Mancer kicks in the door of his castle, walking to his throne. He makes his sword disappear, angrily punching the wall.
Mangle and Maxine run into the room, seeing Mancer seething.
"Don't ask..."
Mangle and Mancer respect his wish, not wanting to further his anger.
Mancer plops on his throne, placing three of his fingers on his forehead. "It had to be done. It just had to be done. Plain an' simple."
Mangle sits on the other throne, while Maxine sits between them.
"All those Mobians turned into mindless cyborgs. An' for what? What does Egghead have to prove to Sonic? To Shadow? To Silver? To me?!"
"He'll get what's comin' to him, boss.", replies Maxine.
"It already has."
Mangle whistles.
"Ivo Robotnik is now dead...", replies Mancer.
Xof runs back to his room, being careful not cause a disturbance. He walks in his room, seeing Katrina brush her hair and closing the door afterward.
"What's the problem, babe?", asks Katrina.
"Mancer just killed Eggman. The war's over.", replies Xof.
"Does that mean the Pokémon battles can finally end?"
"I ain't asking him that! Are you fucking serious?! You know how he is with that shit!" He walks behind Katrina grabbing the brush from her and combing the parts she can't reach. "These Pokémon battles are a way to entertain these Mobians. You know this, babe."
"I know. Ow. Don't pull too hard."
"The Mobians are much different from humans. Though, they all share the same qualities as humans, as per personalities go, the Mobians are a wonderous bunch.
"You've known Mancer for years, hon. You have some pull with him."
"The fuck I do. Zohr, Max, and Kerosene do. Well... Zohr and Kerosene."
"Hmm. It does suck to see that sort of thing. Max was so sweet when I met him. Even when he was still a Poochyena, he was always so kind to everyone."
"Unless you were to piss him off."
"Yeah. There is that."
Xof replaces the comb on the table, placing his hands on the chair.
"But, still. I'm pretty sure that you can talk to him to find out about it."
"If he finds out about that-."
"He won't. Pokémon don't show it like Mobians or humans." She places a hand on Xofs, looking up to him. "Trust me, babe. If Mancer would've known, he would try everything in his power to make sure that he's able to help raise our child."
"That's what worries me, though. He always finds out. One way or another, he finds out about this shit."
"Well... If you want, I can help 'release' your tension." She takes her other hand and rubs it up Xofs inner thigh.
Xof sensually growls. "Fuck..."
She gets up and faces him, slowly moving toward the bed.
He grabs her ass as he falls on his back.
She gasps and blushes, looking in Xofs eyes. "Take me..."
He chuckles, turning over on the bed.
Zohr and Helena are watching tv in their room, Zohrs arm wrapped around her shoulder, while Helena leans her head on his side. They both flinch as they hear Katrina moaning.
"Damn it...", groans Zohr.
Helena says something in French that can't be said aloud.
"Almost every time we start watching something we both like, they end up fucking around."
"Literally. Is there any way we can thicken the walls?"
"I'm not sure, hon. I've lived here for years and I still haven't found anything that can muffle the sound from their room."
All of a sudden the moaning deadens, allowing Zohr and Helena to hear themselves think.
"Thank God."
"Maybe that is way to deaden their sex.", replies Helena.
Zohr raises his brows, leaning back in their sofa and face-palming himself. "Son of a bitch..."
"You live here for 17 years and you have no clue about this?"
"Mancer changes things, practically, everyday. I never have time to figure out what it is he's changed."
"Then, you ask."
"Easier said than done. Ever since Mancer killed Sy and Dran, he's been different. Same guy, just different altogether. You were brought into the family much later than most, so you don't understand what it is I'm talking about."
"I understand the frustration of not knowing what Mancer does to castle."
"I keep thinking we should move out on our own. Start our own life, instead of living with Mancer and Mangle for the rest of our lives."
"Oúi. I am sure you can ask about this."
He groans.
"What is worst he can do? The worst Mancer can do is say 'non.' Why do you hesitate on asking?"
"Because he doesn't like being disturbed unless it's an emergency."
"My God..." She grabs her temples.
"I'm serious! Okay. How many times have you tried asking about something?"
"And how many times has he directly answered you?"
"... None."
"Exact-a-mungo. My point, exactly. Mancer doesn't like being disturbed for non-emergency hours."
"Lunch and dinner, than."
"Uh-. Hm. I never thought of that."
Helena shakes her head with confidence.
Zohr brings her closer to him. "And that's why I married you. Your smarts."
"My looks, dummy."
"That, too."
A Shiny Midnight Form Lycanroc flies out a portal, hurt from the impact of the landing. She slowly gets up, hearing the Corrupted Pokémon give chase. She runs further into the woods, seeing a giant castle peak out from the openings.
She runs up to door, banging on it. "Help! Someone! Anyone! Help!"
Mancer quickly opens the door, seeing the Shiny Midnight Form Lycanroc. "Oh. Who're you?" He hears something in the distance before the Lycanroc can answer. He sees the many Pokémon running at his castle. "Ah, shit. Get inside, young one."
The Lycanroc nods, running behind Mancer.
"Xof, Zohr, Katrina, Helena! Out here, now!"
The four Pokémon run out to just outside the castle.
Xof whistles, while Zohr smooths his mane back.
"You expect us to take on that?", asks Katrina, pointing and nodding to the Corrupted Pokémon.
"Last I checked, Mancer let Pokémon deal with Pokémon.", replies Helena. "No complaints, Katrina." She waves her head a certain way, making her mane move to the other side. "We must protect Mobians from harm."
"Heart of a true warrior.", replies Xof, readying himself. "Ready to do this, bro?"
Zohr also readies himself. "Always."
Katrina points her Wand at the Corrupted Pokémon.
The Corrupted Pokémon continue rushing the castle. The first to show themselves are the foot-soldiers in Guzzrocks and Dark Hounds. Then, comes the evasive Corrupteds in Zuters and Banechomps. Finally, it's the grunts in Mega Krookadiles and Wereserker.
Mancer scoffs, pointing at the Corrupted Pokémon. "Show 'em who runs this block."
Mancers Pokémon meet head-on with the Corrupteds.
Xof is able to swiftly dodge, dip, duck, dive, and dodge his way out of true harm, killing off the BaneChomps and the majority of GuzzRocks. "Ha! That was too fucking easy!"
Zohr took the brunt of the damage, killing the majority of Krookadiles and WereSerkers. "Damn... That was harder than I thought..."
Katrina took mild damage, killing the BaneChomps and Zuters. "And I thought Eggmans Badniks were tough."
Helena also took mild damage, killing off the rest of the Krookadiles, WereSerkers, and GuzzRocks. "Ha! Hook, line, sinker!"
Mancer throws his team some Sitrus Berries, earning a job well done. "Nice job, y'all. Sitrus Berries for those dat did awesome work."
Xof gives his Sitrus Berries to Zohr. "You're gonna need these more than me, big bro."
Zohr happily accepts the Sitrus Berries. "Thanks, Xof." He shakily hugs his brother.
Xof wraps his arm around Zohr, patting his back. He also brings Zohrs arm over his own shoulder, helping him back to the castle.
The unknown Lycanroc looks at the other Pokémon in awe, seeing how much of a cohesive unit they truly are. "*Wow...*"
Maxine walks up to the unknown Lycanroc. "Hi, there! I'm Maxine Angel. What's your name?"
The Lycanroc jumps in fear, hiding on the other side of Mancer. Her voice becomes soft. "Bella..."
"What was that, sweetie?"
Her voice doesn't change tone. "I said, 'Bella...'"
"Can you speak up, dear? I can barely hear you."
"Maxine, leave her alone!", replies Zohr, groaning and grabbing at his side. "She's obviously not comfortable around you!"
"Jeez, so-orry." She begins to walk back to Mangle. "I'm just trying to make conversation, asshat."
Xof rests Zohr on the castle door. "You seriously need a Full Restore, bud. You're way off your rocker."
Katrina tries her hand to try and befriend the Lycanroc. "Oh, how cute! Aren't you just the sweetest thing?"
The Lycanroc bashfully chuckles, hiding against Mancers leg.
"What's your name, sweetie?"
The Lycanroc barely shows herself. "Bella."
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Bella. My name is Katrina. The Lucario is my mate. His name is Xof."
Xof barely acknowledges Bella. "Not now, babe."
"The Zoroark is his brother. His name is Zohr."
Zohr barely gets out a wave to Bella.
"And this one is my sister-in-law and Zohrs mate. Her name is Helena."
"Bonjóur.", says Helena to Bella.
"Bonjóur.", bashfully replies Bella.
Helena lightly chuckles. "How cute."
"You know, Helena. Bella almost looks like you.", replies Katrina.
"Duwat?", asks Xof, looking at Helena, then to Bella. "You've gotta be shittin' me... That could actually be Zohr and Helenas descendant."
"Shut up, Xof.", replies Zohr. "Just because Bella looks like Helena, doesn't mean she's my future granddaughter."
"My great, great, great, great grandfathers name is Roark.", replies Bella. "His mates name was Ycan. I've always heard stories about their love, growing up."
"Heh. I bet.", replies Mancer. "So, where ya from, Bella?"
"I'm from the planet, Lankurt."
"Isn't that part of the Horsehead Nebula?", asks Mangle, walking up to him.
"Yea'. The solar system's brand spankin' new. There shouldn't be any sort of life on dat planet. Hell, the sun's still a baby."
"Our sun may be blue, but it shines brightly during the day, making the morrows feel majestic.", replies Bella.
"So, what were those things that were chasing you?", asks Xof. "Those weren't any Pokémon I've ever seen."
"There was some Mega Krookadile.", replies Katrina.
"Yeah. Key word on 'was.'"
"On Lankurt, we call them Corrupteds.", replies Bella, now standing in front of Katrina. "They're all different forms of creatures that have died or been captured by Lord Fang and BiFrost. The Krookadiles are some of the rare Corrupteds that aren't combined with another creature."
"Pokémon, dear.", replies Katrina.
"What's a Pokémon?"
"What?", asks everyone around her.
Xof scoffs, looking to Mancer, than back to Bella. "You're not serious, are you? You're a Pokémon. You're a Shiny Midnight Form Lycanroc. Hell, basically the spitting image of Helena."
"Even so, I don't understand what Pokémon are, let alone what it means.", replies Bella.
"Pokémon short for Pocket Monster.", replies Helena.
"Monster?! Where?!" She hides under Katrinas extra fur.
Katrina holds onto Bella. "It's okay, Bella. There aren't any monsters here."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm pretty sure we just killed the monsters that Fang and BiFrost sent.", replies Xof.
"Lord Fang and BiFrost have a much larger army than what you all saw. The two can just keep making these monsters at will."
"Sounds like nothin' I can't handle.", replies Mancer.
"What does Lord Fang and BiFrost look like?", asks Zohr.
Bella points to Helena. "Somewhat like her."
"So... Midnight Form Lycanrocs...", replies a frustrated Mancer. "Shame. Was really hopin' to take on some idiots. But, it looks like this is more of a Pokémon matter, so... I'll let y'all do what you do best."
"Kick ass and chew bubblegum.", replies Xof.
"And I'm all out of bubblegum.", replies Helena.
Zohr finishes the last of his Sitrus Berries. "So, where's the portal you came in from?"
Bella hops on Katrinas shoulders. "It's through those woods, over there."
Zohr looks the way Bella is pointing. "Alright. Let's go."
"Wait. Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah.", replies Xof. "We don't even know what Lankurts layout is. We don't know where to go."
"I do.", replies Bella. "It may be the portal to the Terror Kingdom, but if we can find a way back to Lankurt, we can probably find my oldest brother, FireStone."
"Let me guess...", replies Helena. "FireStone and BiFrost look like me?"
"Different colors, but yeah."
Mancer grabs onto Zohrs shoulder. "If you are to go, make sure to take care o' the fam, a'ight?"
"You know me, Mancer.", replies Zohr. "I always make sure that everyone's in check. Especially one family member..." He looks at Xof.
"You know I don't keep my mouth shut.", replies Xof.
"Even so, be careful.", reassures Mangle. "This sounds like a time constraint detail. Be sure to not die... Something's telling me that if you are to die, something huge will change."
"We'll be careful, mom.", replies Katrina. "We promise."
"You ain't comin'.", replies Xof.
"The hell I'm not." She still holds onto Bella as she stands. "You and Zohr are gonna need Helena and I."
"She might be right, bro.", adds Zohr.
Xof groans. "Fine... You can come, babe."
"Thank you.", replies Katrina.
Bella hops from Katrinas arms into Zohrs mane, hiding in it. She pops her head out, looking at the others. "We have to hurry. That portal doesn't have much life left."
"Just like say. The sooner, the better.", adds Helena.
"Just like 'they' say.", replies Katrina.
Helena playfully sticks her tongue out at Katrina.
Xof walks up to Bella. "Lead the way."
"Just head to the direction I pointed to earlier.", replies Bella.
"You might wanna hang on to something.", replies Zohr, turning in that direction with the others. "It's gonna be a bumpy ride."
The four Pokémon ready themselves to run. The four finally take off, running to the portal at full speed.
Mancer scoffs. "They only wish they could be as fast as me."
"Everyone does, babe.", replies Mangle. "Everyone does."
Zohr, Xof, Helena, Katrina, and Bella make it through the portal just before it closes, slowing down so Bella can take point.