Stacey traveled to the center of the kingdom with the impression of going to learn more about the Vampires, Pagans, and Christians. Stacey finally met the seer. When she entered the Seer's house, he was sitting down and backing Stacey because he was already expecting her to come around anytime soon. When he finally faced Stacey, she was a bit terrified by the look on his face but she maintained composure. The seer asked her if she wanted to know about the other fractions or if she wanted to know about her Parents. She was surprised that he knew exactly what was in her mind. Without hesitation, she told the seer she wanted to know everything about her parent, Before the seer told her everything about her parents, he stood up and went to his shelf to pick up an old dusty box containing a compass, the compass was crafted by Stacey's mom. Her mom also possessed magical powers no one ever knew about. The compass wasn't only used to direct Stacey on where to go, it was majorly possessed by anyone who possessed a heavy amount of magical powers that Stacey and her mom have, the person possessing it must have a clean heart and they must have total control of their magical power. The compass is mainly used to lift the heavy curse from whoever possessed such magical powers and it was also used to turn wolves into humans so that they could worship the Almighty Christian God, it could also turn the vampires into humans so they could worship their Pagan God. After the compass has fulfilled its purpose, it is expected that everyone is human again and they could all leave in peace and have one King to rule the whole of Nevadie.
All of this could only happen if Stacey can make all the Kings of the four popular fractions come together in the middle of Nevadie and put their drops of blood at their different Cardinal points in which they rule then Stacey would have to use all the magical power she possesses to turn the wolves and vampire to human.
After the seer explained all about the compass, he proceeded to tell Stacey about her Parents. Stacey's father was a very popular wolf "Thomas Aydan" he was known for deceiving and killing a lot of Christians, He later lost all of his respect when he slept with the Northside Christian Princess and told her that a wolf's greatest enemy is silver. Back then, the king of the southside wolves forbade all wolves to have anything to do with Christians because of two reasons: the Christians had a lot of silver which could be used to kill a large population of wolves. Secondly, the Christians were capturing wolves and torturing wolves so that they could reveal their weak points.
Most of the southside werewolves had no idea about the big secret during ancient times except the wolves that had close and trusted relationships with the king and their ancient ways. When the king heard that one of his most trusted Warriors slept with the Christian princess and bore a child. He wanted Thomas dead as soon as possible because he knew that it was only a matter of time before the Christians found out about Southside's big secret.
Thomas and the Christian princess "Stephanie Queen" ran far away from their hometown as they were not welcomed back home. The whole family had a huge misunderstanding for years after they heard that the princess had a child for a Southside wolf. The King later had a bad dream of his son dying so he decided to ask the seer if his dream was going to come to pass. The whole situation took a turn towards massive destruction when the seer said 'yes'. The seer knew that if he had told the King about the future, it would not change anything because history was fated to go that route. So, he proceeded on telling the king what he requested. He concluded by telling the King that the princess's daughter would be very popular and his name would be forgotten. The Northside king became furious and angry immediately. he ordered his strongest men to find Stephanie's daughter and kill both mother and child. He wanted his name to be very popular and remembered in the kingdom of Nevadie. After his strongest men left, he got tired and he went to sleep and he didn't wake up. His wife had already poisoned his water because she didn't support his decisions.
When his son heard about the news he came straight to the palace. While he was walking to his father's room, he heard some slaves in the passage say that his mother had plans to kill him and become queen. When he entered the room, he acted like he heard nothing about her plans and walked up to her so she could weep on his shoulder. They both raised their knives up at the same time but he happened to have struck first and he killed his mother with no joy. He wept on his father's bed because of the death of his father. After a short while, he got tasty and drank the same water that killed his father and he died. It all happened so quickly and the only person left of the family was Stephanie Queen (Stacey's Mother).
When the King's warriors came back and heard about all that happened, they went on another search to find Stephanie so she could claim her place on the throne and call Northside back to order before their enemies hear about this alarming news and attack them. Stephanie and Thomas went to look for shelter when they left Northside Borders. They found a farmhouse close to Northside, Marvin Ariel was the owner of the farmhouse and he welcomed Stephanie and Thomas with open hands. Thomas later found out that Marvin and his wife were Alpha werewolves, but they were completely harmless because, from the look of things, they wanted to live a peaceful life without too much Drama.
Before the news got to Stephanie and Thomas, the werewolves had already heard about the news, the southside werewolves declared war on the southsides so they could destroy every form of silver they possessed. The news from northside was spreading at an alarming rate, Stephanie and Thomas later heard about the death of Northside's King, the death of the queen, and the death of the king's son. Thomas didn't believe the news because it happened so suddenly.
When the warriors of Northside found Stacey and Thomas, they told them that Stacey must return to Northside as soon as possible to claim her position as Queen of the throne. Unfortunately for them, it was bad timing because the wolves were already close by. Thomas had the feeling that something was wrong, his first thought was that the whole story was part of a plan to kill his only child. While they were going back to Northside, he had another taught but this time he acted on it and asked one of the warriors when all the incidents had happened, and they responded that it has been 5 days since it all happened and that was when Thomas knew that they could not make it to Northside because he trusts that the Southside would have already heard and they were nearby. Before they got to the northside borders they got attacked by the southside werewolves. Thomas fought against his own kind so that Stephanie and their baby could make it across the borders. When Stephanie and their baby made it across the border, the Northside gates were locked and Thomas could not make it in.
Stephanie stood at the top of the border to check if Thomas could make it back. After waiting for a while, the Southside alpha Werewolves stood close to the border with Thomas captured. Thomas was given capital punishment for his disloyalty towards the southside's and they wanted his wife to see how her beloved husband dies. Thomas was on his knees and two Alpha held Thomas's left and right hand each, Stephanie watched the alphas tear Thomas's hand apart from his body and the King ran from the back with full speed to rip Thomas's head from his body, The blood from the aggressive kill had touched Stephanie from where she stood. Before Thomas died, he had his last smile because his family was safe and he knew that his Wife would avenge his painful death.
Stephanie had nothing to say. All that was in her mind was to fight fire with fire. She let everyone know about the werewolf's big secret and she started making weapons made of silver. After a large amount of silver-crafted weapons was made, she began to get ready to go for war!
Before Stephanie set out to war, she found out that her child was a werewolf and she also possessed magical powers. Stephanie had to make arrangements for her daughter before the war. Stephanie knew that the people of Nevadie must not know that her child was not only a wolf but she also possessed magical powers which would make her daughter be regarded as a witch. So, Stephanie dropped her child with the Ariel family because they were the only ones capable of taking good care of her child. She also used a lot of her magical powers to make a compass that would be much of a companion and a guide for her daughter. Stephanie dropped the compass with the seer because she knew that the seer was cursed to live forever. Stephanie's mind was at ease with every one of her decisions. Besides, the ariel family only wanted peace.
After the war, A lot of wolves were killed and a lot of Christians also died in the war. Stephanie died in the war as well, she got slain by an alpha after she cut the king with her silver blade. That was all about the story of Stacey's Parents.