That next day, Stacey established a new regulation requiring every Elite warrior who had been hired to occupy the vacant homes close to the palace and, if necessary, to find a place there given the abundance of rooms in the palace. The recruited shield maidens must reside and locate their own rooms, she continued, for they will always be by Stacey's side, barring special instructions from Stacey.
Stacey understood that she had to have faith in those around her and that they needed to have faith in one another. She convened a meeting so that they could speak.
She instructed everyone to introduce themselves and mention a positive quality about themselves that reflects their integrity and character when they were all gathered together. Stacey informed them all that they were now all sisters and that they needed to mature in order to form a solid bond.
Alexia Bold, the first shield maiden to speak, gave a bright smile and gave a brief introduction, she told the other shieldmaiden that one character trait that no one could take away from her was that she was impartial with everyone she meets and she went further to explain what she meant by being impartial. Being impartial to Alexia means that she accepts people for who they are, it also means that you must be non-discriminatory, and you should also view others' lives objectively based on their life experiences. She also added to be impartial means to understands baseline differences as it is key for offering support and learning more about the people around you. Being impartial for Alexia has helped her strengthen other friendships and it has always worked well for her. Stacey was impressed after Alexia had finished speaking, and she began to think that she was surrounded by people who had amazing personalities and traits. They all applauded Alexia for developing such a lovely character, and they gave her encouragement. After Alexia finished speaking, everyone was more relaxed and acted as though they had known each other for a long time.
Vanessa Lurbyoung was the next to stand up and introduce herself. She began by stating her name and said her biggest strength is that she is very supportive. Vanessa didn't really have much to say about being supportive, but she did let them know how supportive she could be. She said that she is the kind of person who would encourage you whenever you are having a hard time and would support you in difficult situations. She instilled in them all the idea that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a friend's day significantly better.
After Vanessa finished speaking, they all applauded, and Stacey encouraged her to continue because these days, not everyone is encouraging because we all have our own problems.
Elena Paul seized the chance to speak, gave a proper introduction, and then got right to the point of describing one of her wonderful traits: loyalty. However, Elena also noted that she respects boundaries, adding that it is obvious when loyalty is being abused or misused for one person's benefit over another. A faithful buddy may stick with you no matter what, but self-discipline and self-care should always come first.
After Elena spoke, they were all cool and collected; it had been like a session of character development for everyone. Following their applause, she took a seat in the back.
The next speaker was Kate Luther, who gave the customary introduction and thanked God for the chance before outlining her personality traits. The positive quality of Kate was that she was a very trustworthy friend. Although Kate admitted that she might not always share your views or concur with them, she will always tell you the truth. According to Kate, everyone should want what is best for one another and the benefit of the truth. Everyone applauded Kate for her speech and agreed with everything she had to say.
Lucinda Lilith was the last shield maiden to speak. With a soft voice and a brief introduction, Lucinda got right to the point. She kept her head down during her introduction, which gave them all the impression that she wasn't really accustomed to speaking up, but they knew she would get used to it eventually. In addition, she surrounded herself with strong women.
The positive quality of Lucinda is that she learned to avoid ego conflicts. She informed them that the biggest enemy in most relationships has always been ego and that they must all learn to control it since it is fatal. The easiest method for people to kill their ego, according to Lucinda, is to stop trying to outdo one another.
They all applauded when Lucinda finished speaking, and Stacey got up to finish. They had all done a great job speaking, and Stacey advised them to maintain their positive character characteristics and support one another as they developed intellectually, physically, emotionally, and in other ways. They must all be helpful, dependable, forgiving, impartial, honest, and most importantly, they must never leave a shield maiden behind or go about without a shield maiden, according to Stacey.
They all retired to their individual rooms to get some rest after the powerful session that Stacey requested because the following day was another hectic day.