Chereads / I am a System Interface? / Chapter 16 - Escape plan-1

Chapter 16 - Escape plan-1

" Fine, I think I have to take matter into my own hand." He was ready to move forward instead of wallowing in self pity.

Since it was past midnight looking at his old watch, he knew he had five new slots for summoning. He carefully hashed his plan and finally decided thay he would escape and also talk to the kids.

The ropes were thick and tightly wrapped around his hand and feet. He felt a little pain but he knew what he had to do.

A knife, he would have to let go of one of his slot so to make a compromise he went with a fancy machete. It would be a good hand to hand weapon for his upcoming skirmishes.

He had full control around five meter radius and where and how the weapon would be summon to.

The big knife appeared in his hand which he used to first cut off his leg restraints. He was thankful that they didn't tie him to his back if not it would be much different. He would have used a much smaller knife and use his mouth to escape.

Getting free from his restraint he stood up assessing his body. He knew there were several broken bones as well as large purple spots all across his body. He stripped looking at his damaged body but after moving his joints he was sure he could atleast move around.

" It's better than I expected. I guess I really have a special body." he jumped around feeling his tired bones.

" What now?" He thought. Four slots so he needed to think hard about it.

" Hmm..weapons is a must but it would be easier to just steal back his previous weapon."

Should he break down the door? It might cause too much noise or worse alert nearby guards. He looked around the small room and found the tiny window eight feet up the ground.

There were few things he could use to make a temporary ladder. These small little cottage were mostly made of wood, he could summon special automatic saw to cut through it. These things did make noise but not enough to wale people if he was careful.

" Alright. First let's get out of here." He started moving, tip-toeing around the room gathering things in a pile high enough to start working on the windows.

Within minutes he was through with wooden grates one by one. Noah would stop every other minute to look for any signs of guards but fortunately none came.

He climbed down gently laying the window down on the floor. Sorting out his clothes he covered his elbow and knees so that sharp wood wouldn't cut him badly.

He crawled his way out of the window tumbling on the ground. Like a cat, he turned mid-air protecting his vital parts. Half past one, everything was dark outside with slight moonlight illuminating everything just enough for his eyes to adjust to see.

" I guess everyone is sleeping." He chuckled inward seeing if someone was watching him. He started sneaking around looking for anyone around the small cottage fortunately it seemed like people were busy which meant they really deserted the guard posts.

He couldn't really blame them with thin numbers they must be maning the walls instead of prisoners as outside threat was much more viable right now.

It meant he was able to rush to the place where his weapons might be statshed. He knew they didn't know how to use it without kid's help. He knew they were trustworthy but with enough pressure they might crack as they were barely passed their teen.

Snooping around few houses, he finally found the guns. He found few people sleeping inside but they were too out of it to notice him. With his determination and thinking clearly, he was like a shadow in and out with his trusted big orange bag.

Next was kids. He went from house to house until he found Jake being held in his own home sleeping. It made sense, Mera must have thought it must be more easy for the kids to stay with their family members.

" She really is kind." He shook his head. If it were his previous world, any suspicious person would be tortured to death just to get a confession out of them.

It wouldn't matter of they were guilty or not they had to find the source or make it up just to avoid any scandals. Kids or not, they would have been sent to black sites where no one could even find them as they rot away to die without even seeing another sunlight.

" Jake. Jake." He whispered but the burly boy was in deep sleep. In the end, Noah had to go with plan b. A small stone to his forehead which made him jolted awake.

" Huh?" Fortunately, Jake didn't scream but he did sat up looking around finally recognising Noah outside his window.

" Sir!" He yelles out which almost made Noah faint. He immediately put his finger over his lip shushing him constantly.

" Stop shouting you big log!" He whispered staring daggers at him. The big boy was huge but really had nothing for brain. He was cluess about social cues.

" Sir, how did you escape? I thought you were injured and needed few days just to get out of bed." Jake got close to the window and started conversing trying to understand the situation.

For a second, he really thought it was a dream. When Mera and elders came to question him, they flat out told him she did treat Tang but never him.

Now, Noah was here standing outside his window in dark. He looked like a ghost but that damn orange bag soon jolt him out of his sleep.

By now, Noah was grinding away at the window knowing Jake would follow him even if it meant being a potential traitor in his family's eyes. The boy was too honest and loyal to do anything else.