After creating the bulldozers, crane trucks, and excavators he also created some smaller tools and other things that helped operate these. Erik was almost ready to start the wall all he needed now was for Oil too be refined into gasoline and a power station to charge the small tools.
Erik also wanted to created a truck that would charge the tools and machines on the go, so nothing would lose charge and force the workers to have to come back to the Main Building to get spare batteries.
Erik now headed over to the new Chemical Industry he had established around a month ago by going to the Medical Industry that Sigurd ran and asked him to choose one of his most promising apprentices and around 500 newer ones to create a new industry called the Chemical Industry. This industry would solely focus on the mixing, disposal and handling of Chemicals. The first task he had assigned was the creation of gas.
He didn't just leave them on their own of course he showed them the process of converting oil from the mine into gasoline. Now was the time to reap the rewards of his teachings. As he walked in they all greeted him and he greeted them back.
Tom the head Industry wasn't originally from the Phoenix Clan but was a slave that was rescued and appointed to the Medical Industry who quickly became one of Sigurd's top apprentices.
"Greeting Your Maj- I mean Erik."
"How are you doing today Tom and good job catching yourself."
They both laughed since Tom was a Saxon who was a apothecary for his previous kingdom Brious and had a reputation so great even royals visited him. So he was used to saying "Your Majesty" when in the presence of royalty.
"I am doing fine and would like to announce that we have now produced several barrels of Gasoline thanks to the simple method you taught us."
"That is excellent Tom I would like you to deliver several of those barrels to the Building Industry and don't worry about future deliveries because in a few months you will be able to deliver these items in 10 minutes."
"How? Its a 2 hour trip by carriage how would it be that greatly reduced."
"Its a secret" Erik then winked at Tom.
Tom was now taken aback but then he pleaded that Erik told him but all Erik said that it would blow him away.
While the Phoenix Empire was prospering others weren't doing so well.
//Somewhere at Sea//
The Jarl of the Wolf Bjorn hadn't been to bothered by the seas until this storm appeared out of nowhere now he had to dock at a nearby deserted island with his clan. They decided to pull their longboats on shore and wait out the storm but something insane happened one of his men was abducted by a group of wild predatory animals.
Now he was tired from the three days they had been there. He was only getting a small amount of sleep while watching and standing guard against these animals. Looking out at the sea he could tell that the storm would last another week at least.
In this world it was really other people that you worried about at sea or even animals it was the sea storms these storms created waterspouts that shot out electricity and brought the Reavers. The Reavers were these flying beast with fangs that devoured flesh, wood and food.
Bjorn knew he made the right choice pulling into land but couldn't feel uneasy thinking about this boy from the Phoenix Clan and the calamity that he might bring to the Wolf Clan. He hoped to pledge to this young Jarl and incorporate the entire Wolf Clan into the Phoenix.
Once he had heard that the Milkman died to a child who had also slain a Beargator at the age of three had to mean only one thing that this child was sent by the gods.
Now that a week had passed it was time to continue their journey towards the Phoenix Clan. They still had a year and two months left to until they reached the Phoenix Clan then he would request a audience with a Jarl which should be accepted since they were both Jarls.
All the while whilst Bjorn was planning his meeting with Erik he did not know that Erik had changed the Phoenix Clan into a empire and had become a king instead of a Jarl. Even with messengers in this time they still took months to gain this info. Now that Bjorn was at sea he would not receive any messages until he returned to his homeland of Thorfall also know as the Wolves Resting Grounds.
//Bear Clan Homeland//
A group of people are gathered in the Longhouse of the Bear clan for they had just received urgent news from their scouts around the Wolf Clan. The Jarl of the Wolf Clan Grudil a brave and intelligent woman was now in a meeting with her most trusted Clansmen.
This news was that was gathered was that Erling the Great was slain by The Milkman and in turn Erik son of Erling had Slain Eir in for Revenge. Everyone in the Three Great Clans knew of the Milkman's strength and now there was a child who bested him. The other information was that Bjorn had set out for the Phoenix Clan to reason with this young Jarl as to not destroy the Wolf Clan.
All of her most trusted Clansmen were saying they should attack the Wolf Clan and take over their land but Grudil said that they should wait and watch what happens.
She would send scouts towards the Phoenix Clan and observe the meeting since she thought that this young Jarl was only strong and had no information on his brilliance, so in her mind she thought he was only a powerhouse.
With the decision made she told her men to prepare scouts to head over towards the Phoenix Clan at once and so the race towards the Phoenix was on between the Wolf and Bear.