Chereads / Kitsune Hero to Villain / Chapter 32 - Chapter 32 : The Purgatory

Chapter 32 - Chapter 32 : The Purgatory

I'm alive ? Where is this place ? It's so dark and there is light blinding me just before my eyes, I can't see anything but this bright light with a too high contrast, there is a kitsune woman in a swimsuit with long purple hair walking right into my path, could she be a guide for me so she decides whether I go to hell or heaven ? Or maybe I already am in one of those places...

"Welcome welcome, another dead person. You are called Sanaë but you'd rather be called Ellen to change yourself ?"

"Yes but I was dead just a second ago..." I'm so confused.

"It doesn't matter if someone's body is gone, as long as the soul remains intact, the body hence will one day come back." the woman says to me in a calm voice.

"But how do I do that exactly ?" I say as I breath smoothly and worry about my surroundings.

"I'm gonna give you three tasks, you have to accomplish all of them. Here is the first one, follow me and tell me where do you think you belong, if you can't answer me then you are dead forever. Dead forever." she insists.

"Okay... I... I don't know if my place is in hell or heaven, I think I should be closer to Heaven than Hell. I saved many lives."

"And you destroyed many of them too, hence why I'm here."

What kind of misunderstanding makes her think that ? I've never seen such an outstanding woman before now, well she is from my kind so maybe... I'm like her enemy because her clan had an argument with mine or something ? That takes me back to old days with my precious little brother and yet I don't remember her face, such a mystery I want and have to solve on my own.

"I didn't do anything to you, I promise I never saw you before !" I'm hiding behind my hands the head lowered.

"Strange... your name could totally mislead me into thinking you are someone important to the gods." the swimsuit lady claims truthfully.

"Who are you ?"

"I am a simple human who took and sealed all your powers. How does it feel to be powerless ?" she is making fun of me...

"Horrible. Terrible. I can't live without them." I can swear it, my powers are a part of me.

"Great, come to the chamber, we are about to test your skills and intellect."

"How ?"

The woman rolls a dice and puts her face close to me, almost as if she was about to judge me for a crime I had never commit

"Guess the number. Without watching."

"Huh... 6 ?"

She shows me the dice that rolled 6.

"Your lucky... do you mind dying ?"

"Yes, absolutely. I want to get back to my life, how many people you keep in here ?"

"Enough questions. Be my guest and don't say anything that you might regret later."

"Like, I like you even though you act like a..."

I stop myself there, no insult allowed here or I will stay in this... place forever... but if I'm dead why am I still able to live here ?

The great young lady stares at me and touches my cheek with great care, she smells me and seem disappointed just by watching at her face I can tell.

"Yes miss ?"

"You are very special to me. Once you end the trial, I will remind you of everything that makes us acquaintances."

"What do you mean by that ?" I don't understand, is she trying to disturb me ?

"Next... I need you to choose between me and you. The one of us you choose will have a curse."

"Then I choose you."

"Are you completely sure about that ? Don't regret after that."

"Hum... is there supposed to be a trap in this test or you're just messing with me ?"

"Who knows, I'm playing fair. But does my superior plays fair is not up to me."

"I still choose you."

I stare in her eyes, just doing that makes me very confused for some reason... could she be... no, not like I had another life before...

"Ô Ruler one, you that is so great, curse the fair lady that I am to accomplish this girl's wish."

"Wait wait wait ! Tell the Ô great ruler one to curse me instead !" I command her.

"If you insist he will. But is that really what you want ? You have to not change your mind so easily, that's why your friend is being corrupted." she says, putting me off guard.

"Which one of my friends ?"

"You know your friends."

"Then I'm glad you're not one of them."

"You really hate me that much huh... even after all I did for you, what a worthless waste of time it was to raise you. Thinking about it now, I'm gonna ask you something very deep."

I sneak up next to that lady, she is kinda hot the closer I get to her or maybe it's just me being attracted to breasts in general, and why do I have to answer such a terrible question, is that her last trial before I come back to life with my body ? Well then, she thinks I hate her and weirdly enough, she is correct, I hate her, having an existential crisis right now makes my brain toast like a grilled fish or more like a bee eating a bit of it... come to think of it, why was I scared of death in the first place ? Reflecting, reflecting, reflecting...

Damn impatient I swear, can't even think and she urges me while kicking the skyground... Goddamn I want to slap her so badly, why whevener someone is hot I have to hate them and they hate me back !? Maybe 300 years ago I became a god while not being aware of it ? I think... nah, why would a god die to a simple pathetic looking dog in the first place...

"Have you done your mind. I will take all of your body and consciouness with me if you don't answer in the next 10 seconds."

"So in other words..."

"The meaning of life, what is it ?"

"It's... whatever the fuck I want it to be !"

"Correct, that's the real meaning of life. Now here's another question and if you answer with the truth, I'll give you a chance for the real challenge and once you beat it, you get your powers back."

"Hum... that's an odd question ?"

"You have died, are you still scared of dying now ? And why were you scared in the first place ? Especially since your life is a complete waste of time. You mortals give meaning to nothing. Death is nothing. Life is meaning. Actually the opposite would be the same."

"I... I..."

I'm so lost at words, she is even stripping and changing clothes that are coming from nowhere while at the same time bringing me to the chamber court with a lot of spectators and a man, strong and so built up compared to my weak, self pathetic girl body with little to no abs... being lazy with Naomi's training was a fatal mistake, now I understand why people strives for power ! They want to be beaten up because they are too strong ! So does that mean...

"I don't wanna go there. He'll kill me for sure, just don't do that to me, you were my most precious friend as far as I remember." would lying work on her anyway ?

"As far as I'm concerned, you hate me. And at the same time you love me. If I was someone close to you, who would I be ? A mother ? A sister ? Or a copy of yourself that is a better version of you ? The embodiment of perfection ?" the kitsune is casually asking me.

"Wait wait stop with all these questions ! The thing is, well you see... whatever the case may be... It might seems weird to you and the ones watching me but... I want to see everyone I love die. Because I am the worst, I may had fun playing heroes with others but... I lost any interest in it, it wasn't worth in the end."

"And that's it ?"

"No, I also think I'm kind of sadist weirdo myself and well, after my whole family and kind died, I wanted to do something horribly cruel to these assholes. I want to become a godess for selfish reasons, I want to have sex with lots of girls of different races ! I even made Olivia cry because I went insanely crazy, hahaha and that's not the hole of the story. What's even more crazy is that I liked making her feel despair, I fuckin love it, I enjoy toying with Plutaria even if I'm a fuckin bitch who can't consider her as a friend but somehow... I never want to enjoy her despair, I'm desperately striving for her to be shredding in tears her face on my knees while making her realize how much she means to me, she means nothing."

I even startled that godess hahaha, and yet she doesn't seem to care that much about it, does she thinks I'm acting ? Well no, she isn't smart to begin with and doesn't seem able to read my mind, she might be the kind godess then...

"What godess are you again ?"

"Godess of Love. I'm the 2nd Cupidon. My real name is Sulfur or Queenasha."

"Can you make me fall in love with you ?"

"Yes, it's very sad that you were mod***** by that ******."

"Mod by that ? The fuck ?"

"The godess is censoring me, how infortunate that you will have to find out. Anyway brat, if you had the chance to kill yourself in your past would you take the opportunity to do it ?"

"I don't know, let's find out in the future if I'm willing to kill myself, I wouldn't recommended it to you guys. Wow..." I never thought of that before now...

Me after realizing that there are only men in that place, I must win at all cost, losing is for losers who deserves to stay dead ! But how the fuck do I beat him up ? He definitely wins by default unless I use some sort of flirt technics ! But well I guess I don't want to, I'm fine with some muscles but I prefer boys that looks weak like... catboy. Maybe I could... I mean, at least he would live as my pet until I'm getting bored of it, and probably will find a meaning of life that isn't me and well... being dirty is my specialty, I mean if I look at it carefully I've been horny ever since I... since I saw Naomi saving me... I mean... watching my leader that always acts cool and heroic look like a miserable slave that wants to die is what I yearn for ever since, how come I didn't realize sooner that this Sarah girl was right !?

"It seems you have made your mind Ellen. Let's settle if you belong to mortal realm or to becoming the first ever statue of a kitsune and all of these guys will use you as they please."

"Huh... can I not fight then ? Chances of winning are just none !"

"You tried to fool me, now look at yourself, Fool."

"I'm fucked."

"Quite literraly, just do whatever the fuck comes to your mind okay ? Running in fear is fine, no one will judge a coward like you anyway."

Damn it... she is making me angry right now, damn it ! She is totally inviting me to fight so I don't look like a total loser... but only the result matters here, getting my powers back is all that matters... I will use the only thing that will work !Stripping will work if he is a man who wants to inserts his little big spoon on me, damn I'm a pig, I mean kitsune.

I walk carefully in the man's direction and the area around us becomes heavy as I get closer, it feels like the air is oppressive, my tail is shaking as well as my ears, I can sense that a being far superior to all of them is watching me... it puts a heavy burden on my body as I strip in a sexy dance I've learned within my dreams because of Karen teaching me how to flirt, it's finally time to make this worth the training ! Slowly taking off my shirt, followed by my short and then well the boots and socks, that man is looking at my melons that aren't as big as my mom's but I'm a pretty girl, everyone should want to kidnap me and fantasizing about being stepped on by me.

Will it work ? Will it not ? In either case, I regret trying to fool that Cupidon the 2nd and she is not willing to forgive me boohoohoo.