Chereads / Ursula. N. Owen / Chapter 33 - Chapter 33

Chapter 33 - Chapter 33

Mathew's POV

I stood in the hall and waited until the phone was answered. With a pace I walked around the hallway slightly then sighed as the phone was finally picked up.

"Uncle Mathew!" An excited boy answered. "Dad's in the shower at the minute. Maggy had a bad reaction to something she ate, and it came out her but all over him." I grinned but the folder in my hand weighed heavily on my mind.

"Is she ok now?"

"Yeah, she's all cleaned up and Nana is looking after her." There was a call and the sound of a door. "Ok Dad's out the shower." I could hear footsteps and the phone being fumbled around.

"Mathew, what's up? Is the company investigation finished?" I sighed.

"Sadly not. We checked in on it before we came to Danica's but there's a few things we need to talk about right now. This can't wait." I heard him chase the boys away.

"You two behave I need to take this call." I could hear our grandmother in the background as he walked to his bedroom. "I'm all ears."

"Good, now listen closely." I heard him growl at my tone. "We have the company sorted and we won't be losing any more money. The account that was stealing from us has been frozen with fifty thousand still inside it however everything else is gone. Not getting that back." He sighed.

"Still, fifty thousand back is better than nothing. But what was the total in the end?" I rubbed my forehead.

"We lost one and a half million once you added up all the fake employees." He growled and I could hear him muttering. "I also need to tell you what happened to Danica and Dean last night. And what Rodger has discovered." I heard him sit heavily on the bed.

"Shoot away." I began to recall the events Danica went through last night and the meeting with Rodger. Derick was surprisingly quiet as he listened.

"I took a look at the incidents Rodger has put together involving the Black Claw and… and they were in the area of forty six and seven when Lily was killed." I could feel his mood coming through the phone.

"What?" I mind linked Jenny.

"Hang on, Jenny can explain things to you better." Jenny came out of the office and I showed her the report. She rolled her eyes and took the phone.

"Hi, sorry for the bad news. But this Black Claw pack have been here ten years and are targeting us. Rodger is fairly certain they're responsible for the Blue Moon disaster and took over the Blue Moon Canyons ten years ago." She scanned over the reports and sighed. "Also, Rodger has said they're looking to possibly take over a new territory."

"That would be ours or the old Lightfoot pack lands." Jenny winced.

"Unfortunately, yes. I think we should cover our backsides and set out more patrols towards the canyons but not too many to draw suspicion." He grunted.

"And increase the training of the warriors… but get to the part where they possibly killed my mate Lily." Jenny looked to the report.

"Rodger had this incident filed on his computer and printed it off as it mentioned the Black Claw. As soon as Mathew showed me I knew why he brought this up. The Black claw were fighting with a small outside pack that didn't have territory on the nineteenth of the ninth twenty nineteen." She licked her lips. "They were reportedly in the pitstop on the forty-six… At eleven sixteen." There was a growl. "The outside pack was the Whisper Pack…" the other end of the phone exploded. Jenny looked to me and I sighed.

"I think I should get back. You look after the company and get Danica ready to move." She nodded and I kissed her lushes' lips. "See you soon." I gave her another kiss as I took my phone and the files from her and quickly left. Thankfully getting out of the Phantom Plaza was easy as there were buttons to press and doors opened.

Outside I went to my car and gave a quick sniff around to make sure nothing had been tampered with then dropped my keys. I gave a show of looking annoyed and slipped down to pick them up. As I was reaching under the car to get the keys, I examined the underside of the car. Once I was satisfied it was clean, I got in and started the engine. I looked back as I reversed then grinned at the stuffed unicorn and teddy bear on the back seat that Danica and Dean had won at the showgrounds. I had asked about them on our way out of her apartment and she said we could take the Teddy bear for the girls and Dean hastily offered the unicorn too since there was two girls. I sighed and headed back to the pack.