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"Kamu bawa apa?" itu ayahku yang bertanya, dia menyadari bahwa aku membawa sesuatu.
"Makanan." Jawabku sambil menuju sofa yang tersedia di ruangan , lalu meletakkan barang bawaanku ke atas meja.
"Kok disini? Bukanya jam segini Marvin tidur?" tanyaku pada buk Sumarni yang kini duduk di sebelahku.
"iya, terus Mama kamu ambil alih untuk The coronation of the Crown Prince was completed. Disher, the Crown Prince returned to his place, leaving the King who was still standing in the same place.
"For a brief moment, let's take a moment of silence for fallen heroes in the battle which was led by the Crown Prince. Especially the honorable late Evan Evescent, who fell while protecting the kingdom. All of this success can not be separated from the courage of him and his colleagues."