apparent his throat to get her awareness and she gaze back at us, sitting on our seats, she came up holding the menu but who need that when we are coffee freaks.
My sights again plummet on her eyes but they never joined mine and i am becoming anxious to meet them with mine
God, girl look at me too why are you like this.
" Hello sir, i will be taking your orders please tell me what you want "hearing her voice again my stomach twist with some emotions but my stomach is a bitch.
I forget my words in procedure to stare at her which seems to be more significant than anything for me now.
"I would like to have yo---" my eyes unwillingly fall over jimin who's mouth is sealed by jins big hand before he could spoke any bullshit
Great jin hyung.
Aish i feel annoying
My eyes travel toward her as she ask again before clearing her throat. If she is sick than she should rest. Dumb
" Sir, what you want "
" Uhmm nothing just gave us cold coffee" jin hyung spoke still clasping jimin's mouth tight enough so he could not throw bullshit.
" Your order will be here in 19 minutes" i hear her low whisper before she walked away.
Incredibly she don't even look at me properly but she look at them properly why the fuck.
Her whisper was so soothing like i wanna hear it again and again whenever i feel angry.
My mind try to retain this for future.
While my eyes attend her every action why did she don't recognise me that i was the same guy from the evening or she don't care.
But why i am caring about this more.
I get 10 minutes to scan her, as my eyes goes toward her long silky smooth hairs, i fist my palm when they show the urgh to feel them around my fingers.
She put the coffees down and walk away after saying enjoy and all the time my eyes were fixed on her like some pervert
I would like to order more coffees and stay here forever but what can I do, the board hanging on the wall says it's the time to close the cafe and also i have to go to club.
But it's not the time to go there
Anyways who care, it's not like i am actually going there to celebrate, i am just go now
" Jimin you can't just roam around flirting with everyone" jin vixen jimin after putting the empty cup on the table while jimin whine.
" But hyung she is hawt ( hot ) "
" Shut up otherwise after reaching home i will put your hand in oven than you will say you hand is hawt" jin hyung spat, mimicking the way jimin say hot.
I shake my head and stood up.
While settlingg the cash, i peek at her but she never glance at me, i hate it that she don't recognise me i don't understand why.
I walk out of the club fastly from the back side with jimin and jhope.
Because my other members suddenly come and told me my enemies are planning to do something now, they were there when we arrive unfortunately.
Although i like enemies
they are like some street dogs running after the special meat
"Stop there you bitch"
Appearing out of the alley, my head angle to see who yell hurriedly, and i show some shilltout running in the direction of the street where i have to go.
Rapidly striding my body, i hide it in the alley and put my head out to glimpse what is happening, while my hands clucthing to gun which i store on my waistband under my suite.
When i heed the footsteps halt, my eyes lingerie there and that's when i notice...a girl standing infront of three mans.
My eyes dim when my eyes again dock on the girls figure who's back is facing me, but it don't stop me from recover that she is little devil who is blundering with my mind.
*So you finally decided to get fucked by us" listening to a manly voice says, it doesn't take me a second to seize my gun out, but my step halt stop on my path which where taking off to be out of the alley when i attend her says
Who's name i still don't know.
" So you MOTHERFUCKER don't wanna give up fine lets see who gonna fuck who? "hearing her words my jaw clench more, who do she think she is, going to fight with three fucking mans alone.
Even if I don't know the whole story, I know that when some motherfuckers are running after a girl at night it means they are going to do something nasty
Does she loves to get hurt that much or what?
" hahah one girl three guys ohh com'on bitch just let us fuck you, you can't win against us "
Bitch dare to talk to her like this.
My body was already out of the alley with my gun degree at them but
A thought stop me, almost make by hand shake.
What if i accidently hurts her
My hands decline and my thoughts stop when i hear her speak.
" Dumbheads you are drunk not me now imma giving you two choice 1- get the fuck away without making any scene and any broken bone and 2- or imma making you fuck away with your broken bones and a dick in bonuz"
That's my girl
I had a hazy smirk on my face, i know i am a motherfucker, instead of saving her i am listening and smirking.
But my smirk drop hearing a crash and one of them run toward her while she stand in the .... fighting position.....haah very funny.
My legs scramble toward her to get her before he could reach her but they again stop in surprise this time.
She dogde him and kick between his legs when he tries to snatch her hairs and when his hands went to hold where the pain begin.
She yank his hair, plucking his head on her knees to blow him and he spreads on the ground lifelessly.
Seeing this, i don't know if I was stunned or not from the last i recall she insult without giving a shit but i don't expect her to fight.
When the another on come, i watch patiencly to see what she gonna do although i was ready to attack thos motherfuckers but i earned an urgh to see what she will do
I wanna know her
A little voice inside my head said but i choose to ignore it.
Whacking her handbag on his face as her lengthy hairs wave in the hair, next thing shocked me when she put her two fingers near his neck and he stumble.
Ho-ow she know that
By doing this it can make his gust impasse or even can kill him.
But how she know that.
The guy still don't stop even if she hit him in his stomach. As he try to jab her, she casually clasp his fist, and slant it behind his back making him yelp and drop in knees on the ground.
In this time the last one ran away.
My eyes flick and my mind only focus on two words,
Haan fuck me,
Well not gonna happen, i will do that little devil.
She maintain hitting on the guys dick who lays paralysed on the ground because of my little devil's trick.
She sauntered to another one after getting pleased, the bastard whimper like a pray in coming in his way
But from my view she looks like a small angry bird.
My heart race rapidly when she sat on his chest, before unlocking his purse. Certainly searching something.
Taking a ...maybe lipstick out, she toss the cap and did something something on his face before whispering something
I wonder what
Getting up, suddenly i guess her anger come again and she throw the lipstick on his face harshly.
" fuck you mother because off you i destroy my lipstick which someone special gave me "
I don't get to understand her words clearly as my fucking phone ring. Taking out it hurriedly, my hands desperately search for the hand up button but i know there is no use because
My collar was plucked by the small creature who stand in fron of me now,. scowling at me
Damn it all this time i was perishing to have a contact with her eyes and when i finally got it, she is murdering me with her gaze.
Never realized a tiny devil can have this impact on me
I was so chilled feeling her closer to me but it doesn't stay for so long as she yell at my face..
" You mother fuckers all this time you were watching everything but don't even try to help ann alone girl who was getting harrassed by three Fucking mother fucker,
Actualy you all boys are the the same shameless, disgusting, and perverts always want a pussy but why I am saying this to you I should say
Ohh thank you sir for watching this show I hope you like it know what .....FUCK YOU!" before saying motherfucker she had already leaves my collar and stand away which i seriously don't like
Fucking stay closer to me
My priority wasn't in her words but on her blue eyes who possessed me in a way, i never did.
I was lost until a bump on my shoulder carry me out, and my body turn to stop her but
Why would I stop her, who is she, i don't know her, she don't know me, i waana ask if she get any injury but who i am to ask that
Even if i stop what would I say, i don't even know her name.
My eyes plunge back at her as she walk away angrily after showing middle finger to my members
Who just come out of the alley.
"Hyung we handle everything" jimin said running with others toward me while others come with a stunned face.
" Who was that girl?"
" Why those guys are lying there, are those from our enemy?" Says jin hyung
Taking a deep after looking where she went. My head turn and i utter
" Hyung it's nothing"
" Really hyung ....." My eyebrows frown at jimin's words and i think of very possibility of what he mean.
" Ohh hyung i was just after you and saw everything, the girl, the fight. She is the same girl from the cafe on whom you kept on staring and now you are saying it's nothing" mimicking the it's nothing jimin finish his words
And my eyes shut in frustration aishhh why didn't i notice him
" Hyung if you thinking that why you don't notice me than maybe it can be ... because you was so lost in that girlllll" my eyes jimin and he giggle.
" Shut the fuck up jimin "
" Can anyone please tell me what is happening" asked namjoon.
" I will tell you guys after reaching home" state jimin.
" Don't you dare to jimin " hearing my growl, he stop with a whine. He know very well what will happen if he told them
Ofcourse i can't tell them that a small devil just walk away saying those words to me.
Ufff whatever.
" Ok so now what, should we go home " jhhope asked with a sign of tiredness
Millions of thoughts roam around my mind and i finally decided to get rid of the frustration in my mind.
Nearing my eyes, the scene few mins ago show up but the only obvious was her eyes
Her blue eyes
Damn those eyes
With a grown, i eventually decided to end this.
"Jin hyung!!