The next recruitment that day was the elite Infantry Recruitment, the amount of people that wanted to be elite infantry was quite a large number so there was a break before the Recruitment of the Elite infantry. During the break, Raymond searched the area for his queen but was unable to locate her, so he chose to search the palace. As usual, he knocked on her door but got no response. Because he thought she wasn't there, Raymond turned to face the other way. He was ready to leave when he heard a man's voice in Stacey's room. Raymond went back irately and badged into the room since his first impression was that Stacey was having an affair with another man. However, before he had a chance to look at every face in the room, he was shot with wolfsbane. He saw Stacey, a guy who appeared to be King Alex, and the purported shield Maiden-Diana Hilbinger, which prevented him from changing into his beast form while under the influence of the wolfsbane.
Diana and her companion were holding Stacey hostage at this point, and Diana and Luke made another introduction. Diana described to Stacey how she had good sex with her lover while in possession of him. Diana revealed to Stacey how much Raymond had her on his mind by calling her name while they were having sex. Although Stacey was upset that her partner had sex with a total stranger, she had to accept that he was possessed. Following his introduction, Luke informed Raymond that Stacey has feelings for two different men. Luke told Raymond that if he hadn't discovered that Stacey harbors feelings of lust for both King Alex and Raymond, she would have fallen into his trap. Raymond felt helpless and let down because he didn't think Stacey would interact in any way with her adversary.
Stacey recalled that she had her compass on her while they were all chatting. So, despite the handcuffs on her hands having silver spikes, she reached for the compass in her pocket. She removed the compass from her pocket and then used her magical abilities to transform it into a sharp saw, which allowed her to cut the handcuff from her hand. Stacey then transformed into a beast and brutally murdered the imposters. The wolfsbane was sucked from Raymond's chest by the woman as she sprinted to him. Raymond was grinning and having fun as Stacey tried to suck the wolfsbane since he was unsure whether she would want to be friends with him after what happened. Stacey responded by saying she would give it some thought after Raymond quickly recovered and asked for her forgiveness because he had no control over the situation.
The main event of the day was the recruitment of the elite Infantry, which happened shortly after the entire incident. Due to the large number of talented and skilled infantry men, it was the most heated of all the events so far. Betas were outperforming Omegas during the elite infantry recruitment process, while Omegas were outperforming true alphas. Nobody could have predicted how each match would turn out because so many unforeseen events occurred.
The match was postponed to the next day because it was already dark and many were already exhausted when it came down to just 10 competitors that day. Two of the 10 candidates were female true alphas, two were male real alphas, four were male omegas, and the other two were exceptionally gifted male Betas. Since none of the ten competitors had faced off against one another, it was difficult to anticipate who would rise to the top.