Chereads / Bonded To The Rogue Alpha / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The Negotiation

Bonded To The Rogue Alpha

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The Negotiation

It turned out that there was a war between the Garouche and the Lobisomem. Before the turf wars, the Elders were filling up the foyer, there had been smaller tables combined to make a bigger conference table.

The fire burning in the fireplace etched their faces, their hands were curled and their eyes were hooded in deep thought. As soon as Efilian entered, they sat up.

The scowl on his face said he had already come to a conclusion but the elders also had something to contribute. He was wearing a grey frock with a hood just like the elders and his hair was worn with age, his wrinkled knuckles tightened when he sat at the head of the table. They were all reluctant to air their views until he opened his mouth.

They had a long controversy about the rogues tramping about in their homeland, it became more unsettling when they increased in number to the point that they were seen openly. The Lobisomem had continued to tolerate their very presence until they began to lead hunts, usually, they worked alone, which was a big disruption for the Lobisomem hunting party. They were the first to object to the rogues to the Beta and then he came to realize that this was becoming a big problem and they had to settle quickly before one controversy led to another.

"I have heard all you've said and I think a decision must be made..." He persuaded the leader of the rogues, a strikingly hefty man in a fur-lined cape, he had black hair tied to the back of his head, striking grey eyes, a nose that could have been sculpted by the gods and attractive lips, he had a double chin prickled by thin hairs enhancing his good looks, he wore brown leather clothes with belt straps about him, his shoulder was strapped with rubber. He scoffed, beaming from one face to the other and flipped his cape behind him to settle down_This will end well. He thought clasping his powerful hands together. Zev glanced at Efilian to continue and the Elders of Garouche gasped at his final decision.

"The rogues will stay in our community," He slammed a gavel on the table.

Zev smirked at the daunted looks on their countenance, they seemed surprised that Efilian was willing to meet the rogues at mid-point. They shook hands and Zev didn't have to say anything.

"As of now, they will not be involved in any of our gatherings unless they are invited. There will be limits to the exhibitions on both sides until there is enough prey to go around and I might say that there will be homes provided that they work to build them,"

"No words necessary, we'll be pleased to live here among all of you," Zev said as his eyes scoured their faces getting the satisfaction he was aiming for." He stood up to leave the room foremost and straightened his cape.

In the depths of the trees, Amy watched the movements in the village, she was no stranger to Lobisomem, occasionally, she would see two Elders walking on the same path past a cottage whispering, and she noticed that another duo collided on the same path, then they walked apiece. She was a rogue, and she brushed the bushes wide apart to watch them enter the large stone building, the lights were on and she crouched moving from the cover of trees scuttering at the same time through the field to the wall waiting on the Alpha's call. Her eyes moved to the window, and then she plastered her face to the window with their backs to her talking.

Efilian was in their midst pacing back and forth while an Elder was trying to make a point and he had the others back him up in unison. Efilian's hands clenched on the table.

"It's only been two days,"

"What's to say that these rogues will comply? They're an undecided race. We on the other hand ensure that our pack are of good conduct. We cannot have such...hooligans in our midst, after all, they've taken all there is to track down, only the hefty ones remain, have I said too much?" He beckoned on the others and their expressions were dismal and Efilian shook his head and growled.

They had experience, and so did he yet, they were making much sense. An Elder set a scroll in front of him and he pasted a signet ring on the paper to seal the new ordinance. "The rogues will no longer be welcome,"

Her eyes shook at their scheme and she crouched, thinking of the next plan of action, no one would listen to her and the others might as well be scattered across the forest. She went the same way she came to the woods and zoomed past the trees. "Zev!"

His ear twitched at her shout, he groaned and covered his face then smiled "Have I done something wrong?"

She flicked her red hair, she had fierce green eyes, a light spray of freckles across her nose, and full rosy lips. She was strong physically from training and was dressed in a white crop top laced with fishnets and brown leather trousers and boots. She walked the rest of the way to him and looked up taking the basket from him.

Zev was smuggling grapes from a garden as they warned against. He looked startled when she dropped it, the grapes poured out.

"If you mean business then you may as well tell me," He grinned picking up the rest.

"This pact is over," She announced.

He rose to his feet "What do you mean it's over? We barely just started,"

Her eyes softened "Oh Zev, they're going to kick us out of our home before we even know it," She tugged at his arm. "Please, we've gotta warn the others,"

"I'm not leaving," He said with an air of pride and she slapped him.

"I don't appreciate your theatrics," He scoffed at that hit.

Her eyes watered and she looked dismal "They're gonna kill us if that's the last resort,"

"You worry too much,"

"If we can let the others in on this maybe, just maybe we can outlast the Lobisomems, Zev!" She said startled as he walked away from the farm and she hurried after him. "Are you not listening?"

"I already heard you," He said glancing at her quickly and facing the road ahead, there was relief on her face, she huffed and followed him.

He was wreathing with assertiveness, the other rogues heard him walk into the small cabin, there were knives pinned on a flat piece of wood with a single dot, hung on the wall, a welded iron chandelier curved from different sides to meet at the top housed candles that were beaming hanging from the ceiling. The room was filled with them seated at tables and two were crouched on chairs with a table in between them, their biceps flexed as they endeavoured to pin their arms down. The bald one lost and he growled getting up to leave.

"Zev, we have to tell them now, we have no time to waste," She confided.

"Listen up," Two ruggedly dressed women gasped as he stepped up on the table with his heavy boots, discarding their goblets. "We have a bone to pick with these scumbags and they're yet to stab us in the back, I say we pay them with their lives_"

The bald guy in a white vest, combat trousers and boots laughed heartily folding his arms. "Who do you think you're fooling?"

"I don't think you get my point, baldy,"

He stepped up on the table and it was on the point of splitting in half at their weights, Amy covered her lips and the two ladies ran off. "Oh my god, the size of these two,"

Zev's splinted fists clenched when the bald man was in his face. "I wouldn't hesitate to beef you if there wasn't a bigger problem at hand," He said to his face. Baldy smiled.

"Your breath smells like peaches,"

"Zev!" Amy cautioned.

Easily, he grabbed the top-heavy man by the neck and he groaned flying into another table, his head spun in the debris with the others wide apart staring at him in disbelief. Their eyes turned red barring their teeth at him.

"Please get down," She beckoned and he stared at them head-on. Their skin was starting to alter and the aggression in the room heightened. Zev was starting to change himself. "Get up your asses and fight me,"

Baldy was strong enough to sit up glaring at the runt who dared to toss him down. He was starting to get up "Then what do you suggest we do?"