As things looked like they were getting better for them, the problems in the Kingdom of Nevadie grew bigger. While the people of southside were gearing up and getting ready to attack the other fractions, Stronger beings and animals of weird Nature were lurking around Nevadie. The Christians on the north side and the Vampires on the west side had the heat from these Stronger beings. People said Stronger beings from other Kingdoms outside Nevadie had found their way into Nevadie and the stronger beings were a great threat to everyone.
The first supernatural being that was seen in Westside had its name lurking around the streets, the Vampires called it the Snow Demon. The ruler and king of westside; King Alex Sebastien. He was known to possess magical powers and he had an insane obsession for power, but aside from just wanting to be extremely powerful, King Alex had a strong love for his people, he treated everyone like family and made sure no one was as strong as him. His obsession with power made him have dreams of anyone who had as much power as himself. He had dreams of Stacey-The queen of southside, Raymond-The night wolf, Lilith Clover-The Snow Serpent, Raul Sebastien-his brother, Amber Bronze-The female Vampire that possesses an insane amount of Magical power, Aydan Lenora-The strongest Vampire in westside, and many more. Alex was very careful before he made his moves to steal people's power. When it got to his ears that there was a young boy who got killed and shredded into chunks of human flesh close to the sea by a supernatural being, he knew that Lilith Clover had come to pay Nevadie a visit but he didn't know why. He later went with the five strongest vampires to consult the seer to get more information about the snow serpent and how they could kill it.
The seer said he only heard about Snow serpents but he never really saw one by himself. Snow serpents had been known to kill any prey that comes close to the sea within seconds. They are extremely huge in size when compared to vampires and Snow serpents had amazing speed, agility, and diabolical intelligence. They were unstoppable at the time, and their only chance to compete with Snow serpents on an equal footing was to ask the Southside werewolves for help. The seer also warned that, if precautions weren't taken, the Snow snake would quickly discover that it can live on the ice's surface and move swiftly through it without risking its health. Snow serpents could shape-shift and steal abilities, but they could not maintain human form for an extended period of time; as soon as the temperature was not cold enough for them, they would lose the ability to maintain the human form because their faces and skin would break and pill off right away.
The seer had no choice but to tell King Alex the truth because he could hear his heartbeat and tell whether or not he was lying. King Alex asked the seer whether it was possible to steal its power so he could be faster and more agile. The seer demonstrated to Alex how to steal the Snow serpent's power, but he also cautioned him not to gaze into the Snow serpent's eye while doing so lest his own powers would be stolen and the Snow serpent would gain sufficient power to quickly wipe out the whole Vampire race.
Not too far from the seer's house, King Alex and the five strongest vampires saw tracks of the Snow Serpent and they traced it to the edge of a mountain. Raul noticed a young woman working ahead of the snow serpent's footprints as it prepared to descend the cliff while they were following its tracks. In an effort to save the woman from being killed by the snow serpent, they all rushed as quickly as they could. The six of them jumped down the steep mountain without giving it another thought and saw the woman transform into the Snow serpent. Since the shape-shifting process did not appear friendly at all, this was the scariest thing they had ever witnessed. They all attempted to change course midair. While the surviving vampires fell on the other side, King Alex landed on Amber Bronze and his brother. The snow serpent must have heard King Alex's conversation with the seer to steal its power. So, it tried to attack King Alex first. However, Amber bronze managed to use her magical powers to phase three of them to the opposite side. Before Amber Bronze phased them all away from that environment, the enraged Snow serpent stroked Raul's arm and brutally slashed his brother's arm before they could grip each other to phase away. Raul's arm had a deep, vicious wound that was also slowly killing him because he was unable to recover from it. Four vampires had already been killed by the snow snake when King Alex arrived in Westside, so he ordered everyone to light fires at every nook and cranny of their homes because he knew where the snow serpent's weak spot was.
After the whole of westside was lit up, King Alex heard that his brother was taking his last breaths. So, he went into the room his brother was treated, he first sucked his brothers remaining blood from his hand. He told him about how long he had been waiting for this day and went further to steal his brother's power leaving his brother helpless and dead.
Each time King Alex stole someone's power, his eyes become redder and bloodier, and his vampire visage looked more menacing. The pain collectors eventually entered the room to relieve his brother's suffering, but sadly for them, Raul had already passed away. On the back of his neck and chest, there were bite marks and claw prints. They all knew who may have done such a thing, therefore they didn't bother to raise an alert because this type of death scenario clearly indicates that someone had come to steal his vampire abilities.