Chereads / Legends of Lankurt / Chapter 2 - A Long-Awaited Return; FireStones Vengence Surprises Collusion

Chapter 2 - A Long-Awaited Return; FireStones Vengence Surprises Collusion

FireStone looks on from the Knights Keep, surveying the surrounding area. He looks down for a moment, remonising on those horrid days.

"BiFrost, what have you done?!", exclaims a young FireStone.

King RanGuard opens a portal to the Terror Kingdom, sending his youngest son through. "You are no longer a part of this Kingdom! Nor are you my son! You will spend the rest of your days in exile!"

FireStones little sister, Bella, runs up to their brother. "Big brother!"

"Bella, wait!"

BiFrost forcfully grabs Bella, evilly laughing as he brings her into the Terror Kingdom.

"Bella!", exclaims FireStone.

Years pass, and BiFrost, who is now Collusion, returns with a corrupted army of Pokémon. "Oh, mother! Oh, father! Your pride and joy has returned!"

FireStone and Collusion do battle, but Collusion begins to win.

"Your life is forfeit, brother!" He roars as he charges at a beaten FireStone.

King RanGuard and Queen Amber step in between FireStone and Collusion, sacrificing themselves to save their oldest son.

FireStones fury overwhelms him, so he roars at the top of his lungs while fire spews from the ground! It kills the Corrupted Pokémon, and severly burns Collusion.

Collusion, while seeing his brother in a frenzy, limps back into the Terror Portal, closing it.

Now, back in the present time, FireStone punches a brick that he has punched many times before. "*Damn you, BiFrost! You have disgraced our family name and our Kingdom! You have forced our sister into harms way...! You have killed our parents...!*" He roars again, allowing a plume of fire to raise through the roof of the Knights Keep.

"There he goes again.", says one of the villagers. "Must he always make himself angry at Collusion? The bastard is not even here."

"Give him time, Beatrice.", replies another villager. "It has been 2 weeks since the death of RanGuard and Amber. He is only doing what comes naturally."

"That is not mourning. That is not knowing how to differenciate between pain and anger."

"King FireStone is still young. He does not know how to properly cope with loss, quite yet."

Beatrice heavily sighs. "I suppose you're right, Kilick. But, he must learn to surpress those feelings until it is time."

"FireStone is much too powerful for his own good, yes. Our Ancestors will know what to do."

"The Ancestors have not been with us since the Dawning War. Where were they when RanGuard and Amber were murdered? Where were they when Bella was kidnapped?!"

"You forget your place, Beatrice. Must I remind you that you are, currently, nothing more than a squire to me?"

Beatrice heavily sighs. "No, sir."

"Good. Now, go start your watch, soldier. Razor is about to end his shift. I shall go check on King FireStone."

Beatrice nods, moving out to her post.

FireStone sees Kilick coming into the castle grounds. He leaves the Knights Keep and travels down to the main floor. He sees Kilick walking up to him. "What's the report, General?"

"Nothing as of yet, your highness. There are many who suspect that Collusion is near the Village of Blessings."

The two walk together, going in the direction FireStone was walking.

"The Priest Village? Why would BiFrost go there? Their prayers are more powerful than BiFrosts powers."

"They have reasonable suspicions, m'lord. The Priests know about their prayers, which allows them to be the perfect target for an unwitting ambush."

FireStone grabs his chin, contemplating a strategy.


"Continue the normal guarding duties. We don't need to cause a stir or a panic within the communities. Even if my brother is there, the Village militia should be able to take on an injured BiFrost."

Collusion lightly lands on a branch, watching the Priest Village. He breaths heavily, looking at the many guards patrolling the area. "*Hmmm... This seems troublesome for most. But most are not me.*" He evilly smiles, baring his teeth.

Collusion disappears into the darkness of the Village, leading away from the Knights. He sneaks his way into the Priests Temple, still in the darkness. He looks at the alter, seeing golden statues of four heroes. "*Heh. The Heroes of Lankurt... Luc, Roark, Ycan, and Elph. Legendary warriors of old... Dead warriors that need no more prayers.*" He sprints forward, making sure to look out for Knights.

Two Knights walk by, talking to each other.

Collusion stands in place, closing his eyes. Once he hears the voices die down, he reopens them and slowly makes his way to the statues. "*Warriors that need to be prayed to? I now see why Lord Fang despised them so. Luc and Elph were smug. Roark and Ycan were unruly.

"*Stealing from the Ultimate Trove will be much too easy.*" He places his hand on the drawers, unwittingly triggering a silent alarm.

Two Knights converse amongst each other, seeing the red light blaring in their office.

One of the Knights spits her drink, while the other looks at his half of the monitors. The two grab their guns, running to the Temple and calling for back-up.

Collusion sees the objects he was looking for, seeing them glow brightly. "*Well, well, well. Look-ee here.*" He grabs a Shadow Scythe, instantly corrupting it into his liking. "*My, my. If Roark were alive, he may try to destroy me. But, with the powers I have at my disposal, that wouldn't be possible.*"

"Collusion!", exclaims one of the Knights, pointing his gun at Collusion. "Put Sir Roarks Scythe down, now! We will not hesitate to-!"

Collusion quickly and blindingly disposes of the two Knights with the Scythe. He chuckles to himself, bringing the Shadow Scythe closer to his face. "*This, alone, will work very well.*"

More Knights run to Collusion, readying their weapons.

"Ah. My brothers Knights will come in handy..." He roars, running at the Knights.

FireStone and General Kilick look around the Village, seeing many of the Priests necks sliced or heads severed.

"Collusion, no doubt...", growls General Kilick.

"Indeed, my friend.", replies FireStone, looking at the severed head of a Knight. "BiFrost... What have you done...?"

"M'lord! The Sacred Weapons of Lankurt!"

FireStone sets the head down, looking within the drawer. "Roarks Shadow Scythe. Damn it."

"Why would Collusion only take the Scythe, m'lord? Why not take the other weapons?"

"Because BiFrost jumps more into the moment than truly thinking of the consequences." FireStone slowly brings his hand to Lucs Bone Rush Swords.

General Kilick quickly grabs FireStones arm. "M'lord, surely you are not truly contemplating-!"

"Stand down, Kilick."


"I said, 'Stand down!'" A small plume of fire jumps from behind FireStone.

Kilick lets go of FireStones arm, letting him grab the Bone Rush Swords.

Upon touching the Bone Rush Swords, FireStone is shown many visions at once, pertaining to the usage of the Lucs Swords. In doing so, the Bone Rush Swords transforms into real swords with real blades and handles.

FireStone also grabs for Elphs Wand, also having it transform into a pistol. "Hm. These weapons seem to respond upon touch."

"Shall I get you some sheaths, m'lord?", asks General Kilick.

"Yes, General. I will need three sheaths. Two swords sheath and one gun sheath."

"Right away, sire!" He runs off on all fours, telling his men to help find some sheaths.

FireStone sits upon a nearby seat, placing the weapons on the ground. He intertwines his fingers and bows his head. "Ancestors, head my call. My brother, BiFrost, has stolen Roarks Shadow Scythe. Please forgive him, Ancestors. He his not his normal self, as you know. He is corrupted. I ask of you, please send help upon the matter. I need assistance."

"Assistance will be the last thing you need, dear brother.", replies Collusion, coming out of the shadows.

"BiFrost!" He grabs the gun, pointing it at Collusions head.

Collusion raises his hands. "Ah-ah. I come in peace. I do not have Roarks Shadow Scythe with me."

"Why should I listen to anything you have to say?!"

Collusion slowly moves his hand to his back. "If I were lying, my nose would be twitching."

FireStone grunts. "Of course... It is the only way for me to know whether you're lying." He places the gun to his side. "Why are you here, brother? Where is Bella?"

"Our sister is, indeed, safe. Don't you worry about that. What you should worry about is the power I've gained after gaining this." He swings the Corruption Scythe in front of himself.

FireStone gasps. "What have you done to Roarks Shadow Scyhte?!"

"Oh, you mean this? Well, upon touching the Shadow Scythe, my powers of Corruption... 'Changed' it to my liking."

"You bastard!"

"No, you're the bastard! You're the one that never vouched for my release! You're the one who had forgotten all about me! You're the one who killed our parents!"

FireStone begins to have heat waves around his body. "What did you say...?"

"You heard me, loud and clear, FireStone! Our parents are dead because of you! Our parents sacrificied themselves for you! For you, and for you alone! I did not kill mother and father! It was you..."

FireStone roars loudly, producing large fire plumes around him as his form changes. His mane grows larger and longer becoming fully black. His height is larger to match his power. His tail longer to counter his new weight. His eyes are now fully white.

FireStone now glares at Collusion, growling at him. He roars loudly, tackling his brother through the wall.

Collusion lands harshly, flipping back to his feet and stopping his momentum with the blade of the Scythe. He looks up at FireStone, seeing what has transpired. "My, my, my. Big brother! I must say, you have let your temper get the best of you. What you fail to realize is that I, too, have gained another form!"

Collusion begins his transformation. The ground begins to shake, making FireStone mildly unbalanced. His height is longer, his teeth are now razors, his claws are now blades, and he supernaturally gains a suit of armor, protecting his back, knees, and eyes. The armor spreads, turning into wings. "Now, you will see what true strength is, FireStone!"

FireStone growls, speeding at Collusion and clotheslining him.

Collusion lawn chairs from the strike, landing on his back. He groans, seeing FireStone in sky above of him. He gasps, dodging the deadly blow at the last second. He gets to his feet, parrying FireStones claw with his Scythe.

"Fire Punch!", exclaims FireStone.

"Oh, shit."

FireStone lets loose a nasty, fiery punch that sends Collusion through the other side of the Temple and three other buildings. He continues running at Collusion, grabbing the Swords and Gun.

Collusion groans as he gets up, seeing FireStone charging at him. "*His strength... He's gotten much stronger since last we met. Heh. Now, it's a challenge!*" He swings the Scythe, meeting FireStones Swords and creating and large explosion of wind that blasts both Pokémon away from each other.

FireStone lands in the debris of the Temple, going back to his normal form.

All the while Collusion is sent flying into the mountain side, crashing into some trees. This also takes him out of his form.

"King FireStone!", exclaims Kilick, checking on his old friend. "FireStone, are you alright?"

FireStone groans as he barely looks up at Kilick. He faints, making his head fall to the side.

"We need medics here, now!"

Collusion sits up, grabbing his head and shaking it afterward. He groans. "*FireStone... I am quite surprised, dear brother. You've grown stronger since last we fought.*"

He looks at the Scythe. "*It appears touching the Sacred Weapons made us both turn into menacing creatures. Grabbing the Scythe was a good choice. Lord Fang will be pleased to see this.*" He gets up, grabbing the Scythe and walking off into the night.

Medics carry FireStone into an ambulance, taking him back to the Kingdom to be healed.

Kilick hands the medics the Swords and Gun that now belong to FireStone. "Make sure no one takes these weapons. They now belong to FireStone. These once belonged to Luc and Elph. Make sure they are safe and sheathed to his liking."

"Yes, General.", replies one of the medics. "We'll make sure of this."

*FireStone's POV*

"*Huh? Where am I? What the hell happened?*"

"FireStone...", calls out several voices.

"Huh?!" I grabs my Swords. "Who goes there?! Show yourself!"

"Do not worry yourself, m'lord... We are only here to help.", replies one of the shadowed entities.

"Help with what?! What do you have to offer me?"

"The ability to heal...", replies another.

"Heal? The Corrupted?"

"Yes. We were once considered the strongest of Lankurt because of our combined strength to send Lord Fang to the Terror Kingdom."

"Who the hell is Lord Fang?"

"He is the one that truly aloud your brother, BiFrost, to use the powers of Corruption to turn everyone into zombies.", replies the main entity.

I replace my Swords. "What about the stone that gave BiFrost those powers?"

"It is very rare that someone finds the Corruption Stone. What BiFrost found was once part of Lord Fangs armor."

"We are asking you to use these powers with responsability.", adds the first entity. "We are asking for you to bring back all the Corrupted people of Lankurt back to their normal selves. You are the only one who we can entrust these powers to."

"FireStone. You are Lankurts only hope. If need be, we will send for allies to aid you in your mission."

I remain speechless. I slowly exhales, lowering my head. "If you must entrust me with your powers..." I look back to the entities. "Then, I shall use them with respect and honor. I shall bring back all our people... Including my brother."

The entities turn into golden dust, surrounding me and lifting me into the air. The dust turns to fire and the fire turns golden, embuing themselves with my natural fire and my body.

My body changes back to the form I had earlier whilst fighting BiFrost. My body returns to normal, and I feel much more powerful than I have ever felt in my life. I test the new powers, seeing how strong and fast I have become. I whoop and hollar aloud, whirling in the air with my feet like a martail arts master!

*3rd Person POV*

FireStone awakens in the Kingdoms hospital, sitting up in the bed. He grabs the remote and calls for the nurse.