Chereads / The adapter / Chapter 11 - Shopping

Chapter 11 - Shopping

Inside the taxi, Kate talked about how she got here three days ago. She talk about how she was dragged from her home and missed her brother birthday.

" This place is royal capital city, right? " Aguilar asked.

Kate replied, " Yes, Although in the past this place is limited for people like me to be here. Now look at me I'm here as a guest. "

Kate looked through the window, she is happy although attacking that monster was dangerous at least she can make her family have a easy life.

The taxi arrived at the big building covered in glasses. " Look like we are here. " Aguilar nodded and open the door. Kate followed.

Aguilar was amazed , he never seem such building. People were flooding in and out of the building. It is almost like evolution never happen. The hand pulled his shirt, he look at the Kate smiling at him.

" Surprise? I'm also stunned when I see this place. Come on let go. It is almost night time. "

He nodded. The two of them visit every store to find Kate present. She said she want a nice watch.

The silver watch with a clean surface caught his eyes. " Hey. "

He call out to Kate who is looking through some shoes. Kate walk toward him. Aguilar pointed at the watch. " I think this will be a great gift for your brother. "

Kate eyes were shinning , " Omn. But I am sure he will be excited. "

With a few words to employee, she bought the watch. Watching her talking to employee, he thought about what clothes should he choose.

He recall the clothes Kate show to him. They all bright in colour and silly. She have a bad taste for clothe. She show him many strange clothes. He smile at this moment. ' A strange girl. '


Aguilar feel his heart sting. He grasped his heart

the pain were unbearable. He feels like losing a part of him. Kate noticed his condition and immediately casted the bright orb.

The orb surround him and the pain in his body vanished as if it never appeared. The sweat and saliva were coming out form him. The pain is greater and the evolution process.

" What happen? " Kate asked with worried.

He shake his head, " I don't know. The pain just appeared. I feel something wrong in my body."

" We should check your body. Wait I am going to call taxi." Aguilar nod.

' What is happening?' His hand were shaking ' I am full of problem. First it is my metal situation and now it is my body.' He laughed at his condition.

To the living, it wasn't death that was scary, but the wait before.


In the testin room, The young doctor was examining Aguilar body. The doctor face darken and horror as if he see some horrible things.

" Sir, your cells are being destroyed. "

Aguilar don't understand the word that doctor spoke so he asked, " What do you mean? "

" I assume that your ability is able to produce electricity."

Aguilar nodded. " Your ability is destroying your cell resulting the pain that you suffer. "

' My ability is destroying me? That is a hard truth that he had to swallow. I have this kind of feeling when I transform into lightning itself. ' So that is my ability backflash.'

Aguilar asked, " So what can I do to heal my cell."

" I can't do nothing, sir. I just hope you stop using your power. But I know that it is impossible."

" Can you please give me something to relief the pain? "

The doctor take the bottom of medicine and give him. " Take 1 pill each day. "

He walked outside. It is already night time. The moon is covered by thick cloud. The wind breeze through, he could hear soldiers marching, and guiding the base.

He sighed. Kate is already left, she said she had to go somewhere.

Suddenly he sensed the slightly change energy in the atmosphere, the spark around him formed and he collected the finger at the direction.

The killing intent is directed at him. He wasn't native. In the forest, he always feel this kind of threat. He is good at fighting and killing so it was not hard for him to realise that thus thing is dangerous.

The thing charged at him. The speed was fast. In a instant he collided with it. He coated his other hand with lightning and punch.


It dodged. He immediately back away.

Aguilar fire the charged lightning bolt , it grazed. After a few second passed he was now fully coated with lightning and kick it with all of his strength.

Aguilar' hand quickly moved and grab at the thing. As if he was grabbing the water, nothing feel right. He withdraw the hand. The blood were flowing out of his hand.

The blood splash his face and clothes. The wound doesn't seem to close no matter how he covered it with energy.

The faint whisper coming from all direction. The taunting creepy voiced.

" Too bad. You are not strong enough, Aguilar. With this level you'll fail again."

" Who is there? " Aguilar looked around, he doesn't sense the fraction of energy this time. And yet he feel the immense energy weighting down him.

" Fix your mind, Aguilar. Next time we see you better prepare. Don't make mistake again."

The soldiers immediately hear the commotion and come to aid.


The light poured in his direction, the soldiers were aiming at his direction with flash light.

" Sir, What is happening? " The head of the soldiers asked him.

He put his hand up, blood were dripping from his hand. With a unfazed expression, he said, " I sense some kind of invisible monster. I attack at him. "

The soldier beside the head whisper something. The head looked at Aguilar him, dreadful. He order the soldiers to withdraw the aim and left him pass.

They guided him to the hospital. After checking the wound, and a few other question they left him go. He doesn't tell about the voice that spoke to him.

His instinct tell that he should not tell about it to them. ' Damn, today is a really bad day. And where is Kate? She should be here long ago. Don't tell me she is also a part of that attack? '

Shaking his head, ' But I don't sense nothing from her.'

" Hey, what happen I heard that you got attack." Kate run toward him, she is sweating profusely.

" What happen? Oh look at your hand. Who did it? "

Aguilar is looking at her to find abnormalities. He decided to tell her what is on his mind, " Are you the one that set me up here? "

" Hump, What? set up...what are you talking about? " with a confused face she looks at him.

" Never mind, Sorry about that I just need some rest." He pointed at the bandage. Kate noticed and said, " Sure. I'll asked you tomorrow."

Aguilar turned toward the house he is supposed to rest. The hand touch him , he reflexely slap. Kate was stunned because she see the terrified looked on Aguilar face.

His face darken, " Sorry."

The bag is handed to him. He opened the bag, the clothes and some pants. " I went to buy these. See you tomorrow. " Kate left.

'So, she went buying these.' Aguilar thought and returned to his room. In his house, his eyes were raging. 'She is the one.' The repeated voice echoed in his head.

She is the one. But what is her goal? How is she connect with that voice? Fuck! What is happening? I thought killing monster is the only thing I had to do.

Hero? Fix my mind? I failed?

I am so pissed.