Today's the day.
I was standing in front of the huge building as I prayed for my first day to go well. I entered the building and took deep breaths and kept extending my steps. There I saw a couple of employees standing in a group that seemed to be newbies like me.
I walked towards them and greeted them with a smile. They greeted me back and soon enough we got indulged in a conversation where I noticed a familiar face in the group. I recognized her immediately.
She was standing so quietly that if I didn't know her from before then she would have been completely invisible. It was the same girl who was nervous on the day of the interview and I cheered her up.
"Hey!" I walked towards her as she got taken aback for being called out so suddenly. "Um...Do I...know you?" she asked hesitantly.
"You forgot already?" I sulked a little bit, "It's me~ The one who gave you a speech on the interview day, remember?!" I tried to make her remember. She pondered for a bit but then soon she seemed to ring a bell.
"Oh yeah! That Unnie! You passed?!" she exclaimed.
"You're really slow-witted, aren't you?" I looked at her, "Of course, I passed. Why do you think I'm here? And are you Korean? You called me Unnie" I questioned.
"Oh? It came out unintentionally. In my culture we call girls older than us, Unnie. It means sister" The girl smiled as I nodded, "I know. I watch an unhealthy amount of K-dramas" I spoke with pride as if it was the most noble job to do. She just smiled.
"I'm Aurora Grey, by the way, you can call me Unnie if you want since I'm older but no need for formalities though," I said and extended my hand.
"Oh? I-I'm Aera...Lee Aera. Nice to meet you...Unnie" Aera also introduced herself as she took my hand.
"You seem like the shy type," I said as Aera just smiled slightly and looked down. I giggled, "Look! I'm right!"
After a few moments, a voice spoke up, catching everyone's attention.
"Welcome to Nexus Automobile. Good to see you!" the man spoke. I turned around and my eyes went wide upon seeing the same man I met the night before.
"I'm Logan Carter, the CEO's secretary and your supervisor for today" He introduced himself.
'What is he doing here?' I quickly hid behind Aera, confusing her.
'Did he just say CEO's secretary? Ah, damn it...' I cursed in my head.
'Is that rude brat here too?' I sneakily looked around, ignoring every single word Secretary Logan was saying. I didn't find the guy around and soon let out a sigh of relief.
"This is Mr. Raymond, your Senior and the head of the HR. He will lead you to your designated departments. The CEO was also supposed to be here but he is busy with some urgent work so please don't mind his absence. As for now, You all will follow Mr. Raymond and I will visit you soon after you all get set and explain everything which I don't think will be much needed but, oh well. I wish you all the best!" and with that, Secretary Logan left.
I heaved a sigh of relief as I again stood up straight, I then looked towards Aera, who was just watching me, blankly.
An awkward silence took over when I finally decided to break it, "Oh, this? It's nothing. I was just...seeing whether I can hide behind you for future events, you know?" I avoided her gaze whereas Aera just looked at me weirdly before silently nodding.
'Great, Aurora. What an excuse! Now she would think of you as a weirdo, which you are, but she didn't need to know that!' I sighed.
"Okay so, As Mr. Carter instructed, I will show you around the office and guide you to your respective departments. Please follow me" Mr. Raymond spoke and walked ahead as all of us followed. Some were interns while a few were full-time employees and I was one of them.
Soon everything was introduced, the office, the staff, the departments. Everyone was now sent to their designated departments and now was my turn. I was following Mr. Raymond as he led me to my department.
The elevator opened as I stepped outside, giving myself the courage to meet my work-mates.
"This is the marketing department here, on the first half of the 8th floor. Now I will lead you to the Public Relations department on the other end" Mr. Raymond said as I nodded. He was taking me towards my department but someone called out for him.
"Mr. Raymond"
He turned around and looked towards the guy who called for him. He came running towards him as I looked at him dumbfounded.
"Boss is calling for you," the guy said.
"Boss? Why?" Mr. Raymond's face lost its colour. "I don't know why but, go now! Quick" the guy started to drag Mr. Raymond.
"O-Okay. Listen. Ms. Grey?" Mr. Raymond called out as I looked at him, confused about my surroundings, "That door" he pointed towards the wooden door that was closed,
"That's your stop, there are your seniors who will help you out! Good luck!" and then he was out of sight, leaving me behind who was nothing but dumbfounded.
"" I mumbled to myself before turning towards the cabin I was directed to.
It's been a few minutes since I was standing in front of the door, questioning whether to go in or not.
"...*sigh* Let's just go in. We'll see what happens" and with that, I knocked on the door before letting myself in.
"Hey!" Someone suddenly yelled, causing me to flinch.
"Y-Yes?" I stuttered.
The voice came from a woman, she looked around my age, a year or two older maybe. She was wearing spectacles and dressed a little fashionably weird.
Near her were two men, one a little older and one looked a little younger than me, sitting with a neutral expression.
"Hey! You!" the woman again yelled, startling me.
"Get out..." she said.
"Huh?" I got confused.
"I said, get out!" she again yelled.
I was thunderstruck by the treatment I was receiving.
"You are supposed to be here by ten! It's 9:58 right now. Go out and enter when the clock strikes ten! Okay?!" she exclaimed.
"O-Okay" and with that I jumped out of the room, "...What will happen to me?" I wondered, "Do I have to work with them? Will I survive this?"
I then looked at my wristwatch and it was now ten O'clock. I gulped the lump in my throat and slowly opened the door. I wished myself good luck and entered the room.
I closed my eyes due to the sudden noise. I slowly opened my eyes and...
"Welcome!!!" all three of them exclaimed and started clapping whereas I was just standing there, dumbstruck.
'What's going on...?'